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Whenever cursor jumps some distance or moves between windows, it will flash so you can see where it is

neovim neovim-plugin vim vim-plugin

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Whenever cursor jumps some distance or moves between windows, it will flash so you can see where it is




# Beacon.nvim - see your cursor jump
Whenever cursor jumps some distance or moves between windows, it will flash so you can see where it is. This plugin is heavily inspired by emacs package [beacon](

**Note**: required versions neovim v0.4+ or vim v8.2+. Working on support for older versions.


## Installation

### [vim-plug](
1. Add the following configuration to your `.vimrc`.

Plug 'danilamihailov/beacon.nvim'

2. Install with `:PlugInstall`.

Or use your favorite plugin manager

## Customization

### Disable beacon
Just set
let g:beacon_enable = 0
and beacon will be disabled, but you still can use `:Beacon` command to highlight cursor. See [commands](#Commands).

### Changing color
Beacon is highlighted by `Beacon` group, so you can change it like this:
highlight Beacon guibg=white ctermbg=15
use `guibg` if you have `termguicolors` enabled, otherwise use `ctermbg`.

### Changing beacon size
let g:beacon_size = 40

### When to show beacon
If you **only** want to see beacon when cursor changes windows, you can set
let g:beacon_show_jumps = 0
and it will ignore jumps inside buffer. By default shows all jumps.

You can change what beacon considers significant jump, by changing
let g:beacon_minimal_jump = 10

### Animation
You can disable shrinking animation by setting
let g:beacon_shrink = 0
enabled by default

You can disable fading animation by setting (neovim only)
let g:beacon_fade = 0
enabled by default.

You can set `g:beacon_timeout` to hide beacon early, by default it set to 500ms.

### Ignoring buffers
To ignore a buffer you can set list of regexes
g:beacon_ignore_buffers = [\w*git*\w]

### Ignoring filetypes
To ignore filetypes you can set list of filetypes
g:beacon_ignore_filetypes = ['fzf']

## Commands
There is 4 commands available.
- `:Beacon` highlight current position (even if plugin is disabled)
- `:BeaconToggle` toggle `g:beacon_enable` variable
- `:BeaconOn` enable Beacon
- `:BeaconOff` disable Beacon

## Tips
If you want cursor to be highlighted when you jump to searches with `n`/`N` regardless of distance, use this mappings
nmap n n:Beacon
nmap N N:Beacon
nmap * *:Beacon
nmap # #:Beacon

Hide cursor line on inactive windows
augroup MyCursorLineGroup
au WinEnter * setlocal cursorline
au WinLeave * setlocal nocursorline
augroup end

## Similar plugins
- Locate cursor after search

## How it works
Whenever plugin detects some kind of a jump, it's showing floating window at the cursor position and using `winblend` fades window out.