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Neovim plugin that allows highlighting the whole area between matching delimiters ('{}' '[]' '()' '<>')

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Neovim plugin that allows highlighting the whole area between matching delimiters ('{}' '[]' '()' '<>')





Neovim plugin that allows highlighting the whole area between matching delimiters (specified by `vim.opt.matchpairs`)


## Installation

- With [packer.nvim](

use { 'rareitems/hl_match_area.nvim' }

## Usage

Simply call the following function somewhere in your config


If you don't provide any arguments to the setup function, default values will be used, which are as follows (obviously you can also change them)

highlight_in_insert_mode = true, -- should highlighting also be done in insert mode
delay = 100, -- delay before the highglight

Changing the highglight can be done through Neovim API. For example:

vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'MatchArea', {bg = "#FFFFFF"})

## Configuration

delay = 100 --(number) Delay in milliseconds to highlight
highlight_in_insert_mode = true --(boolean) If true highlight will also be done in insert mode
matchpairs = { "(:)", "{:}", "[:]", "<:>" } --(string[]|nil) If you want to highlight specific characters and not rely on `vim.opt.matchpairs`. This should follow the same structure as `vim.opt.matchpairs:get` (example: `{"(:)", "{:}"}`) }