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Google places picker plugin for flutter. Opens up the google places picker on ios and android returning the chosen place back to the flutter app.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Google places picker plugin for flutter. Opens up the google places picker on ios and android returning the chosen place back to the flutter app.




# flutter_places_dialog

Shows a places picker dialog in ios and android, returning
the data in the places picker to the app.

## Getting Started

### Generate your API Key

1. Go to:
2. Enable `Google Maps Android API`
3. Enable `Google Maps SDK for iOS`
4. Under `Credentials`, choose `Create Credential`.
- Note: For development, you can create an unrestricted API key that can be used on both iOS & Android.
For production it is highly recommended that you restrict.

- More detailed instructions for Android can be found here:
- More detailed instructions for iOS can be found here:

The way you register your API key on iOS vs Android is different. Make sure to read the next sections carefully.

### iOS
#### The maps plugin will request your users location when needed. iOS requires that you explain this usage in the Info.plist file
1. Set the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription in `ios/Runner/Info.plist`. Example:
Using location to display on a map

***Note***: If your iOS and Android API key are different, be sure to use your iOS API key here.

3. Add code to show the MapView.
//Create an instance variable for the mapView
var _place = await FlutterPlacesDialog.getPlacesDialog();


4. Run your application on an iOS device or simulator.
Confirm that when you display the map you see map detail.
If you only see a beige screen it's possible that your API key is incorrect, or if it outright crashes.

#### Common API Key problems for iOS
1. Your Bundle ID does not match what is registered in the Google API Console.
When you create an restricted API key in the Google API console it asks you to specify your iOS bundle ID.
Make sure that your iOS Bundle Identifier matches the one you registered in the console.

2. Using the wrong key. If you made a separate key for iOS and Android,
make sure you are using the iOS key in the MapView.setApiKey() call.

### Android

You will be making multiple edits to your `AndroidManifest.xml` file. In your Flutter project, you can
find this file location under `android/app/src/main`

1. In your `AndroidManifest.xml`, add the following uses-permission above the tag.

2. In your AndroidManifest.xml, add the following lines inside of the `application` tag. Be sure to replace `your_api_key` with the one you generated.

4. In your `android/build.gradle` file. Under `buildScript` `dependencies` add:
classpath 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.1.2-4'

5. Run your application on an Android device or simulator.
Confirm that when you display the map you see map detail.
If you only see a beige screen it's possible that your API key is incorrect.

## Features

- [X] iOS Support
- [X] Android Support

## Usage examples

#### Show the places picker ( with autocomplete )
PlaceDetails place = await FlutterPlacesDialog.getPlacesDialog();
## FAQ
### Dialog shows up and drops almost immediately

Verify you have your google api key setup correctly. If using iOS
you need to set this via the API call, on android you need
to setup the google-services.json correctly in your app
deployment or it will not correctly show the screen, dropping
out basically immediately. You should get an error back from the
api call to the client saying it dropped.