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React component that renders Input with debounced onChange

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React component that renders Input with debounced onChange




# react-debounce-input [![npm](](

[![Dev Dependencies](](

React component that renders an Input, Textarea or other element with debounced onChange. Can be used as drop-in replacement for `` or ``

![React Debounce Input](./example/react-debounce-input.gif)

## Live design system demo


## Simple web demo


## Codepen demo


## Installation

### NPM

npm install --save react-debounce-input

### yarn

yarn add react-debounce-input

### 1998 Script Tag:

(Module exposed as `DebounceInput`)

## Usage
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {DebounceInput} from 'react-debounce-input';

class App extends React.Component {
state = {
value: ''

render() {
return (

this.setState({value:})} />

Value: {this.state.value}


const appRoot = document.createElement('div');
ReactDOM.render(, appRoot);

## Options

### `element` : PropTypes.string or React.PropTypes.func (default: "input")

You can specify element="textarea". For Example:



Will result in



Note: when rendering a `` you may wish to set `forceNotifyByEnter = {false}` so the user can make new lines without forcing notification of the current value.

This package has only been tested with `` and `` but should work with any element which has `value` and `onChange` props.

You can also use a custom react component as the element. For Example:



Will result in



### `onChange`: PropTypes.func.isRequired

Function called when value is changed (debounced) with original event passed through

### `value`: PropTypes.string

Value of the Input box. Can be omitted, so component works as usual non-controlled input.

### `minLength`: PropTypes.number (default: 0)

Minimal length of text to start notify, if value becomes shorter then `minLength` (after removing some characters), there will be a notification with empty value `''`.

### `debounceTimeout`: PropTypes.number (default: 100)

Notification debounce timeout in ms. If set to `-1`, disables automatic notification completely. Notification will only happen by pressing `Enter` then.

### `forceNotifyByEnter`: PropTypes.bool (default: true)

Notification of current value will be sent immediately by hitting `Enter` key. Enabled by-default. Notification value follows the same rule as with debounced notification, so if Length is less, then `minLength` - empty value `''` will be sent back.

*NOTE* if `onKeyDown` callback prop was present, it will be still invoked transparently.

### `forceNotifyOnBlur`: PropTypes.bool (default: true)

Same as `forceNotifyByEnter`, but notification will be sent when focus leaves the input field.

### `inputRef`: PropTypes.func (default: undefined)

Will pass `ref={inputRef}` to generated input element. We needed to rename `ref` to `inputRef` since `ref` is a special prop in React and cannot be passed to children.

See [./example/Ref.js](./example/Ref.js) for usage example.

### Arbitrary props will be transferred to rendered ``

className="user-name" />

Will result in



## Typescript

This library has typescript typings, import them the same way as in javascript:

import {DebounceInput} from 'react-debounce-input';

Also there are helper types `DebounceTextArea` and `Debounced` to provide strict interfaces for wrapping components different from standard ``. Check usage examples in `example/typescript-example.tsx`.

*NOTE* library author is not using Typescript, so if you are using typings and found an issue, please submit a PR with fix. Thanks @iyegoroff for the initial TS support!

## Development and testing

Currently is being developed and tested with the latest stable `Node` on `OSX`.

To run example covering all `DebounceInput` features, use `yarn start`, which will compile `example/Example.js`

git clone [email protected]:nkbt/react-debounce-input.git
cd react-debounce-input
yarn install
yarn start

# then
open http://localhost:8080

## Tests

# to run ESLint check
yarn lint

# to run tests
yarn test

## License