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Mega script to deploy/configure/run OVN scale tests.

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Mega script to deploy/configure/run OVN scale tests.




# ovn-heater

Mega script to install/configure/run
a simulated OVN cluster deployed with

**NOTE**: This script is designed to be used on test machines only. It
performs disruptive changes to the machines it is run on (e.g.,cleanup
existing containers).

# Prerequisites

## Physical topology

* ORCHESTRATOR: One machine that needs to be able to SSH paswordless
(preferably as `root`) to all other machines in the topology. Performs the
- prepares the test enviroment: clone the specified versions of `OVS` and
`OVN` and build the `ovn-fake-multinode` image to be used by the `OVN`
- provisions all other `OVN` nodes with the required software packages
and with the correct version of `ovn-fake-multinode` to run simulated/fake
`OVN` chassis.

* TESTER: One machine to run the `ovn-tester` container which runs the python
ovn-tester code. Like the ORCHESTRATOR, the TESTER also needs to be able to
SSH passwordless to all other machines in the topology.
* OVN-CENTRAL: One machine to run the `ovn-central` container(s) which
run `ovn-northd` and the `Northbound` and `Southbound` databases.
* OVN-WORKER-NODE(s): Machines to run `ovn-netlab` container(s), each of
which will simulate an `OVN` chassis.

The initial provisioning for all the nodes is performed by the ` install`
command. The simulated `OVN` chassis containers and central container are
spawned by the test scripts in `ovn-tester/`.

**NOTE**: `ovn-fake-multinode` assumes that all nodes (OVN-CENTRAL, TESTER and
OVN-WORKER-NODEs) have an additional Ethernet interface connected to a
single L2 switch. This interface will be used for traffic to/from the
`Northbound` and `Southbound` databases and for tunneled traffic.

**NOTE**: there's no restriction regarding physical machine roles so for
all be the same physical machine in which case there's no need for the
secondary Ethernet interface to exist.

## Sample physical topology:
* TESTER: ``
- ``
- ``

TESTER, OVN-CENTRAL and OVN-WORKER-NODEs all have Ethernet interface `eno1`
connected to a physical switch in a separate VLAN, as untagged interfaces.

**NOTE**: The hostnames specified in the physical topology are used by both
the ORCHESTRATOR and by the `ovn-tester` container running in the TESTER.
Therefore, the values need to be resolvable by both of these entities and
need to resolve to the same host. `localhost` will not work since this does
not resolve to a unique host.

## Minimal requirements on the ORCHESTRATOR node (tested on Fedora 38 and Ubuntu 22.10)

### Install required packages:

#### RPM-based
dnf install -y git ansible \
ansible-collection-ansible-posix ansible-collection-ansible-utils

#### DEB-based
sudo apt -y install ansible

# Installation

All the following installation steps are run on ORCHESTRATOR.

## Ensure all nodes can be accessed passwordless via SSH by ORCHESTRATOR and TESTER

On Fedora 33 RSA keys are not considered secure enough, an alternative is:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 64 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Then append `~/.ssh/` to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on all physical

## Get the code:

git clone

## Write the physical deployment description yaml file:

A sample file written for the deployment described above is available at

The file should contain the following mandatory sections and fields:
- `internal-iface`: the name of the Ethernet interface used by the underlay
(DB and tunnel traffic). This can be overridden per node if needed.
- `tester-node`:
- `name`: the hostname (or IP) of the node that will run `ovn-tester` (the
python code that performs the actual test)
- `ssh_key`: An ssh private key to install in the TESTER that can be used
to communicate with the other machines in the cluster.
Default: `~/.ssh/id_rsa`
- `central-nodes`:
- `name`: the hostnames (or IPs) of the nodes that will run `ovn-central`
(`ovn-northd` and databases).
- `worker-nodes`:
- the list of worker node hostnames (or IPs). If needed, worker nodes can
be further customized using the per-node optional fields described below.

Global optional fields:
- `user`: the username to be used when connecting from the tester node.
Default: `root`.
- `prefix`: a string (no constraints) that will be used to prefix container
names for all containers that run `OVN` fake chassis. For example,
`prefix: ovn-test` will generate container names of the form
`ovn-test-X-Y` where `X` is the unique part of the worker hostname and `Y`
is the worker node local index. Default: `ovn-scale`.
- `max-containers`: the maximum number of containers allowed to run on one
host. Default: 100.

