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Github Profile page for Anoduck:





## :duck::duck: Anoduck: The Anonymous Duck :duck::duck:

:stars: >|< *I support freedom of speech, and the free exchange of ideas within the marketplace of one's mind.* >|< :stars:


[![Anoduck's GitHub stats](](

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Other 39 hrs 46 mins ████████████████▒░░░░░░░░ 65.66 %
sh 8 hrs 41 mins ███▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 14.35 %
Python 4 hrs 42 mins ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 07.77 %
Markdown 4 hrs 26 mins █▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 07.32 %
Org 1 hr 12 mins ▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 01.99 %


:point_right::point_right::point_right::point_right: **You can chat with me in [Discussions](** :point_left::point_left::point_left::point_left:


_As everything is in a state of impermanence, this too will change._

_It is the smaller acts of kindness that uplift man’s soul, and help him to live for another day._

_Only the elite of humanity use ASCII art thoroughly._


### What I do:

- :satellite: Scrapers of all types and varieties
- :sunglasses: System Administration
- :footprints: OSINT Recon
- :busts_in_silhouette: Social Engineering
- :camera: Photo Scraping
- :unicorn: Org Mode
- :blowfish: OpenBSD
- :penguin: Linux
- :deciduous_tree: Agricultural Technology


### Developmental Principles

Here are some developmental principles I believe in.

- Pay for use API-Keys prevent access to technology and thus technological innovation.
- Discord has a notorious reputation and is closed source, so don’t use it. Choose element instead.
- Linux Elitism is in poor taste. Linux is just one of many. UNIX, BSD, Haiku, Hurd and others exist.
- Avoid "Not my problem"-ism.
- Do not be foolish enough to assume everyone runs an nvidia processor and desires to have access to cuda.
- Be loyal to that which supports you.

#### Politics and Computer Science

- Injecting politics into computer science is exclusionary, restrains innovation, and limits diversity.
- Forcing one's politics on users by incorporating political precepts into a project's code of conduct
exemplifies an abuse of trust, a desire to stifle diversity of thought, and a willingness to disregard
the rights of others.


### Awesome Developers

Here are some developers who I found to be extremely polite and abundant in generosity. It speaks
greatly of their character for some random and insignificant user to remember the kindness they showed.

| Awesome | Generous | Developers |
| [bullshark]( | [leo-arch]( | [mudler]( |
| [deepbluev7]( | [kovidgoyal]( | [jcjgraf]( |
| [ellisonleao]( | [Iron-E]( | [samschott]( |
| [mkeeter]( | [shenwei356]( | [gorbit99]( |
| [PaulMcInnis]( | [bastibe]( | [unparalleled-js]( |
| [ray-x]( | [jakewvincent]( | [xwmx]( |
| [raxod502]( | [ss-o]( | [yousefvand]( |
| [n3mo]( | [alanhamlett]( | [dgutov]( |
| [williamboman]( | [m42e]( | [RootK1d]( |
| [mrcnski]( | [glepnir]( | [samschott]( |
| [KJ7LNW]( | [akiyosi]( | [folke]( |


### Daily Drivers

Here are some projects I use in my daily life.

- [Zsh](
- [Zshell](
- [Kitty](
- [EMACS](
- [Helix](
- [NeoVim](
- [Straight.el](
- [Org-Mode](
- [Org-Recur](
- [Oh-My-Zsh](
- [BFG Repo-Cleaner](


### Sources

Sources for creating your own awesome GithHub Readme:

- [Awesome GitHub Profile Readme](
- [GitHub Profile Readme Generator](
- [GitHub Readme Stats](
- [Wakatime Readme](