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Terminal Manager for Neovim

integrated-terminal neovim nvim nvim-terminal plugin terminal

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Terminal Manager for Neovim





The Neovim Terminal Manager

# Terminal.nvim

- [Terminal.nvim](#terminalnvim)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Default config](#default-config)
- [API](#api)
- [Keymaps](#keymaps)
- [Example mappings](#example-mappings)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Terminal objects](#terminal-objects)
- [Named Terminals Examples](#named-terminals-examples)
- [IPython:](#ipython)
- [Lazygit:](#lazygit)
- [Htop:](#htop)
- [Tips](#tips)
- [Useful terminal mappings](#useful-terminal-mappings)
- [Auto insert mode](#auto-insert-mode)
- [terminal window highlight](#terminal-window-highlight)
- [Statusline integration](#statusline-integration)
- [Donate](#donate)

## Features

- Super lightweight
- The API/Commands provided by the `terminal.nvim` will affect any terminal,
whether you spawn it "manually" (`:term`), using `terminal.nvim`, or via any
other plugin.
- Persistent and named terminals.
- Easily toggle or cycle terminals.
- Change layout on the fly (floating layout included).
- Useful mappings to manage REPL-like terminals.

## Installation

config = function()


## Setup


Set up the plugin with the prvided `config` table (optional).
A call to this function is always required.

### Default config

layout = { open_cmd = "botright new" },
cmd = { },
autoclose = false,

- **`config.layout`**: Specify the layout of the terminal window.

- Type: `table`
- Default: `{ open_cmd = "botright new" }`

`open_cmd` is the Vim command used to create the new buffer and window.
If set to `"float"`, the terminal will be opened in a new floating window.
When `open_cmd = "float"`, `layout.height` and `layout.width`
are used to determine the height (lines) and width (columns)
of the floating window.
Values `<= 1` are interpreted as percentage of screen space.

- **`config.cmd`**: Default command for new terminals

- Type: `table|string` passed to `termopen` (`:h jobstart()`)
- Default: `{ }`

- **`config.autoclose`**: Automatically close terminal window when the process exits (on `TermClose`).
- Type: `bool`
- Default: `false`


## API

- **`set_target(index)`**:

- Description: Set the `index` terminal as the target for other actions.
- Params:
- `index` (`integer`): Terminal index.

- **`cycle(step?)`**:

- Description: Cycle between active terminals.
- Params:
- `step` (`integer`): Increment number for cycling (Defalut: `1`)

- **`run(cmd?, opts?)`**:

- Description: Run a command in terminal with given options. If no command
is provided, user will be prompted to insert one;
If `cmd` is an empty string, `config.cmd` will be used.
- Params:
- `cmd` (`table|string`): command to be executed by the terminal.
- `opts` (`table`): options to be passed to `termopen`

- **`open(index?, layout?, force?)`**:

- Description: Open a terminal with given layout.
- Params:
- `index` (`integer`): terminal index
- `layout` (`table`): layout spec
- `force` (`bool`): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.

- **`close(index?)`**:

- Description: Close a terminal window.
- Params:
- `index`(`integer`): terminal index

- **`kill(index?)`**

- Description: Kill a terminal job and close its window.
- Params:
- `index` (`integer`): terminal index

- **`toggle(index?, layout?, force?)`**

- Description: Open a terminal with given layout, or close its window
if it's visible in the current tab (unless `force` is `true`).
- Params:

- `index` (`integer`): terminal index
- `layout` (`table`): layout spec
- `force` (`bool`): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.

- **`send(index?, data)`**:

- Description: Send text to the terminal.
- Params:
- `index` (`integer`): terminal index
- `data` (`table|string`): Text to be sent to the terminal via `chansend()`

- **`current_term_index()`**:

- Description: Get the index of the terminal in the current window.

- **`get_current_term()`**:

- Description: Get the terminal object displayed in the current window.

- **`move(index?, layout)`**:

- Description: Change the layout of the selected terminal, permanently.


## Keymaps

Keymaps can be set up using the API defined in `terminal.mappings`. When called
with arguments, each keymap API function returns a pre-loaded function with
given arguments. Otherwise, the corresponding terminal function will be called
with default arguments. All keymap functions support a count by default, so
that, for instance, `2to` will toggle the terminal with index #2.

- `[count]operator_send {motion}`: Send text captured by `{motion}` to `[count]` terminal
- `[count]["x]register_send`: Send text captured in register `"x` to `[count]` terminal
- `[count]send[(data)]`: Send `data` to `[count]` terminal. May preload `send`.
- `[count]cycle_next`: Cycle next `[count]` terminals.
- `[cunt]cycle_prev`: Cycle previous `[count]` terminals.
- `[count]toggle[(layout?, force?)]`: Toggle `[count]` terminal. May preload `toggle()`.
- `[count]open[(layout?, force?)]`: Open `[count]` terminal. May preload `open()`.
- `[count]close`: Close `[count]` terminal.
- `[count]move[(layout)]`: Change the layout of `[count]` terminall. May preload `move()`.
- `[count]kill`: Kill `[count]` terminal.
- `run[(cmd?, opts?)]`: Runs a new job in terminal. May preload `run()`.

