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A Danger-Swift plugin that adds build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild to your Danger report

build danger danger-plugin danger-report danger-swift reporting spm swift swift-package-manager tests xcode xcodebuild xcpretty

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

A Danger-Swift plugin that adds build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild to your Danger report




# DangerXCodeSummary
A Danger-Swift plugin that adds build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild to your Danger report

Inspired by [danger-xcode_summary](


## Getting Started

- Install [xcpretty]( and

### Install DangerSwiftCoverage
#### Swift Package Manager (More performant)
You can use a "full SPM" solution to install both `danger-swift` and `DangerXCodeSummary`.

- Add to your `Package.swift`:

let package = Package(
products: [
.library(name: "DangerDeps", type: .dynamic, targets: ["DangerDependencies"]), // dev
dependencies: [
// Danger Plugins
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0") // dev
targets: [
.target(name: "DangerDependencies", dependencies: ["Danger", "DangerXCodeSummary"]), // dev

- Add the correct import to your `Dangerfile.swift`:
import DangerXCodeSummary

let summary = XCodeSummary(filePath: "result.json")

- Create a folder called `DangerDependencies` on `Sources` with an empty file inside like [Fake.swift](Sources/DangerDependencies/Fake.swift)
- To run `Danger` use `swift run danger-swift command`
- (Recommended) If you are using SPM to distribute your framework, use [Rocket](, or similar to comment out all the dev depencencies from your `Package.swift`.
This prevents the dev dependencies to be downloaded and compiled with your framework.

#### Marathon
- Add this to your `Dangerfile.swift`

import DangerXCodeSummary // package:

let summary = XCodeSummary(filePath: "result.json")

- (Recommended) Cache the `~/.danger-swift` folder

## Run with SPM
DangerXCodeSummary can be used with SPM (this repo uses it on the Linux CI), but at the moment, if you use SPM, falining tests inline messages are not generated.
To generate the report run:

swift test | XCPRETTY_JSON_FILE_OUTPUT=result.json xcpretty -f `xcpretty-json-formatter`

## Send report to Danger


## Warning and Errors count

if summary.errorsCount > maxErrorCount {
fail("There are more than \(maxErrorCount) errors"

if summary.warningsCount > maxWarningsCount {
fail("There are more than \(maxWarningsCount) warnings"

## Filtering results
Don't show warnings:

let summary = XCodeSummary(json: JSONFile.jsonObject(fromString: reportTestJSON), dsl: dsl, resultsFilter: { result in
return result.category != .warning

Filter out any error or warning for a specific path:

let summary = XCodeSummary(json: JSONFile.jsonObject(fromString: warningsJSON), dsl: dsl, resultsFilter: { result in
guard let file = result.file else { return true }
return !file.contains("Sources/DangerXCodeSummary/")