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Use your own AI models on the web

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Use your own AI models on the web




# Window: use your own AI models on the web


Window AI is a browser extension that lets you configure AI models in one place and use them on the web.

- **For developers**: easily make multi-model apps free from API costs and limits - just use the injected `` library. Leverage decentralized AI.

- **For users**: control the AI you use on the web, whether it's external (like OpenAI), proxied, or local, to protect privacy.

- **For model providers**: plug into an ecosystem of users without requiring developers to change their apps.

More about why this was made [here](

Below, you'll find out [how to install](#-installation), [how to find apps](#-find-apps), [how to make apps](#-docs), and [how to connect custom models](#-local-model-setup).

### đŸ“ē Demo

### ℹī¸ Contents

- [Window: use your own AI models on the web](#window-use-your-own-ai-models-on-the-web)
- [đŸ“ē Demo](#-demo)
- [ℹī¸ Contents](#ℹī¸-contents)
- [⭐ī¸ Main features](#ī¸-main-features)
- [⚙ī¸ How it works](#ī¸-how-it-works)
- [đŸ“Ĩ Installation](#-installation)
- [Browser support](#browser-support)
- [Beta builds](#beta-builds)
- [👀 Find apps](#-find-apps)
- [📄 Docs](#-docs)
- [Why should I build with this?](#why-should-i-build-with-this)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [CompletionOptions](#completionoptions)
- [ThreeDOptions](#threedoptions)
- [Model ID Standard](#model-id-standard)
- [Error codes](#error-codes)
- [Community tools](#community-tools)
- [🧠 Local model setup](#-local-model-setup)
- [Server API Spec](#server-api-spec)
- [Demo comparing Alpaca with GPT-4](#demo-comparing-alpaca-with-gpt-4)
- [🤝 Contributing](#-contributing)

## ⭐ī¸ Main features

- **Configure keys**: set all your API keys in one place and forget about them. They are _only_ stored locally.

- **User-controlled models**: use external, proxied, and local models of your choice.

- **Save your prompt history** across apps (maybe train your own models with it).

## ⚙ī¸ How it works

1. You configure your keys and models just once in the extension (see [demo](#đŸ“ē-demo) above).

2. Apps can request permission to send prompts to your chosen model via the injected `` library (see the simple [docs](#📄-docs)).

3. You maintain visibility on what's being asked and when.

It works with these models:

- OpenAI's [GPT-3.5, GPT-3.5 16k, GPT-4, and GPT-4 32k](
- Google's [PaLM 2 Chat and Code Chat](
- Anthropic's [Claude, Claude Instant, and 100k models](
- Together's [GPT NeoXT 20B](
- Cohere [Xlarge](
- Open models, like MPT or Dolly, that can run locally (see [how](#🧠-local-model-setup)).

## đŸ“Ĩ Installation

Download the Chrome extension here:

### Browser support

✅ [Chrome](
✅ [Brave](
✏ī¸ Microsoft Edge
✏ī¸ Firefox
✏ī¸ Safari:

### Beta builds

You can join the [#beta-builds channel on Discord]( to get early access to features being tested and developed by the community.

## 👀 Find apps

Better ways of doing this are coming soon, but today, you can use the [Discord #app-showcase channel]( to discover new ``-compatible apps, or you can browse user-submitted ones on aggregators:

- [Skylight](

## 📄 Docs

This section shows why and how to get started, followed by a reference of `` methods.

### Why should I build with this?

**Infrastructure burden**: No more model API costs, timeouts, rate limiting. Reduced server billing time.

**Easily go multi-model**. Integrate once, and then let Window handle model upgrades and support for other providers.

**Privacy**: Now you can build privacy-conscious apps that just talk to the user's choice of model, and you have less liability for the model's output.

### Getting started

To leverage user-managed models in your app, simply call `await` with your prompt and options.


const [ response ] : Output[] = await
{ messages: [{role: "user", content: "Who are you?"}] }: Input

console.log(response.message.content) // "I am an AI language model"

All public types, including error messages, are available with comments in the [ library](/packages/lib/src/index.ts). Jump down to `export interface WindowAI` to see the type of the root object.

`Input`, for example, allows you to use both simple strings and [ChatML](

Example of streaming GPT-4 results to the console:

const [{ message }] = await
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Who are you?" }]
temperature: 0.7,
maxTokens: 800,
model: ModelID.GPT_4,
// Handle partial results if they can be streamed in
onStreamResult: (res) => console.log(res.message.content)
console.log("Full ChatML response: ", message)

Note that `generateText` will return an array, `Output[]`, that only has multiple elements if `numOutputs > 1`.

This **does not guarantee that the length of the return result will equal `numOutputs`**. If the model doesn't support multiple choices, then only one choice will be present in the array.

The `onStreamResult` handler is similar. You should rely on the promise resolution and only use this
handler to improve UX, since not all models and config options support it.

### Examples

- [Next.js Window AI]( - A Next.js app that demonstrates how to use Window AI in a chat application. ([Demo](
- [Robot Companion]( - An AI robot that can move, emote, and change facial expressions while chatting. ([Demo](

### Functions

The Window API is simple. Just a few functions:

**Generate Text**: generate text from a specified model or the user-preferred model.

input: Input,
options: CompletionOptions = {}
): Promise

`Input` is either a `{ prompt : string }` or `{ messages: ChatMessage[]}`. Examples: see [getting started](#🧑‍đŸ’ģ-getting-started) above.

