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Nvim-plugin what wraps vim-which-key to simplify setup in lua

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Nvim-plugin what wraps vim-which-key to simplify setup in lua




# nvim-whichkey-setup.lua

This nvim-plugin is just a wrapper for [`vim-which-key`]( to simplify setup in lua.

# Features
* Simple setup in lua.
* Can handle complex commands without having the need to make a dedicated command for them as is the case with bare `whichkey`.
* Can handle leader and localleader in normal and visual mode through global or buffer keymaps.

# Installation

Use your favourite plugin manager, for example using [`packer.nvim`](
use {
requires = {'liuchengxu/vim-which-key'},
or [`vim-plug`](
Plug 'liuchengxu/vim-which-key'
Plug 'AckslD/nvim-whichkey-setup.lua'

# Usage
The plugin allows you to define commands and helper texts to be used with whichkey using a [which_key_map](
Other settings such as `vim.g.which_key_timeout` needs to be set separately.

For how to setup the keymaps see examples below.
Additionally, feel free to checkout my own [config]( for how I use it.
You can use any key as initial key (not only leader) in normal or visual mode.
To specify a leader key use the keywords:
* `leader` (uses`` in normal mode and `` in visual)
* `localleader` (uses `` in normal mode and `` in visual).

Note that you won't need to map the leader-keys to the `WhichKey`-command since this will be handled automatically by `whichkey-setup`.

All commands specified are directly mapped rather relying on whichkey to execute them which allows you to set arbitrary complex commands.

## Config
Apart from setting up keymaps (see below) whichkey-setup also has a few global settings which can be configured by calling `require("whichkey_setup").config`.
The following example sets the defaults (further explained below):
hide_statusline = false,
default_keymap_settings = {
default_mode = 'n',
* `hide_statusline`: Configures autocommands to hide the statusline when whichkey window is showing, uses [these autocommands](
The autocommands are configured when the `config`-function is called.
* `default_keymap_settings`: These are the settings used by default for keymaps, i.e. when no `opts` is given to `register_keymap`, see [below](#map-options-and-buffer-local-keymaps).
Note that for these defaults to be used they need to be configured before calling `register_keymap`.
* `default_mode`: Default mode used for mappings if not specified.

## Examples
### General
local wk = require('whichkey_setup')

local keymap = {

w = {':w!', 'save file'}, -- set a single command and text
j = 'split args', -- only set a text for an already configured keymap
[''] = {'@q', 'macro q'}, -- setting a special key
f = { -- set a nested structure
name = '+find',
b = {'Telescope buffers', 'buffers'},
h = {'Telescope help_tags', 'help tags'},
c = {
name = '+commands',
c = {'Telescope commands', 'commands'},
h = {'Telescope command_history', 'history'},
q = {'Telescope quickfix', 'quickfix'},
g = {
name = '+git',
g = {'Telescope git_commits', 'commits'},
c = {'Telescope git_bcommits', 'bcommits'},
b = {'Telescope git_branches', 'branches'},
s = {'Telescope git_status', 'status'},

wk.register_keymap('leader', keymap)

### Local leader and visual
You can set maps for each type.
Note that you can do this as many times as you want for each.
This won't overwrite what was already set but rather extend it so that you can keep specific keymaps for various plugins in different places.
local wk = require('whichkey_setup')

local visual_keymap = {
K = {':move \'<-2gv-gv', 'move line up'},
J = {':move \'>+1gv-gv', 'move line down'},
local local_keymap = {
r = {':!python %', 'run python'},

wk.register_keymap('leader', visual_keymap, {mode = 'v'})
wk.register_keymap('localleader', local_keymap)

### Map options and buffer local keymaps
You can pass options to the `register_keymap`-function which are all passed when setting the actual keymap.
If no options are passed `{silent = true, noremap = true}` is used, however these defaults can also be configured using `default_keymap_settings`, see [above](#config).
Additionally you to the map-options you can also pass a `bufnr` to define buffer-local keymap. If `bufnr` is not set a global keymap is defined.
local wk = require('whichkey_setup')

local keymap = {l = {name = '+lsp'}}
if client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting then
keymap.l.f = {"lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", 'format'}
elseif client.resolved_capabilities.document_range_formatting then
keymap.l.f = {"lua vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting()", 'format'}
wk.register_keymap('leader', keymap, {noremap=true, silent=true, bufnr=bufnr})

### Arbitrary keys
You are not restricted to only configuring leader keys but also other keys, e.g.
local keymap_goto = {
name = "+goto",
h = { "lua require'lspsaga.provider'.lsp_finder()", "References" },
d = { "lua require'lspsaga.provider'.preview_definition()", "Peek Definition" },
D = { "lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()", "Goto Definition" },
s = { "lua require('lspsaga.signaturehelp').signature_help()", "Signature Help" },
i = { "lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()", "Goto Implementation" }

wk.register_keymap("g", keymap_goto, { noremap = true, silent = true, bufnr = bufnr })
Credit: @folke.

However, notice that this might make certain operators not function anymore due to how this is handled in which-key, see [this issue]( for example.