In case some of the physical machines in the setup have different
capabilities (e.g, could host more containers, or use a different ethernet
interface), the following per-node fields can be used to customize the
deployment. Except for `fake-nodes` which is valid only in the context of
worker nodes, all others are valid both for the `central-nodes` and also for
- `user`: the username to be used when connecting from the tester node.
- `internal-iface`: the name of the Ethernet interface used for DB and
tunnel traffic. This overrides the `internal-iface` global configuration.
- `fake-nodes`: the maximum number of containers allowed to run on this
host. If not specified, the value of `max-containers` from the global
section is used instead.

## Perform the installation step:

This must be run on the ORCHESTRATOR node and generates a `runtime` directory, a
`runtime/hosts` ansible inventory and installs all test components on
all other nodes.

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ install

This step will:
- clone OVS, OVN and ovn-fake-multinode upstream main branches in the
`runtime` directory.
- build the `ovn/ovn-multi-node` container image which will be used by the
fake nodes spawned during the tests. OVS/OVN binaries are built with
`CFLAGS="-g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer"`. More aggressive optimizations
can be enabled by setting the `EXTRA_OPTIMIZE=yes` environment variable
(`EXTRA_OPTIMIZE=yes ./ install`).
- push the container image to all other nodes and prepare the test environment.
- build the `ovn/ovn-tester` container image which will be used by the TESTER
node to run the ovn-tester application.
- push the `ovn/ovn-tester` container image to the TESTER node.

To override the OVS, OVN or ovn-fake-multinode repos/branches use the
following environment variables:

For example, installing components with custom OVS/OVN code:

cd ~/ovn-heater
OVS_REPO= OVS_BRANCH=tmp-branch OVN_REPO= OVN_BRANCH=tmp-branch-2 ./ install

To override base image of ovn-fake-multinode, which is by default
`fedora:latest`, you can use following environment variables:

For example, to use latest Ubuntu image you can run:

cd ~/ovn-heater
OS_BASE=ubuntu OS_IMAGE_OVERRIDE=ubuntu:rolling ./ install

## Perform a reinstallation (e.g., new OVS/OVN versions are needed):

For OVS, OVN or ovn-fake-multinode code changes to be reflected the
`ovn/ovn-multi-node` container image must be rebuilt. The simplest
way to achieve that is to remove the current `runtime` directory and

cd ~/ovn-heater
rm -rf runtime
OVS_REPO=... OVS_BRANCH=... OVN_REPO=... OVN_BRANCH=... ./ install

## Perform a reinstallation (e.g., install OVS/OVN from rpm packages):

cd ~/ovn-heater
rm -rf runtime

Run the installation with rpm packages parameters specified:

cd ~/ovn-heater
RPM_SELINUX=$rpm_url_openvswitch-selinux-extra-policy RPM_OVS=$rpm_url_openvswitch RPM_OVN_COMMON=$rpm_url_ovn RPM_OVN_HOST=$rpm_url_ovn-host RPM_OVN_CENTRAL=$rpm_url_ovn-central ./ install

## Update Tester code

To update code in Tester container run:

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ refresh-tester

This is handy if you are just making changes to the code inside `ovn-tester`
package, and you don't need to rebuild `OVN`/`OVS` packages or
`fake-multinode` image.

## Regenerate the ansible inventory:

If the physical topology has changed then update
`physical-deployment/physical-deployment.yml` to reflect the new physical

Then generate the new ansible inventory:

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ generate

# Running tests:

Testing steps are executed on ORCHESTRATOR node.

