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OpenAI C++ is a community-maintained library for the Open AI API

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OpenAI C++ is a community-maintained library for the Open AI API




# OpenAI C++ library

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## A lightweight header only modern C++ library

OpenAI-C++ library is a **community-maintained** library which provides convenient access to the [OpenAI API]( from applications written in the C++ language.
The library is small with two header files (only one if you already use Nlohmann Json).

## Requirements

No special requirement. You should already have these :

+ C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20 compatible compiler
+ [libcurl]( (check [Install curl]( to make sure you have the development package)

## OpenAI C++ current implementation

The library should implement all requests on [OpenAI references]( If any are missing (due to an update), feel free to open an issue.

| API reference | Method | Example file |
| --- | --- | --- |
| API models | [List models]( ✅ | [1-model.cpp](examples/01-model.cpp) |
| API models | [Retrieve model]( ✅ | [1-model.cpp](examples/01-model.cpp) |
| API completions | [Create completion]( ✅ | [2-completion.cpp](examples/02-completion.cpp) |
| API edits | [Create completion]( | [3-edit.cpp](examples/03-edit.cpp) |
| API images | [Create image]( ✅ | [4-image.cpp](examples/04-image.cpp) |
| API images | [Create image edit]( ✅ | [4-image.cpp](examples/04-image.cpp) |
| API images | [Create image variation]( ✅ | [4-image.cpp](examples/04-image.cpp) |
| API embeddings | [Create embeddings]( ✅ | [5-embedding.cpp](examples/05-embedding.cpp) |
| API files | [List file]( ✅ | [6-file.cpp](examples/06-file.cpp) |
| API files | [Upload file]( ✅ | [6-file.cpp](examples/06-file.cpp) |
| API files | [Delete file]( ✅ | [6-file.cpp](examples/06-file.cpp) |
| API files | [Retrieve file]( ✅ | [6-file.cpp](examples/06-file.cpp) |
| API files | [Retrieve file content]( ✅ | [6-file.cpp](examples/06-file.cpp) |
| API fine-tunes | [Create fine-tune]( ✅ | [7-fine-tune.cpp](examples/07-fine-tune.cpp) |
| API fine-tunes | [List fine-tune]( ✅ | [7-fine-tune.cpp](examples/07-fine-tune.cpp) |
| API fine-tunes | [Retrieve fine-tune]( ✅ | [7-fine-tune.cpp](examples/07-fine-tune.cpp) |
| API fine-tunes | [Cancel fine-tune]( ✅ | [7-fine-tune.cpp](examples/07-fine-tune.cpp) |
| API fine-tunes | [List fine-tune events]( ✅ | [7-fine-tune.cpp](examples/07-fine-tune.cpp) |
| API fine-tunes | [Delete fine-tune model]( ✅ | [7-fine-tune.cpp](examples/07-fine-tune.cpp) |
| API chat | [Create chat completion]( ✅ | [10-chat.cpp](examples/10-chat.cpp) |
| API audio | [Create transcription]( ✅ | [11-audio.cpp](examples/11-audio.cpp) |
| API audio | [Create translation]( ✅ | [11-audio.cpp](examples/11-audio.cpp) |
| API moderation | [Create moderation]( ✅ | [12-moderation.cpp](examples/11-moderation.cpp) |

## Installation

The library consists of two files: [include/openai/openai.hpp]( and [include/openai/nlohmann/json.hpp](
Just copy the [include/openaicpp]( folder in your project and you can use `#include "openai.hpp"` in your code. That is all.

> Note: **OpenAI-CPP** uses [Nlohmann Json]( which is available in `include/json.hpp`. Feel free to use your own copy for faster compile time build.

## Usage

### Simple showcase

The library needs to be configured with your account's secret key which is available on the [website]( It is recommended to set your `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable before using the library (or you can also set the API key directly in the code):

export OPENAI_API_KEY='sk-...'

The following code is available at [examples/00-showcase.cpp](examples/00-showcase.cpp).

