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Emoji syntax plugin for markdown-it markdown parser

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Emoji syntax plugin for markdown-it markdown parser




# markdown-it-emoji

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> Plugin for [markdown-it]( markdown parser, adding emoji & emoticon syntax support. Also supports emoticons [shortcuts]( like `:)`, `:-(`, and others.

__NOTE. v3 changed exports, see below.__

## Install

npm install markdown-it-emoji

## Use

### init

// { full, light, bare } configs available.
// full: includes all available emojis support
// light: includes small subset of most useable emojis
// bare: no defaults
// Also CJS & UMD builds available in `dist/` folder of published package,
// if your env not supports ESM modules use.
import { full as emoji } from 'markdown-it-emoji'
import markdownit from 'markdown-it'

const md = markdownit().use(emoji/* , options */);

Options are not mandatory:

- __defs__ (Object) - rewrite available emoji definitions
- example: `{ name1: char1, name2: char2, ... }`
- __enabled__ (Array) - disable all emojis except whitelisted
- __shortcuts__ (Object) - rewrite default shortcuts
- example: `{ "smile": [ ":)", ":-)" ], "laughing": ":D" }`

_Differences in browser._ If you load the script directly into the page without
using a package system, the module will add itself globally with the name `markdownitEmoji`.

### change output

By default, emojis are rendered as appropriate unicode chars. But you can change
the renderer function as you wish.

Render as span blocks (for example, to use a custom iconic font):

// ...
// initialize

md.renderer.rules.emoji = function(token, idx) {
return '';

Or use [twemoji](

// ...
// initialize

import twemoji from 'twemoji'

md.renderer.rules.emoji = function(token, idx) {
return twemoji.parse(token[idx].content);

__NB 1__. Read [twemoji docs](!
In case you need more options to change image size & type.

__NB 2__. When using twemoji you can make image height match the line height with this

.emoji {
height: 1.2em;

### In your markdown file

Hello from mars :satellite:


Hello from mars 📡