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(Teles-)Hopping to the moon.

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(Teles-)Hopping to the moon.




# telescope-hop.nvim
(Teles-)Hopping to the moon.

`telescope-hop.nvim` is an extension for telescope.nvim. It helps you navigate, select, and perform actions on results buffer with motions inspired by hop.nvim.

## Demo
The demo illustrates the standard `hop` motion to jump to an result entry and a custom `hop_loop` (see setup below) that sequentially toggles the hopped-to-entry for selection and sends the entries to the quickfix list upon completion of the loop.


## Installation

Install `telescope-hop.nvim` with your favorite package manager.

### vim-plug

Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-hop.nvim'

### packer.nvim

use {'nvim-telescope/telescope-hop.nvim'}

## Telescope Setup and Configuration:

The below `setup` shows an example configuration to instantiate `telescope-hop.nvim`. You most likely will want to configure `keys` and `sign_hl` to better match your personal preferences and colorscheme. See `:h telescope-hop.setup` for the entire set of flags that can be configured.

local telescope = require("telescope")
telescope.setup {
extensions = {
hop = {
-- the shown `keys` are the defaults, no need to set `keys` if defaults work for you ;)
keys = {"a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", ";",
"q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p",
"A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", ":",
"Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", },
-- Highlight groups to link to signs and lines; the below configuration refers to demo
-- sign_hl typically only defines foreground to possibly be combined with line_hl
sign_hl = { "WarningMsg", "Title" },
-- optional, typically a table of two highlight groups that are alternated between
line_hl = { "CursorLine", "Normal" },
-- options specific to `hop_loop`
-- true temporarily disables Telescope selection highlighting
clear_selection_hl = false,
-- highlight hopped to entry with telescope selection highlight
-- note: mutually exclusive with `clear_selection_hl`
trace_entry = true,
-- jump to entry where hoop loop was started from
reset_selection = true,
-- To get the extension loaded and working with telescope, you need to call
-- load_extension, somewhere after setup function:

## Usage

`telescope-hop.nvim` currently includes the following default actions. Actions without the `_` prefix denote predefined `hop`-actions for convenience, whereas actions that comprise the `_` prefix are meant to be combined in custom actions with possibly their own configurations (faulting back to set defaults).

| Action | Description |
| `hop.hop` | hop to entry with default configuration |
| `hop.hop_toggle_selection` | hop loop that toggles selection on hop (see demo) |
| `hop._hop` | hop to entry configurable on-the-fly |
| `hop._hop_loop` | start configurable hop loop to iteratively do `callback` on hop and `loop_callback` once loop is finished |

You can set up the mappings in the `setup` function of `telescope.nvim`. **Warning**: default actions need to passed as [hot-reloaded functions]( ("`R`"), as otherwise the configuration is improperly applied, since the mappings would `require` the extension without having your configuration set up.

local telescope = require "telescope"
telescope.setup {
defaults = {
mappings = {
i = {
-- either hot-reloaded or `function(prompt_bufnr) telescope.extensions.hop.hop end`
[""] = R("telescope").extensions.hop.hop, -- hop.hop_toggle_selection
-- custom hop loop to multi selects and sending selected entries to quickfix list
[""] = function(prompt_bufnr)
local opts = {
callback = actions.toggle_selection,
loop_callback = actions.send_selected_to_qflist,
require("telescope").extensions.hop._hop_loop(prompt_bufnr, opts)
telescope.load_extension "hop"