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Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation

asice c-plus-plus linux osx signature signing ubuntu windows xades xmldsig

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation




# libdigidocpp

![European Regional Development Fund]( "European Regional Development Fund - DO NOT REMOVE THIS IMAGE BEFORE 05.03.2020")

* License: LGPL 2.1
* © Estonian Information System Authority
* [Architecture of ID-software](
* [API Documentation](

## Building
[![Build Status](](
[![Coverity Scan Build Status](](

### Ubuntu, Fedora

1. Install dependencies

# Ubuntu
sudo apt install cmake xxd libxml-security-c-dev xsdcxx libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
# Fedora
sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ openssl-devel xerces-c-devel xml-security-c-devel xsd zlib-devel vim-common

* doxygen - Optional, for API documentation
* libboost-test-dev - Optional, for unittests
* swig - Optional, for C#, Java and python bindings
* libpython3-dev, python3-distutils - Optional, for python bindings
* openjdk-8-jdk-headless - Optional, for Java bindings

2. Fetch the source

git clone --recursive
cd libdigidocpp

3. Configure

cmake -B build -S .

4. Build

cmake --build build

5. Install

sudo cmake --build build --target install

6. Execute


### macOS

1. Install dependencies from
* [XCode](
* [CMake](
* [Homebrew](

2. Fetch the source

git clone --recursive
cd libdigidocpp

3. Prepare dependencies (available targets: osx, ios, iossimulator, androidarm, androidarm64, androidx86_64)

sh osx all

4. Install dependencies

brew install xsd
brew unlink xerces-c

* doxygen - Optional, for API documentation
* boost - Optional, for unittests
* swig - Optional, for C# and Java bindings
* openjdk - Optional, for Java bindings

5. Configure, build and install (available targets: osx, ios, iossimulator, androidarm, androidarm64, androidx86_64)

./ osx install

6. Execute


### Windows

1. Install dependencies and necessary tools from
* [Visual Studio Community 2017/2019/2022](
* [CMake](
* [vcpkg](
* [Swig]( - Optional, for C# and Java bindings
* [Doxygen]( - Optional, for generationg documentation
* [Wix toolset]( - Optional, for creating Windows installation packages
* [Python]( - Optional, for Python bindings
* [Java]( - Optional, for Java bindings

* 142 - Visual Studio 2019 (Default)
* 143 - Visual Studio 2022

2. Fetch the source

git clone --recursive
cd libdigidocpp

3. Prepare

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File prepare_win_build_environment.ps1 -toolset 142

4. Configure

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake `
-DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-v142 `
-DXSD_ROOT=xsd/libxsd `
-B build -S .

Optional CMake parameters:


After running the cmake build, digidoc_csharp.dll along with the C# source files will be created, more info at

5. Build

cmake --build build

6. Alternative to steps 4. and 5. -

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File build.ps1 -toolset 142

The build script builds executables and installation media for all
platforms (x86 and x64 / Debug and Release with debug symbols)

7. Execute


### Examples

## Support
Official builds are provided through official distribution point []( If you want support, you need to be using official builds. Contact our support via []( for assistance.

Source code is provided on "as is" terms with no warranty (see license for more information). Do not file Github issues with generic support requests.