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Arduino library for creating and manipulating matrices of arbitrary size and data type. The library provides a Matrix class that can be used to create matrices, perform basic matrix operations

arduino cpp data-processing esp32 esp8266 hardware library morocco std

Last synced: 17 days ago
JSON representation

Arduino library for creating and manipulating matrices of arbitrary size and data type. The library provides a Matrix class that can be used to create matrices, perform basic matrix operations




## Get Started
``` C++
// 1
int arr[2][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
Matrix<2,3,int> M1(arr);
// 2
int arr[] = {1.6, 2.2, 3.9 , 4.7, 5.3, 6.8};
Matrix<2,3,float> M2(arr);
// 3
Matrix<5,5,int> // A 5x5 Matrix filled by zeros
## Print to the terminal
``` C++
## Acces And Set Data
## Static Methodes
``` C++
int r=2,c=3;
Matrix Z = Matrix::Zeros();
Matrix O = Matrix::Ones();
Matrix<3> Id = Matrix<3>::Id();
Matrix<4,5> Nums = Matrix<4,5,double>::Nums(6.7);
## Operators
### List
M1: Matrix
|Operator |Operande|Syntax|
|+|M2:Matrix|`Matrix M3=M1+M2;`|
|+|a:Scalar|`Matrix M3=M1+a;`|
|-|M2:Matrix|`Matrix M3=M1-M2;`|
|-|a:Scalar|`Matrix M3=M1-a;`|
|*|M2:Matrix|`Matrix M3=M1*M2;`|
|*|a:Scalar|`Matrix M3=M1*a;`|
|/|a:Scalar|`Matrix M3=M1/a;`|
|=|a:Matrix|`Matrix M3=M1;`|
|%|a:Integer|`Matrix M3=M1ùa;`|
### Examples
``` C++
int arr1[2][3] = {{1, 2, 3},{4, 5, 6}};
int arr2[2][3] = {{2, 3, 4},{5, 6, 7}};
Matrix<2,3,int> M1(arr1);
Matrix<2,3,int> M2(arr2);
Matrix<2,3,int> M3=M1+M2;
Matrix<2,3,int> M4=M1-M2;
## Void Methodes
|`.at(i,j)`|Acces and set data||-|
|`.det()`|The determinant of the given matrix|[View](|should be a square matrix|
|`.transpose()`|Transposes the given matrix |[View](|-|
|`.comatrice()`| |[View](|-|
|`.reshape(r,c)`|Reshapes the given matrix|[View](|The size of the new Matrix should be equal to the old one|
|`.slice(r0,c0,r1,c1)`|Extracts a sub-matrix from the original matrix,|[View](|-|
|`.deleteRow(i)`|Remove a specific row from the original matrix.|[View](|-|
|`.deleteCol(j)`|Remove a specific column from the original matrix.|[View](|-|
|`.hstack(M)`|Stacks the original matrix horizontally with the matrix M|[View](|The number of cols in both matrices should be the same,|
|`.vstack(M)`|Stacks the original matrix vertically with the matrix M|[View](|The number of rows in both matrices should be the same,|
|`.foreach(lambda_func)`|Higher-order function that takes a function as an argument and applies it to each element of the Matrix.|[View](|-|
|`.clamp(min,max)`|clamp all matrix elements between min and max|[View](|-|
|`.norm(min,max)`|Normalize the values in a matrix to a range between 0 and 1|[View](|-|
|`.map(a1,b1,a2,b2)`|Map the values of a matrix from one range to another.|[View](|-|
## Testers
|`isId()`|determines whether a given matrix is identity matrix or not|
|`isSquare()`|determines whether a given matrix is square or not|
|`isSym()`|determines whether a given matrix is symmetric or not|
|`isAntiSym()`|determines whether a given matrix is antisymmetric or not|
|`isInv()`|determines whether a given matrix is inversible or not|
|`isZeros()`|determines whether a given matrix is filled by zeros or not|
|`isOnes()`|determines whether a given matrix is filled by ones or not|

# License
This projet is licensed under the terms of MIT License ![MIT](