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Flutter plugin for ARCore SDK, Android platform to build new augmented reality experiences

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Flutter plugin for ARCore SDK, Android platform to build new augmented reality experiences




I'm working to a new [sceneview_flutter]( plugin to implement all features available in [sceneview](
SceneView is a [Sceneform Maintained]( replacement in Kotlin.

# arcore_flutter_plugin

Awesome Flutter

Thanks to [Oleksandr Leuschenko]( for inspiration and his precious code: [arkit_flutter_plugin](

## Usage

I wrote 2 articles for setup you project and start with ARCore Flutter Plugin:

[ARCore Flutter Plugin: configurations](

[ARCore Flutter Plugin: add object on the plane](

### Configure your app

To use this plugin, add arcore_flutter_plugin as a [dependency in your pubspec.yaml file](

1. Follow [official guide]( to enable ArCore

2. Add the Sceneform library to your app's build.gradle file:

android {
// Sceneform libraries use language constructs from Java 8.
// Add these compile options if targeting minSdkVersion < 26.
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility 1.8
targetCompatibility 1.8

dependencies {

// Provides ArFragment, and other UX resources.
implementation ''

// Alternatively, use ArSceneView without the UX dependency.
implementation ''

3. [Import the Sceneform plugin into your project]( (OPTIONAL)

## Example

The simplest code example:

import 'package:arcore_flutter_plugin/arcore_flutter_plugin.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' as vector;

class HelloWorld extends StatefulWidget {
_HelloWorldState createState() => _HelloWorldState();

class _HelloWorldState extends State {
ArCoreController arCoreController;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Hello World'),
body: ArCoreView(
onArCoreViewCreated: _onArCoreViewCreated,

void _onArCoreViewCreated(ArCoreController controller) {
arCoreController = controller;


void _addSphere(ArCoreController controller) {
final material = ArCoreMaterial(
color: Color.fromARGB(120, 66, 134, 244));
final sphere = ArCoreSphere(
materials: [material],
radius: 0.1,
final node = ArCoreNode(
shape: sphere,
position: vector.Vector3(0, 0, -1.5),

void _addCylindre(ArCoreController controller) {
final material = ArCoreMaterial(
reflectance: 1.0,
final cylindre = ArCoreCylinder(
materials: [material],
radius: 0.5,
height: 0.3,
final node = ArCoreNode(
shape: cylindre,
position: vector.Vector3(0.0, -0.5, -2.0),

void _addCube(ArCoreController controller) {
final material = ArCoreMaterial(
color: Color.fromARGB(120, 66, 134, 244),
metallic: 1.0,
final cube = ArCoreCube(
materials: [material],
size: vector.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
final node = ArCoreNode(
shape: cube,
position: vector.Vector3(-0.5, 0.5, -3.5),

void dispose() {

See the `example` directory for a complete sample app.

## 3D Objects Credits


## Documentation

### Classes provided by the plugin

**There are a total of 13 classes provided by this plugin until May 2020.**

- ArCoreView
- ArCoreController
- ArCoreFaceView
- ArCoreFaceContrller
- ArCoreSphere
- ArCoreCylinder
- ArCoreCube
- ArCoreNode
- ArCoeMaterial
- ArCoreHitTestResult
- ArCoreRotatingNode
- ArCorePlane
- ArCoreReferenceNode


### ArCoreView

This class returns the view type. There are two types of views in it.


There are 4 properties in it:
- onArCoreViewCreated
- enableTapRecoginzer
- enableUpdateListener
- type


### onArCoreViewCreated

This property takes a **ArCoreController**.



Initially, set to false. It is used as an argument by the MethodChannel.



Initially, set to false. It is used as an argument by the MethodChannel.



It is a view type, it is either **AUGMENTEDFACE, STANDARDVIEW***. It is set to **STANDARDVIEW** by default.

### ArCoreController

This controller used to add a ArNode using addArCoreNode function, add a ArCoreNode with ancher using a addArCoreNodeWithAncher function and also remove node using removeNode function.


### ArCoreFaceView
It is a stateful widget that returns a **ArCoreAndroidView**. It has two properties **enableAugmentedFaces, onArCoreViewCreated**.

Initially, **enableAugmentedFaces** is set to false.
**onArCoreViewCreated** takes a function with **ArCoreController** argument.


### ArCoreFaceController
It used dispose and **loadMesh** method to control the **FaceView**.


### ArCoreSphere
It is **ArCoreShape**, takes a **radius & ArCoreMaterial**.


### ArCoreCylender
It is **ArCoreShape**, takes a **radius, height, & ArCoreMaterial**.


### ArCoreCube
It is **ArCoreShape**, takes a size i.e. **Vector3 & ArCoreMaterial**.


### ArCoreNode
This widget is used to provide the **position, shape, scale, rotation, name**.


### ArCoreMaterial
It is used to describe the outlook of the virtual object created by the user.

It has **color,textureBytes, metallic, roughness, reflection**.


### ArCoreRotatingNode
It is an **ArCoreNode** with a **degreesPerSecond** *property* which is a double value.


### ArCorePlane
It takes the **x, y** coordinate of the plane, **ArCorePose & ArCorePlaneType**.

There are three types of plane:


### ArCoreReferenceNode
It is ArCoreNode, it has all the properties that the ArCoreNode has also it has objectUrl and object3DFileName.


### objectUrl
URL of glft object for remote rendering.


### object3DFileName
Filename of sfb object in assets folder.