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Template repo for Ema static site generator

haskell static-site-generator template

Last synced: 18 days ago
JSON representation

Template repo for Ema static site generator




# Ema Template

A very simple example [Ema]( site that is based on Blaze HTML & TailwindCSS 3. Use it to bootstrap your next static site using Ema.

The generated HTML site can be previewed here:

## Getting Started

To develop with full IDE support in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

- [Install Nix](
- And [setup direnv](
- Run `nix develop -i -c haskell-language-server` to sanity check your environment
- Open the repository [as single-folder workspace]( in Visual Studio Code
- Install the recommended extensions
- Active the direnv environment
- Press Ctrl+Shift+B in VSCode, or run `nix develop -c just run` in terminal (`just run` if direnv is already active), to launch the Ema dev server, and navigate to http://localhost:9001/

All but the final step need to be done only once. Check [the Ema tutorial]( next.

## Note

- This project uses [relude]( as its prelude, as well as Tailwind+Blaze as CSS utility and HTML DSL. Even though the author highly recommends them, you are of course free to swap them out for the library of your choice.
- Tailwind CSS is compiled, alongside Ghcid, via foreman (see `flake.nix`)
- As a first step to using this template, rename your project using (use `ema-template` in place of `haskell-template`)
- Configuration:
- To change the port (or the Ema CLI arguments, used by `nix develop -c just run`), see `./.ghcid` (if you leave out `--port` a random port will be used)
- To add/remove Haskell dependencies, see
- To generate the site, run:
nix build .#site
# Alternatively:
# > mkdir ../output
# > nix run . -- --base-url=/ gen ../output

## Non-Nix workflow

To use this repository without Nix (such as with plain Cabal or Stack) you need to have the following installed manually:

- ghcid
- [tailwind runner]( along with [tailwind CLI](
- [foreman]( (or one of its rewrites)
- Add a `Procfile`; see flake.nix to determine what should go in its `Procfile`

Once all the above are installed and setup, run `foreman start` to start the Ema live server.