**Current model**: get the user's currently preferred model. Will be undefined if their chosen model provider doesn't have a model lookup, or the model is unknown.

```ts Promise

**Listen to events**: to listen to events emitted by the extension, such as whenever the preferred model changes, here's what you do:

```ts EventType, data: unknown) => {
// You can check `event` to see if it's the EventType you care about, e.g. "model_changed"
console.log("EVENT received", event, data)

**(BETA) Generate 3D Objects**: Uses [Shap-e.](

input: PromptInput,
options?: ThreeDOptions
): Promise

The `BETA_generate3DObject` function allows you to generate 3D objects with a defined model and options. The input should be a `PromptInput` `{ prompt : string }`. The options parameter is optional and accepts `ThreeDOptions` customize the media generation request.

Here's an example request:

const [ result ] = await
{ "prompt": "a glazed donut" },
{ "numInferenceSteps": 32,});

// base64 representation of your 3D object, in ply format
const uri = result.uri;

All public types, including error messages, are documented in the [ library](/packages/lib/src/index.ts). Highlights below:

### CompletionOptions

This options dictionary allows you to specify options for the completion request.

export interface CompletionOptions {
// If specified, partial updates will be streamed to this handler as they become available,
// and only the first partial update will be returned by the Promise.
// This only works if 1) the chosen model supports streaming and
// 2) `numOutputs` below is not > 1. Otherwise, it will be ignored, and the
// whole result will be in the promise's resolution
onStreamResult?: (result: Output | null, error: string | null) => unknown

// What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will
// make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
// Different models have different defaults.
temperature?: number

// How many completion choices to generate. Defaults to 1.
numOutputs?: number

// The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion. Defaults to infinity, but the
// total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.
maxTokens?: number

// Sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
stopSequences?: string[]

// Identifier of the model to use. Defaults to the user's current model, but can be overridden here.
// Arbitrary strings are allowed, and will be passed to the Local model as `model`.
// NOTE: this standard is evolving - recommend not using this if you're making an immutable app.
model?: ModelID | string

### ThreeDOptions
This options dictionary allows you to specify options for generating a three dimensional object.

export interface ThreeDOptions{
// The number of inference steps to run. Defaults to 32, with specific default values for each model.
numInferenceSteps?: number
// How many generations to create. Defaults to 1.
numOutputs?: number
// Identifier of the model to use. Defaults to openai/shap-e for now.
model?: ModelID | string

### Model ID Standard

`ModelID` is an enum of the available models, which are available as a
TypeScript enum inside ``. See the library's [README](/packages/lib/

### Error codes

Errors emitted by the extension API:

export enum ErrorCode {
// Incorrect API key / auth
NotAuthenticated = "NOT_AUTHENTICATED",

// User denied permission to the app
PermissionDenied = "PERMISSION_DENIED",

// Happens when a permission request popup times out
RequestNotFound = "REQUEST_NOT_FOUND",

// When a request is badly formed
InvalidRequest = "INVALID_REQUEST",

// When an AI model refuses to fulfill a request. The returned error is
// prefixed by this value and includes the status code that the model API returned
ModelRejectedRequest = "MODEL_REJECTED_REQUEST"

### Community tools

Hope to eventually make an `` repo, but in the meantime:

- **đŸĒ„ [Wanda](**: React Hooks for working with ``

## 🧠 Local model setup

You can configure any local model to work with Window-compatible apps by writing a simple HTTP server.

To quickly set up a local LLM server for experimentation, you can download [](, which includes a GUI to download models and configure the streaming server:

### Server API Spec


- `ChatMessage`: `{"role": string, "content": string}`

**POST `/completions`**

Generate text to complete a prompt or list of messages.
This endpoint accepts a request body containing the following parameters:

- `prompt`: The prompt(s) to generate completions for, encoded as a `string`. OR you can use ChatML format via `messages`:
- `messages` an array of `ChatMessage`s.
- `model`: a string representing the type of model being requested. ex: `ModelID.GPT_4`
- `max_tokens`: The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.
- `temperature`: What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2.
- `stop_sequences`: A string or array of strings where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.
- `stream`: A boolean representing whether to stream generated tokens, sent as data-only server-sent events as they become available. Defaults to false.
- `num_generations`: How many choices to generate (should default to 1).

**Note:** apps like `` will ask to stream, so your local server might not work with them until you support streaming.

**Return value:**

This endpoint should return an object that looks like:

choices: Array<{ text: string }>

**POST `/model`**

Get the model that will be used for the given prompt and completion options
This endpoint accepts a request body containing the same parameters as the `/completions` endpoint above.

**Return value:**

This endpoint should return an object that looks like:

id: string

Where `id` is a string identifying the model, such as a known [ModelID](#model-id-standard).

More WIP thinking [here](

### Demo comparing Alpaca with GPT-4

[Demo context](

## 🤝 Contributing

This is a turborepo monorepo containing:

1. A [Plasmo extension]( project.
2. A web app serving [](
3. Upcoming packages to help developers (see Discord for more info).

**To run the extension and the web app in parallel:**

pnpm dev

**To build them both:**

pnpm build

After building, open your browser and load the appropriate development build by [loading an unpacked extension]( For example, if you are developing for the Chrome browser, using manifest v3, use: `build/chrome-mv3-dev`.