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A collection of pre-commit hooks used by Gruntwork tools

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A collection of pre-commit hooks used by Gruntwork tools




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# Pre-commit hooks

This repo defines Git pre-commit hooks intended for use with [pre-commit]( The currently
supported hooks are:

* **terraform-fmt**: Automatically run `terraform fmt` on all Terraform code (`*.tf` files).
* **terraform-validate**: Automatically run `terraform validate` on all Terraform code (`*.tf` files).
* **packer-validate**: Automatically run `packer validate` on all Packer code (`*.pkr.*` files).
* **terragrunt-hclfmt**: Automatically run `terragrunt hclfmt` on all Terragrunt configurations.
* **tflint**: Automatically run [`tflint`]( on all Terraform code (`*.tf` files).
* **shellcheck**: Run [`shellcheck`]( to lint files that contain a bash [shebang](
* **gofmt**: Automatically run `gofmt` on all Golang code (`*.go` files).
* **goimports**: Automatically run `goimports` on all Golang code (`*.go` files).
* **golint**: Automatically run `golint` on all Golang code (`*.go` files). [**DEPRECATED**]: Please use `golangci-lint` below.
* **golangci-lint**: Automatically run `golangci-lint` on all Golang code (`*.go` files).
* **yapf**: Automatically run [`yapf`]( on all python code (`*.py` files).
* **helmlint** Automatically run [`helm lint`]( on your Helm chart files. [See caveats here](#helm-lint-caveats).
* **markdown-link-check** Automatically run [markdown-link-check]( on
markdown doc files.
* **sentinel-fmt**: Automatically run `sentinel fmt` on all Sentinel code (`*.sentinel.*` files).

## General Usage

In each of your repos, add a file called `.pre-commit-config.yaml` with the following contents:

- repo:
rev: # Get the latest from:
- id: terraform-fmt
- id: terraform-validate
- id: tflint
- id: shellcheck
- id: gofmt
- id: golint

Next, have every developer: 

1. Install [pre-commit]( E.g. `brew install pre-commit`.
1. Run `pre-commit install` in the repo.

That’s it! Now every time you commit a code change (`.tf` file), the hooks in the `hooks:` config will execute.

## Running Against All Files At Once

### Example: Formatting all files

If you'd like to format all of your code at once (rather than one file at a time), you can run:

pre-commit run terraform-fmt --all-files

### Example: Enforcing in CI

If you'd like to enforce all your hooks, you can configure your CI build to fail if the code doesn't pass checks by
adding the following to your build scripts:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

If all the hooks pass, the last command will exit with an exit code of 0. If any of the hooks make changes (e.g.,
because files are not formatted), the last command will exit with a code of 1, causing the build to fail.

## Helm Lint Caveats

### Detecting charts

The `helmlint` pre-commit hook runs `helm lint` on the charts that have been changed by the commit. It will run once per
changed chart that it detects.

Note that charts are detected by walking up the directory tree of the changed file and looking for a `Chart.yaml` file
that exists on the path.

### linter_values.yaml

`helm lint` requires input values to look for configuration errors in your helm chart. However, this means that the
linter needs a complete values file. Because we want to develop charts that define required values that the operator
should provide, we don't want to specify defaults for all the values the chart expects in the default `values.yaml`

Therefore, to support this, this pre-commit hook looks for a special `linter_values.yaml` file defined in the chart
path. This will be combined with the `values.yaml` file before running `helm lint`. In your charts, you should define
the required values in `linter_values.yaml`.

For example, suppose you had a helm chart that defined two input values: `containerImage` and `containerTag`. Suppose
that your chart required `containerImage` to be defined, but not `containerTag`. To enforce this, you created the
following `values.yaml` file for your chart:

# values.yaml

# containerImage is required and defines which image to use

# containerTag specifies the image tag to use. Defaults to latest.
containerTag: latest

If you run `helm lint` on this chart, it will fail because somewhere in your chart you will reference
`.Values.containerImage` which will be undefined with this `values.yaml` file. To handle this, you can define a
`linter_values.yaml` file that defines `containerImage`:

# linter_values.yaml
containerImage: nginx

Now when the pre-commit hook runs, it will call `helm lint` with both `linter_values.yaml` and `values.yaml`:

helm lint -f values.yaml -f linter_values.yaml .

## Shellcheck Arguments

To enable optional shellcheck features you can use the `--enable` flag.
Other shellcheck flags can not be passed through.

- repo:
- id: shellcheck
args: ["--enable require-variable-braces,deprecate-which"]

## tflint Caveats

### Using the `--config` argument

With the introduction of `--chdir` into tflint, the `--config` argument is now bound to whatever subdirectory you are
running the check against. For mono-repos this isn't ideal as you may have a central configuration file you'd like to
use. If this matches your use-case, you can specify the placeholder `__GIT_ROOT__` value in the `--config` argument
that will evaluate to the root of the repository you are in.

- repo:
- id: tflint
- "--config=__GIT_ROOT__/.tflint.hcl"

#### Changing the placeholder value

You can change the value of the placeholder by populating the `PRECOMMIT_TFLINT_REPO_ROOT_KEYWORD` environment variable.


cat < .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: v0.1.22
- id: terragrunt-hclfmt
- id: tflint
- "--config=__foo__/.tflint.hcl"

pre-commit run

## License

This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License. Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) and [NOTICE](NOTICE) for more details.

Copyright © 2019 Gruntwork, Inc.