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# DjangoPowerDNS

DjangoPowerDNS is a new PowerDNS webinterface written in Python and powered by Django.

## Features

- Add/Edit/Remove DNS records easily
- Use the REST-API to change DNS records within your application
- Add users to certain domains to allow them editing DNS records


### Tech

DjangoPowerDNS uses awesome open source tools!

* [Django](
* [Knockout.js](
* [Twitter Bootstrap](
* [SweetAlert](
* [toastr](
* [Navigo](


### Screenshots

| | |
|![Domain list]( "Domain list")|![Records list]( "Records list")|
|![Records list filtered]( "Records list filtered")|![Records list editing]( "Records list editing")|
|![Records list add]( "Records list add")|![Records list delete]( "Records list delete")|
|![API preview]( "API preview")||
| | |


### Installation
Install the following dependencies:

On Debian based Systems:
$ apt update
$ apt install python2.7
$ apt install python-pip
$ apt install git
$ apt install uwsgi
$ apt install python-mysqldb
$ apt install mysql-client
For mariadb:
$ apt install libmariadbclient-dev

On RHEL based Systems:
$ yum update -y
$ yum install -y python
$ yum install -y python-pip
$ yum install -y git
$ yum install -y uwsgi
$ yum install -y MySQL-python
$ yum install -y python-devel
$ yum install -y mariadb-devel
$ yum install libxslt-devel libxml2-devel

Clone the repository
$ git clone

Install and setup the virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install the python requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

* Rename `DjangoPowerDNS/` to `DjangoPowerDNS/`
* Change MySQL settings and secret key in `DjangoPowerDNS/`

Apply migrations
$ python migrate

Create a superuser
$ python createsuperuser


### Todos

- Complete :)
- Please send feature requests