## Scenario definitions

Scenarios are defined in `ovn-tester/` and are configurable
through YAML files. Sample scenario configurations are available in

## Scenario execution

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ run

This executes `` on the physical deployment (specifically on the
`ovn-tester` container on the TESTER). Current scenarios also cleanup the
environment, i.e., remove all containers from all physical nodes.
**NOTE**: If the environment needs to be explictly cleaned up, we can also
execute before running the scenario:

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ init

The results will be stored in `test_results/`. The results
consist of:
- a `config` file where remote urls and SHA/branch-name of all test components
(ovn-fake-multinode, ovs, ovn) are stored.
- an `installer-log` where the ouptut of the `./ install` command is
- html reports
- a copy of the `hosts` ansible inventory used for the test.
- OVN container logs (i.e., ovn-northd, ovn-controller, ovs-vswitchd,
ovsdb-server logs).
- physical nodes journal files.
- perf sampling results if enabled

## Example: run 20 nodes "density light"

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ run test-scenarios/ocp-20-density-light.yml test-20-density-light

This test consists of two stages:
- bring up a base cluster having 20 worker nodes (`n_workers`) and 10 simulated
pods/vms (`n_pods_per_node`) on each of the nodes.
- provision 4000 initial pods (`n_startup`) distributed across the 20 workers.
- provision the remaining 1000 pods (up to `n_pods`) and measure the time it
takes for each of them to become reachable.

Results will be stored in `~ovn-heater/test_results/test-20-density-light*/`:
- `config`: remote urls and SHA/branch-names of components used by the test.
- `hosts`: the autogenerated ansible host inventory.
- `logs`: the OVN container logs and journal files from each physical node.
- `*html`: the html reports for each of the scenarios run.

## Example: run 20 nodes "density heavy"

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ run test-scenarios/ocp-20-density-heavy.yml test-20-density-heavy

This test consists of two stages:
- bring up a base cluster having 20 worker nodes (`n_workers`) and 10 simulated
pods/vms (`n_pods_per_node`) on each of the nodes.
- provision 4000 initial pods (`n_startup`) distributed across the 20 workers.
- for every other pod (`pods_vip_ratio`), provision a load balancer VIP using
the pod as backend.
- provision the remaining 1000 pods (up to `n_pods`) and 500 VIPs and measure
the time it takes for each of them to become reachable.

Results will be stored in `~ovn-heater/test_results/test-20-density-heavy*/`:
- `config`: remote urls and SHA/branch-names of components used by the test.
- `hosts`: the autogenerated ansible host inventory.
- `logs`: the OVN container logs and journal files from each physical node.
- `*html`: the html reports for each of the scenarios run.

## Example: run 20 nodes "cluster density"

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ run test-scenarios/ocp-20-cluster-density.yml test-20-cluster-density

This test consists of two stages:
- bring up a base cluster having 20 worker nodes (`n_workers`) and 10 simulated
pods/vms (`n_pods_per_node`) on each of the nodes.
- run 500 iterations (`n_runs`) each of which:
- provisions 6 short-lived pods (removed at the end of the iteration)
- provisions 4 long-lived pods (survive the end of the iteration)
- creates a VIP with 2 backends (2 of the long-lived pods)
- creates two VIPs with one backend each (the remaining 2 long-lived pods)
- for the last 100 iterations (`n_runs` - `n_startup`) measure the time it
takes for the pods to become reachable.

Results will be stored in `~ovn-heater/test_results/test-20-cluster-density*/`:
- `config`: remote urls and SHA/branch-names of components used by the test.
- `hosts`: the autogenerated ansible host inventory.
- `logs`: the OVN container logs and journal files from each physical node.
- `*html`: the html reports for each of the scenarios run.

## Scenario execution with DBs in standalone mode

By default tests configure NB/SB ovsdb-servers to run in clustered mode
(RAFT). If instead tests should be run in standalone mode then the test
scenarios must be adapted by setting `clustered_db: false` in the `cluster`
section of the test scenario YAML file.

## Scenario execution with ovsdb-etcd in standalone node

This test requires ovn-fake-multinode, etcd and ovsdb-etcd

to build and run with ETCD

USE_OVSDB_ETCD=yes ./ install

cd ~/ovn-heater
./ run test-scenarios/ovn-etcd-low-scale.yml etcd-test-low-scale

The following fields are important for ovn-fake-node to detect and run ovsdb-etcd
enable_ssl: False
use_ovsdb_etcd: true

# Contributing to ovn-heater

Please check out our [contributing guidelines](./ for
instructions about contributing patches to ovn-heater. Please open
[GitHub issues]( for
reporting any potential bugs or for requesting new ovn-heater