#include "openai.hpp"

int main() {
openai::start(); // Will use the api key provided by `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable
// openai::start("your_API_key", "optional_organization"); // Or you can handle it yourself

auto completion = openai::completion().create(R"({
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": "Say this is a test",
"max_tokens": 7,
"temperature": 0
})"_json); // Using user-defined (raw) string literals
std::cout << "Response is:\n" << completion.dump(2) << '\n';

auto image = openai::image().create({
{ "prompt", "A cute koala playing the violin"},
{ "n", 1 },
{ "size", "512x512" }
}); // Using initializer lists
std::cout << "Image URL is: " << image["data"][0]["url"] << '\n';

The output received looks like:

>> request: {"max_tokens":7,"model":"text-davinci-003","prompt":"Say this is a test","temperature":0}
Response is:
"choices": [
"finish_reason": "length",
"index": 0,
"logprobs": null,
"text": "\n\nThis is indeed a test"
"created": 1674121840,
"id": "cmpl-6aLr6jPhtxpLyu9rNsJFKDHU3SHpe",
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"object": "text_completion",
"usage": {
"completion_tokens": 7,
"prompt_tokens": 5,
"total_tokens": 12
>> request: {"n":1,"prompt":"A cute koala playing the violin","size":"512x512"}
Image URL is: ""

![OpenAI-CPP attachments](doc/koala_violin.png?raw=true "OpenAI-CPP attachments")

Since `Openai::Json` is a typedef to a [nlohmann::json](, you get all the features provided by the latter one (conversions, STL like access, ...).

### Build the examples

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

In your project, if you want to get verbose output like when running the examples, you can define `#define OPENAI_VERBOSE_OUTPUT`.

### Advanced usage

#### A word about error handling

By default, **OpenAI-CPP** will throw a runtime error exception if the curl request does not succeed. You are free to handle these exceptions the way you like.
You can prevent throw exceptions by setting `setThrowException(false)` (see example in [examples/09-instances.cpp](examples/09-instances.cpp)). If you do that, a warning will be displayed instead.

### More control

You can use the `openai::post()` or `openai::get()` methods to fully control what you are sending (e.g. can be useful when a new method from OpenAI API is available and not provided by `OpenAI-CPP` yet).

#### Manage OpenAI-CPP instance

Here are two approaches to keep alive the **OpenAI-CPP** session in your program so you can use it anytime, anywhere.

##### Use the default instance()

This is the default behavior. **OpenAI-CPP** provides free convenient functions : `openai::start(const std::string& token)` and `openai::instance()`.
Initialize and configure the **OpenAI-CPP** instance with:

auto& openai = openai::start();

When you are in another scope and you have lost the `openai` reference, you can grab it again with :

auto& openai = openai::instance();

It might not be the recommended way but since we generally want to handle only one OpenAI instance (one token), this approach is highly convenient.

##### Pass by reference if you want to manage multiple secret keys

An other approach is to pass the *OpenAI* instance by reference, store it, and call the appropriate methods when needed.

void bar(openai::OpenAI& openai) {
{"model", "text-davinci-003"},
{"prompt", "Say bar() function called"}

int main() {
openai::OpenAI openai_instance{"your_api_key"};

You can use a [std::reference_wrapper]( as shown in [examples/09-instances.cpp](examples/09-instances.cpp).

This strategy is useful if you have to manage several OpenAI-CPP instances with different secret keys.

## Troubleshooting

### Libcurl with Windows

> Note: If you are using [WSL]( then you are not concerned by the following.

According to [Install Curl on Windows](,
> Windows 10 comes with the curl tool bundled with the operating system since version 1804

However, you still might have difficulties handling libcurl where CMake throws `Could NOT find CURL (missing: CURL_LIBRARY CURL_INCLUDE_DIR)`.
You can try to follow one the 2 ways proposed by the the Curl [Install Curl on Windows](

Another way to solve this is to grab the curl version for Windows [here](, copy the content of `include`
in appropriate folders available visible in your PATH (e.g. if in your Git installation `[...]/Git/mingw64/include/`).
You also need to grab the `curl.lib` and the `libcurl.dll` files from [here]( and copy them in appropriate folders (e.g. if in your Git installation `[...]/Git/mingw64/lib/`).

mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target 00-showcase # For a specific target

Or if you prefer using GNU GCC on Windows

cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ ..

## License


## Acknowledgment

This work has been mainly inspired by [slacking]( and the curl wrapper code from [cpr](

## Sponsor