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DangerJS plugin to send report & message to Slack

danger danger-plugin slack

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

DangerJS plugin to send report & message to Slack




# danger-plugin-slack

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> Report to Slack the result of Danger

## Usage


yarn add danger-plugin-slack --dev

To send the Danger report to slack:

// dangerfile.js
import slack from 'danger-plugin-slack'

const options = {
webhookUrl: "YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL" // only the webhook URL is required

slack(options) // to invoke at the end of the dangerfile to get the full report

To send a specific message:

// dangerfile.js
import slack from 'danger-plugin-slack'

const options = {
text: "Hello world!", // A custom message to send instead of the report (optional, default: null)
username: "Jacky", // A custom sender name (optional, default: "DangerJS")
iconEmoji: ":sunglasses:", // A custom emoji (optional, default: ":open_mouth:")
iconUrl: "http://path/custom/icon/url", // A custom iconUrl (optional, default: null)
channel: "#general", // A custom channel (optional)


## Incoming Webhook
To get a new incoming webhook url, you will have to [click here](
Keep in mind that optional parameters such as channel or emoji doesn't work with integrations declared as Slack Apps. So it's better to create a simple incoming webhook.

## Changelog

See the GitHub [release history](

## Contributing

See [](