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Ember front-end that builds on NuGet.Lucene for private package hosting

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Ember front-end that builds on NuGet.Lucene for private package hosting




## Klondike [![Build status](](

Ember front-end that builds on NuGet.Lucene for private [NuGet]( package hosting.

## Binaries

Available from the Releases tab on github.

Alternatively, you can clone the [Klondike-Release](
git repo to make upgrading easier.

Preview binaries can be obtained from the `Artifacts` tab of a successful [AppVeyor build](

## What is Klondike

Klondike is an web application you deploy to your own web server or to the cloud
that works as a private NuGet package feed for storing private packages your organization
creates. Klondike can also automatically restore packages sourced from 3rd party feeds,
such as the public feed, to keep your build server humming even when
is unavailable.

Klondike performs dramatically better than the standard NuGet.Server provider and adds lots
of extra features you can't get anywhere else. Klondike uses Lucene.Net meaning that the
install footprint is light. Simply grab the binaries, stand up an IIS site (or run the self-hosted
exe) and you're done. Much easier than deploying your own NuGet Gallery.

## How to Deploy Klondike

1. Grab a binary zip from the Releases tab or clone
1. Customize [Settings.config](src/Klondike.WebHost/Settings.config)
1. Create a site in IIS using a .NET v4.0 Integrated Pipeline application pool

_N.B._ Klondike works best deployed as a root application and is only supported in this configuration.
There are known issues with NuGet clients when attempting to host Klondike as a child application on a
virtual path. In addition, the Ember web application will not work correctly unless it is rebuilt
with a different virtual path.

## App Pool Advanced Configuration

Klondike is designed to run as a single process to avoid conflicting writes on
the Lucene index files. Adjust your application pool accordingly:

* Make sure `Maximum Worker Processes` is set to `1`
* Make sure `Disable Overlapped Recycle` is set to `true`

## Authentication and Role-Based Security

Klondike supports external authentication providers such as Windows (Active Directory),
basic auth and NTLM. These are configured in IIS Manager and other tools.

Disable anonymous authentication to require authentication even for read access to Klondike.

In addition to standard authentication, Klondike supports authentication by using the
`X-NuGet-ApiKey` HTTP Request header to be compatible with NuGet clients that push and delete

### Local Administrator

Browsing or accessing the Klondike app from a local network interface on the same machine
will implicitly grant access as `LocalAdministrator`. This account is allowed to create
additional users, push and delete packages.

You can disable this behavior by editing `handleLocalRequestsAsAdmin` in [Settings.config](src/Klondike.WebHost/Settings.config).

### Mapping Active Directory Roles to Klondike

Edit the `roleMappings` section in [Web.config](src/Klondike.WebHost/Web.config) to grant
Klondike roles for user administration and package management to existing roles in your
external security provider (such as Active Directory). Multiple groups can be specified
delimited by commas. Membership in any one role is sufficient to grant a Klondike role.

The available roles and their permissions are:

* PackageManager - Allowed to push and delete packages
* AccountAdministrator - Allowed to administer accounts

### Creating Users and Passwords

Any user who has the AccountAdministrator role may create, delete and modify accounts
and API keys. This includes the LocalAdministrator account.

To access this feature, browse to Klondike and select `Admin` in the top navigation,
then `Manage Accounts`.

## Self-Hosted Klondike

The binary release also includes Klondike.SelfHost.exe in the bin directory.
It can be run from the console using mono or the .net framework:

Klondike.SelfHost.exe --port=8080


mono ./Klondike.SelfHost.exe --interactive --port=8080

Klondike requires Mono 4.2.0 or later.

If no port is specified, 8080 is used as a default. See the [Klondike.SelfHost README](src/Klondike.SelfHost/
for more information.

## Building Locally

This repository consists of two components:

1. Ember front-end built and packaged by [ember-cli](
1. c# project built by MSBuild or xbuild

### Front End

Prerequisites: node (`node` and `npm` should be on your PATH).

Install ember-cli and bower if you haven't already:

npm install -g [email protected]

Install dependencies:

npm install && bower install

Finally, build:

ember build

This puts the built app into `./dist`.

_Note_: if you do not have the .NET 4.5 SDK or Mono 3.6 MDK installed you can
skip building the .net assets by using the `ember-only` environment:

ember build --environment=ember-only

### .NET Back End

The c# projects can be built on Windows or OS X / Linux. On Windows,
install Visual Studio 2013 and the Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5 SDK.
On OS X / Linux, install the [Mono MDK](

Mono can also be installed by [homebrew]( on OS X.

## Front End development without .NET

You can develop the front end without needing to build or host the .net code.

Edit [config/environment.js](config/environment.js) and set the `apiURL`
and (optionally) `apiKey` properties to point to an external Klondike API endpoint,
then run

ember serve --environment=ember-only

## Previewing debug/release builds

You can serve production builds with:

ember serve --environment=production

## Integration Tests

Coming Real Soon Now.