
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A production-quality starter app using Actix 1.x

actix-web rust tests

Last synced: 10 days ago
JSON representation

A production-quality starter app using Actix 1.x




# Rust/Actix Starter Kit

[![Build Status](](

A production-quality starter app using Actix 1.x. Includes tests and coverage.
Diesel was intentionally omitted to add in flexibility for usage.
A full framework that includes Diesel is being developed at

## Motivation

I needed a quick way to bootstrap an Actix repo for various projects that
had all of the baseline, production-ready features baked in.

## Features

- Actix 1.x HTTP Server
- Filesystem organized for scale
- .env for local development
- Lazy Static Config struct
- Built-in Healthcheck (includes cargo version info)
- Listeners configured for TDD
- Custom Errors and HTTP Payload/Json Validation
- Unit and Integration Tests
- Test Coverage Reports
- Dockerfile for Running the Server in a Container
- TravisCI Integration

## Packages

- `actix-web`: Actix Web Server
- `derive_more`: Error Formatting
- `dotenv`: Configuration Loader (.env)
- `envy`: Deserializes Environment Variables into a Config Struct
- `listenfd`: Listens for Filesystem Changes
- `validator`: Validates incoming Json
- `kcov`: Coverage Analysis

## Installation

Clone the repo and cd into the repo:

git clone
cd rust-actix-starter

Copy over the example .env file:

cp .env.example .env

## Running the Server

To startup the server:

cargo run

## Autoreloading

To startup the server and autoreload on code changes:

systemfd --no-pid -s http::3000 -- cargo watch -x run

## Tests

Integration tests are in the `/src/tests` folder. There are helper functions
to make testing the API straightforward. For example, if we want to test the
`GET /api/v1/user` route:

use crate::tests::helpers::tests::assert_get;

fn test_get_users() {

Using the Actix test server, the request is sent and the response is asserted
for a successful response:


Similarly, to test a POST route:

use crate::handlers::user::CreateUserRequest;
use crate::tests::helpers::tests::assert_post;

fn test_create_user() {
let params = CreateUserRequest {
first_name: "Satoshi".into(),
last_name: "Nakamoto".into(),
email: "[email protected]".into(),
assert_post("/api/v1/user", params);

### Running Tests

To run all of the tests:

cargo test

### Test Covearage

I created a repo on DockerHub that I'll update with each Rust version
(starting at 1.37), whose tags will match the Rust version.

In the root of the project:

docker run -it --rm --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --volume "${PWD}":/volume --workdir /volume ddimaria/rust-kcov:1.37 --exclude-pattern=/.cargo,/usr/lib,/src/,src/

_note: converage takes a long time to run (up to 30 mins)._

You can view the HTML output of the report at `target/cov/index.html`

## Docker

To build a Docker image of the application:

docker build -t rust_actix_starter .

Once the image is built, you can run the container in port 3000:

docker run -it --rm --env-file=.env.docker -p 3000:3000 --name rust_actix_starter rust_actix_starter

## Endpoints

### Healthcheck

Determine if the system is healthy.

`GET /health`

#### Response

"status": "ok",
"version": "0.1.0"


curl -X GET

### Get All Users

`GET /api/v1/user`

#### Response

"id": "a421a56e-8652-4da6-90ee-59dfebb9d1b4",
"first_name": "Satoshi",
"last_name": "Nakamoto",
"email": "[email protected]"
"id": "c63d285b-7794-4419-bfb7-86d7bb3ff17d",
"first_name": "Barbara",
"last_name": "Liskov",
"email": "[email protected]"


curl -X GET

### Get a User

`GET /api/v1/user/{id}`

#### Request

| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ------------- |
| id | Uuid | The user's id |

#### Response

"id": "a421a56e-8652-4da6-90ee-59dfebb9d1b4",
"first_name": "Satoshi",
"last_name": "Nakamoto",
"email": "[email protected]"


curl -X GET

#### Response - Not Found

`404 Not Found`

"errors": ["User c63d285b-7794-4419-bfb7-86d7bb3ff17a not found"]

### Create a User

`POST /api/v1/user`

#### Request

| Param | Type | Description | Required | Validations |
| ---------- | ------ | ------------------------ | :------: | --------------------- |
| first_name | String | The user's first name | yes | at least 3 characters |
| last_name | String | The user's last name | yes | at least 3 characters |
| email | String | The user's email address | yes | valid email address |

"first_name": "Linus",
"last_name": "Torvalds",
"email": "[email protected]"

#### Response

"id": "0c419802-d1ef-47d6-b8fa-c886a23d61a7",
"first_name": "Linus",
"last_name": "Torvalds",
"email": "[email protected]"


curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"first_name": "Linus",
"last_name": "Torvalds",
"email": "[email protected]"

#### Response - Validation Errors

`422 Unprocessable Entity`

"errors": [
"first_name is required and must be at least 3 characters",
"last_name is required and must be at least 3 characters",
"email must be a valid email"

## License

This project is licensed under:

- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or