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🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs

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Last synced: 2 months ago
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🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs




Pull App

Probot Featured

GitHub Stars



Triggered #

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Features](#features)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Basic Setup](#basic-setup)
- [Advanced Setup (with config)](#advanced-setup-with-config)
- [Most Common](#most-common)
- [Advanced usage](#advanced-usage)
- [For Repository Owners](#for-repository-owners)
- [Author](#author)
- [License](#license)

## Introduction

[![GitHub Status](](
[![JavaScript Style Guide](](
[![MIT License](](

> 🤖 a GitHub App built with [probot]( that keeps your forks up-to-date with upstream via automated pull requests.

Trusted by [![Repository Count](]( repositories, triggered [![Triggered #](](

_Can you help keep this open source service alive? **[💖 Please sponsor : )](**_

## Features

- Ensure forks are updated.
- Automatically integrate new changes from upstream.
- Pull requests are created when upstreams are updated.
- Automatically merge or hard reset pull requests to match upstream.
- Add assignees and reviewers to pull requests.
- Customize pull request label.
- Honor branch protection rules.
- Work well with pull request checks and reviews.

### Prerequisites
- Upstream must be in the same fork network.
- :warning: _Make a backup if you've made changes._

## Getting Started

**[⭐ Star this project](** (Highly recommended, starred users may receive priority over regular users)

### Basic Setup

- Just install **[ Pull app](**.

Pull app will automatically watch and pull in upstream's default (master) branch to yours using **hard reset** every few hours. You can also manually [trigger](#trigger-manually) it anytime.

### Advanced Setup (with config)

1. Create a new branch.
2. Setup the new branch as default branch under repository Settings > Branches.
3. Add `.github/pull.yml` to your default branch.

#### Most Common
(behaves the same as Basic Setup)
version: "1"
- base: master
upstream: wei:master # change `wei` to the owner of upstream repo
mergeMethod: hardreset

#### Advanced usage
version: "1"
rules: # Array of rules
- base: master # Required. Target branch
upstream: wei:master # Required. Must be in the same fork network.
mergeMethod: hardreset # Optional, one of [none, merge, squash, rebase, hardreset], Default: none.
mergeUnstable: false # Optional, merge pull request even when the mergeable_state is not clean. Default: false
- base: dev
upstream: master # Required. Can be a branch in the same forked repo.
assignees: # Optional
- wei
reviewers: # Optional
- wei
conflictReviewers: # Optional, on merge conflict assign a reviewer
- wei
label: ":arrow_heading_down: pull" # Optional
conflictLabel: "merge-conflict" # Optional, on merge conflict assign a custom label, Default: merge-conflict

4. Go to `${owner}/${repo}` to validate your `.github/pull.yml` (Public repos only). See [#234]( for another way to validate it.
5. Install **[![ Pull]( Pull app](**.

### Trigger manually

Go to `${owner}/${repo}` to manually trigger pull.
**Note:** Nothing will happen if your branch is already even with upstream.

## For Repository Owners

For the most common use case (a single `master` branch), you can just direct users to install Pull with no configurations.
If you need a more advanced setup (such as a `docs` branch in addition to `master`), consider adding `.github/pull.yml` to your repository pointing to yourself (see example). This will allow forks to install Pull and stay updated automatically.

Example (assuming `owner` is your user or organization name):
version: "1"
- base: master
upstream: owner:master
mergeMethod: hardreset
- base: docs
upstream: owner:docs
mergeMethod: hardreset

## Author
[Wei He]( [email protected]_

## License