### Example mappings

local term_map = require("terminal.mappings")
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "ts", term_map.operator_send, { expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "to", term_map.toggle)
vim.keymap.set("n", "tO", term_map.toggle({ open_cmd = "enew" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "tr",
vim.keymap.set("n", "tR",, { layout = { open_cmd = "enew" } }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "tk", term_map.kill)
vim.keymap.set("n", "t]", term_map.cycle_next)
vim.keymap.set("n", "t[", term_map.cycle_prev)
vim.keymap.set("n", "tl", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "belowright vnew" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "tL", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "botright vnew" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "th", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "belowright new" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "tH", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "botright new" }))
vim.keymap.set("n", "tf", term_map.move({ open_cmd = "float" }))


## Commands

- `:TermRun[!] command`

Runs `command` in a new terminal. If `command` is empty, user will be prompted
to enter one, falling back to `config.cmd`. With `!`, the new terminal window
will replace the current buffer. Accepts `split` and `vertical` modifiers to
set the new terminal `layout.open_cmd`. (eg: `botright vertical TermRun ipython`).

- `:[count]TermOpen[!] [open_cmd]`

Open terminal with `[count]` index and layout specified by `[open_cmd].`
With `!`, a new window will be created even if the terminal is already displayed in the current tab,
otherwise the terminal will be focused.
Also accepts `split` and `vertical` modifiers.

- `:[count]TermClose`

Close terminal with `[count]` index.

- `:[count]TermToggle[!] [open_cmd]`

Toggle terminal with `[count]` index and layout specified by `[open_cmd].`
With `!`, a new window will be created even if the terminal is already displayed in the current tab.
Also accepts `split` and `vertical` modifiers.

- `:[count]TermKill`

Kill terminal with `[count]` index.

- `:[count]TermSend [text]`

Send `[text]` to terminal with `[count]` index.

- `:[count]TermSetTarget`

Set terminal with `[count]` index as target for terminal actions.

- `:[count]TermMove open_cmd`

Permanently change the `[count]` terminal layout to the one specified by `open_cmd`


## Terminal objects

`Terminal` objects support the following methods:

- `new(opts)`: Creates a new terminal object.

- `opts` (`table`):
- `layout` (`table`): layout spec
- `cmd` (`table|string`): command to be executed by the terminal
- `autoclose` (`bool`): automatically close terminal window when the process exits
- `cwd` (`string|function->string|nil`): CWD of the terminal job.
- Other fields passed to `jobstart`:
- `clear_env`
- `env`
- `on_exit`
- `on_stdout`
- `on_stderr`

- `open(layout?, force?)`: Open the terminal with given layout.

- `layout` (`table`): layout spec
- `force` (`bool`): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.

- `close()`: Closes the window displaying the terminal in the current tab.

- `toggle(layout?, force?)`:
Open the terminal with given layout, or close its window
if it's visible in the current tab (unless `force` is `true`).

- `layout` (`table`): layout spec
- `force` (`bool`): Force opening the terminal window even if it already visible in the current tab.

- `terminal:kill()`: Kill a terminal job and close its window.

- `terminal:send(data)`:
Send text to terminal.
- `data` (`table|string`): Text to be sent to the terminal via `chansend()`

### Named Terminals Examples

#### IPython:

local ipython = require("terminal").terminal:new({
layout = { open_cmd = "botright vertical new" },
cmd = { "ipython" },
autoclose = true,

vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("IPython", function()
ipython:toggle(nil, true)
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
vim.api.nvim_feedkeys('"+y', 'n', false)
{ buffer = bufnr }
vim.keymap.set("n", "t?", function()
ipython:send(vim.fn.expand("") .. "?")
end, { buffer = bufnr })
end, {})

#### Lazygit:

local lazygit = require("terminal").terminal:new({
layout = { open_cmd = "float", height = 0.9, width = 0.9 },
cmd = { "lazygit" },
autoclose = true,
vim.env["GIT_EDITOR"] = "nvr -cc close -cc split --remote-wait +'set bufhidden=wipe'"
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Lazygit", function(args)
lazygit.cwd = args.args and vim.fn.expand(args.args)
lazygit:toggle(nil, true)
end, { nargs = "?" })

#### Htop:

local htop = require("terminal").terminal:new({
layout = { open_cmd = "float" },
cmd = { "htop" },
autoclose = true,
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Htop", function()
htop:toggle(nil, true)
end, { nargs = "?" })


## Tips

### Useful terminal mappings

tnoremap h
tnoremap j
tnoremap k
tnoremap l

### Auto insert mode

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "WinEnter", "BufWinEnter", "TermOpen" }, {
callback = function(args)
if vim.startswith(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(args.buf), "term://") then

### terminal window highlight

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TermOpen", {
command = [[setlocal nonumber norelativenumber winhl=Normal:NormalFloat]]

### Statusline integration

Use `require("terminal").current_term_index()` to get the current terminal
index and display it within the statusline.

## Donate

Buy me coffee and support my work ;)
