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Google Hangouts bot

bot chatbot hangouts python

Last synced: 5 days ago
JSON representation

Google Hangouts bot




# Introduction

Hangupsbot is a chat bot designed for working with Google Hangouts.

Please see:
* [Instructions for installing](
* [Issue tracker]( for bugs, issues and feature requests
* [Wiki]( for everything else

## Repository Links
* [GitHub Organisation](
* [Translation Project](
* [Reference Hangups Library](

## Features
* **Mentions** :
If somebody mentions you in a room, receive a private hangout from the bot with details on the mention,
including context, room and person who mentioned you.
* **Syncouts** :
A syncout is two Hangout group chats that have their messages forwarded to each other, allowing seamless
interaction between the two rooms. Primarily used to beat the 150-member chat limit, but it can also be
used for temporarily connecting teams together to interact.
* **Cross-chat Syncouts** :
Half of your team is on Slack? No problem! You can connect them into the same room to communicate.
Support for other chat clients coming soon.
* **[Hubot Integration](**:
Hangupsbot allows you to connect to [Hubot](, instantly providing you access
to hundreds of developed chat tools and plugins.
* **Plugins and sinks** :
The bot has [instructions for developing your own plugins and sinks](, allowing the bot to interact
with external services such as your company website, Google scripts and much more.
* **Plugin mania** :
games, nickname support, subscribed keywords, customizable API - **[the list goes on](**!

# Running The Bot

Note: **First run?** See the [installation instructions](

To execute: `python3`

usage: hangupsbot [-h] [-d] [--log LOG] [--cookies COOKIES] [--memory MEMORY] [--config CONFIG] [--version]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug log detailed debugging messages (default: False)
--log LOG log file path (default:
--cookies COOKIES cookie storage path (default:
--memory MEMORY memory storage path (default:
--config CONFIG config storage path (default:
--version show program's version number and exit

# Bot Configuration for Administrators

Configuration directives can be specified in `config.json`.

Please note that the `config.json` file supplied with the repository is not
supposed to be edited/changed. It is the reference file used by the bot to
create the actual configuration file located elsewhere in the system. To find out
where the actual file is, please see the [**Additional Configuration** section](
in the [installation](

Most configuration directives are specified **globally**
* Global directives are always specified in the "root" of `config.json`.
* To specify a per-conversation directive, the same configuration option should
be defined as `config.conversations[].`.
* Per-conversation directives override global settings, if both are set.
* Manually-configured per-conversation directives are DEPRECATED.

## Plugins

The `plugins` key in `config.json` allows you to optionally specify a list of plugins
that will be loaded by the bot on startup. If this option is left as `null`, then
all available plugins will be loaded.

To specify the plugins to be loaded, first ensure that the correct `.py` files are
inside your `hangupsbot/plugin/` directory, then modify the `plugins` key in
`config.json` to reflect which plugins/files you want to load e.g.
`plugins: ["mentions", "default", "chance", "syncrooms"]`

Some plugins may require extra configuration.
`config.json` is the the configuration provider for the bot and its plugins.

Some interesting plugins:
* [mentions plugin](
* alert users when their names are mentioned in a chat
* [subscribe plugin](
* alert users when keywords they are subscribed to are said in a chat
* [syncout / syncrooms plugins](
* relay chat messages between different hangout group conversations (syncrooms)
* configure via bot commands (syncrooms_config)
* automated translation via Google Translate of relayed messages (syncrooms_autotranslate)

The wiki has a more comprehensive **[list of plugins](**...

# Interacting with the Bot

There are two general types of interactions with the bot:
* **`/bot` commands** begin with `/bot` e.g. `/bot dosomething`
* some bot commands are admin-only
* custom interactions (usage and accessibility varies by plugin)

The base bot supports some basic command even without any plugins loaded.
Here is a partial list:

`/bot help`
* Bot lists all supported commands in a private message with the user

`/bot ping`
* Bot replies with a `pong`.

`/bot version`
* Bot replies with the version number of the framework

A full list of commands supported by the base framework is available at the
[**Core Commands**](
wiki page.

The wiki also has a
[**list of plugins**](
detailing available plugins with commands lists and usage.

# Updating

* Navigate to the bot directory (eg. `cd ~/hangupsbot`)
* Change to the latest stable branch using `git checkout master`
* `git pull` to pull the latest version of hangupsbot
* `pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade`
* Restart the bot

# Debugging

* Run the bot with the `-d` parameter e.g. `python3 -d` - this
lowers the log level to `INFO` for a more verbose and informative log file.
* `tail` the log file, which is probably located at
`//.local/share/hangupsbot/hangupsbot.log` - the location varies by
* Console output (STDOUT) is fairly limited whatever the log level, so rely
on the output of the log file instead.

## Tips for troubleshooting
**Program isn't running:**
* Update `hangupsbot` and `hangups`
* Run `hangups` to check if the original hangups library is working
* If there are errors, delete the cookie at ``~/.local/share/hangupsbot/cookies.json` and try again
* Log into your Google Account from the server's address.

**Bot isn't responding to messages:**
* Check that the chats are not going into the 'Invites' section of Hangouts.

# Extending

Please see

# Credits / History

Hangoutsbot is derived from the [mogunsamang]( bot,
which itself is a fork of xmikos's [hangupsbot](

On 2015-06-20, this fork was detached and made standalone on GitHub

On 2015-07-03, the fork was made into a Github Organisation