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Paternoster allows you to run Ansible playbooks like ordinary Python or Bash scripts.

ansible privileges python scripting sudo

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Paternoster allows you to run Ansible playbooks like ordinary Python or Bash scripts.




# Paternoster [![Build Status](](

Paternoster enables ansible playbooks to be run like normal bash or python
scripts. It parses the given parameters using python's [argparse][] and the
passes them on to the actual playbook via the ansible API. In addition it
provides an automated way to run commands as another user, which can be used to
give normal shell users special privileges, while still having a sleek and easy
to understand user interface.

Ansible 2.1.x to 2.10.x as well as python 2.7 to 3.8 is supported and tested
automatically. We recommend using ansible 2.8+ and python 3.6+.

Once everything is set up, a paternoster script can be used like this:

$ create-user --help
usage: create-user [-h] -u USERNAME [-v]

Create a user.

required arguments:
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
name of the user to create

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose run with a lot of debugging output
$ create-user -u luto
creating user luto

The script looks like a normal ansible playbook, except for a few additions.
Firstly, it uses a different shebang-line, which kicks off paternoster instead
of ansible. Secondly, there is a special play at the beginning of the playbook,
which contains the configuration for parameter parsing and other features.

#!/usr/bin/env paternoster

- hosts: paternoster
description: Create a user.
- name: username
short: u
help: "name of the user to create"
type: paternoster.types.restricted_str
required: yes
regex: "^[a-z]+$"

- hosts: localhost
- debug: msg="creating user {{ param_username }}"

For more information on how to develop scripts using paternoster, please refer
the the corresponding sub-document:

## Privilege Escalation

Paternoster also provides an automated way to run commands as another user. To
use this feature, set the `become_user` to the desired username. This causes
paternoster to execute itself as the given user using _sudo_. For this to work a
sudoers-config has to be created by the developer.

Please refer to the Deployment section of this document for further details.

# Deployment

## Python-Module

The python module can be installed using pip: `pip install paternoster`.

Note that this is the only distribution packaged by us. We do not and cannot
check the content of all other, following methods.

## Fedora

Paternoster is also available [as a Fedora package](

dnf install paternoster

## RHEL/CentOS

Paternoster is also available in [EPEL]( for RHEL7, RHEL8, CentOS7 and CentOS8.

yum install epel-release
yum install paternoster

## AUR

Paternoster is also available [as an AUR package](
for arch linux.

## sudo

If you are planning to let users execute certain commands as root,
a few changes to your `sudo`-configuration are needed. boils down to:

ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/your-script-name

This line allows _any_ user to execute the given command as root.

Please refer to the [`sudoers(5)`-manpage][man-sudoers] for details.

## Notes

- This library makes use of the [tldextract-module][]. Internally this
relies on a list of top level domains, which changes every so often.
Execute the `tldextract --update`-command as root in a _cronjob_ or
similar to keep the list up to date.

# Library-Development

Most tasks can be achieved by writing scripts only. Therefore, the library does
not need to be changed in most cases. Sometimes it might be desirable to provide
a new type or feature to all other scripts. To fulfill these needs, the
following section outlines the setup and development process for library.

## Setup

To get a basic environment up and running, use the following commands:

virtualenv venv --python python2.7
source venv/bin/activate
python develop
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install --overwrite --install-hooks

This project uses _Python_ `2.7`, because _Python_ `3.x` is not yet supported by
ansible. All non-ansible code is tested with python 3 as well.

### Vagrant

Most features, where unit tests suffice can be tested using a _virtualenv_ only.
If your development relies on the sudo-mechanism, you can spin up a [vagrant
VM][] which provides a dummy `uberspace-add-domain`-script as well as the
library-code in the `/vagrant`-directory.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

And inside the host:

Last login: Wed Aug 3 17:23:02 2016 from
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ uberspace-add-domain -d -v

PLAY [test play] ************** (...)

If you want to add your own scripts, just add the corresponding files in
`vagrant/files/scripts`. You can deploy it using the following command:
`ansible-playbook vagrant/site.yml --tags scripts`. Once your script has been
deployed, you can just edit the source file to make further changes, as the file
is symlinked, not copied.

## Tests

### Linter

To lint the source code, you can run:

tox -e lint

### Unit Tests

The core functionality of this library can be tested using the `tox`- command.
If only _Python_ `2.x` or `3.x` should be tested, the `-e` parameter can be
used, like so: `tox -e py36-ansible23`, `tox -e py27-ansible22`. New tests
should be added to the `paternoster/test`-directory. Please refer to the
[pytest-documentation][] for further details.

NOTE: you might need to install the the proper _"devel"_ package, for the Python
versions you want to test.

### Integration Tests

Some features (like the `become_user` function) require a correctly setup Linux
environment. They can be tested using the provided ansible playbooks in

The playbooks can be invoked using the ``-utility:

$ ./vagrant/ --file test_variables.yml
=== running test_variables.yml with ansible>=2.1,<2.2
=== running test_variables.yml with ansible>=2.2,<2.3
=== running test_variables.yml with ansible>=2.3,<2.4
$ ./vagrant/ ansible22 --file test_variables.yml
=== running test_variables.yml with ansible>=2.2,<2.3
$ ./vagrant/ --help
usage: [-h] [--file FILE]

Run paternoster integration tests.


#### Boilerplate

A typical [ansible playbook][] for a system-test might look like this:

- name: give this test a proper name
hosts: all
- include: drop_script.yml
ignore_script_errors: yes
script_params: --some-parameter
playbook: |
- hosts: all
- debug: msg="hello world"
script: |
#!/bin/env python2.7
# some python code to test

- assert:
- "script.stdout_lines[0] == 'something'"

Most of the heavy lifting is done by the included `drop_script.yml`-file. It
creates the required python-script & playbook, executes it and stores the result
in the `script`-variable. After the execution, all created files are removed.
After the script has been executed, the [`assert`-module][ansible-assert-module]
can be used to check the results.

There are several parameters to control the behavior of `drop_script.yml`:

| Name | Optional | Description |
| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `script` | no | the **content** of a python script to save as `/usr/local/bin/uberspace-unittest` and execute |
| `playbook` | yes (default: empty) | the **content** of a playbook to save as `/opt/uberspace/playbooks/uberspace-unittest.yml` |
| `ignore_script_errors` | yes (default: `false`) | whether to continue even if python script has a non-zero exitcode |
| `script_params` | yes (default: empty) | command line parameters for the script (e.g. `"--domain"`) |

## Releasing a new version

Assuming you have been handed the required credentials, a new version can be
released as follows.

1. adapt the version in ``, according to [semver](
2. commit this change as `Version 1.2.3`
3. tag the resulting commit as `v1.2.3`
4. push the new tag as well as the `master` branch
5. update the package on PyPI:

rm dist/*
python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*

# License

All code in this repository (including this document) is licensed under the MIT
license. The logo (both the _png_ and _svg_ versions) is licensed unter the
[CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0][] license.

[ansible playbook]:
[cc-by-nc-nd 4.0]:
[docs-script_dev]: doc/