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A simple usecase of floating window to help you focus.

debug-adapter-protocol lua neovim neovim-plugin

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A simple usecase of floating window to help you focus.





NeoZoom.lua helps you focus... and maybe protect your left-rotated neck.

### DEMO

### How it works

The idea is simple: toggle your current window into a floating one, so you can:

1. Focus on one of your windows without mess-up any of your tabpages(=window layouts).
2. Pre-define a window layout for each list of `filetype`s. Now you can use the same
keymap to have a customized window layout depending on the `filetype` of the current buffer.

(The original idea of this project can be found at branch `neo-zoom-original`)

### Features

- Only one function `neo_zoom()`.
- `setup.winopts` will be picked up if no match against `setup.presets[i].filetypes`.
- `setup.presets[n]` will be picked up, otherwise.
- `setup.callbacks` are always called, regardless of `setup.presets[i].filetypes`.
- Some APIs to help you do customization:
- `M.did_zoom(tabpage=0)` by passing a number `tabpage`, you can check for whether there is zoom-in window on the given `tabpage`.

### Setup

Click to expand

> NOTE: remove `use` if you're using `lazy.nvim`.

use {
config = function ()
require('neo-zoom').setup {
popup = { enabled = true }, -- this is the default.
-- NOTE: Add popup-effect (replace the window on-zoom with a `[No Name]`).
-- EXPLAIN: This improves the performance, and you won't see two
-- identical buffers got updated at the same time.
-- popup = {
-- enabled = true,
-- exclude_filetypes = {},
-- exclude_buftypes = {},
-- },
exclude_buftypes = { 'terminal' },
-- exclude_filetypes = { 'lspinfo', 'mason', 'lazy', 'fzf', 'qf' },
winopts = {
offset = {
-- NOTE: omit `top`/`left` to center the floating window vertically/horizontally.
-- top = 0,
-- left = 0.17,
width = 150,
height = 0.85,
-- NOTE: check :help nvim_open_win() for possible border values.
border = 'thicc', -- this is a preset, try it :)
presets = {
-- NOTE: regex pattern can be used here!
filetypes = { 'dapui_.*', 'dap-repl' },
winopts = {
offset = { top = 0.02, left = 0.26, width = 0.74, height = 0.25 },
filetypes = { 'markdown' },
callbacks = {
function () vim.wo.wrap = true end,
vim.keymap.set('n', '', function () vim.cmd('NeoZoomToggle') end, { silent = true, nowait = true })

### Bonus: transparent bg when unfocus

Thanks for the support from the upstream, i.e. :)

Click to expand

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'WinEnter' }, {
callback = function ()
local zoom_book = require('neo-zoom').zoom_book

if require('neo-zoom').is_neo_zoom_float()
then for z, _ in pairs(zoom_book) do vim.wo[z].winbl = 0 end
else for z, _ in pairs(zoom_book) do vim.wo[z].winbl = 20 end