
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker.

android-app flutter flutter-apps spacex

Last synced: 27 days ago
JSON representation

Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker.




SpaceX GO!

Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker

### About the project

The purpose of this project is to develop the ultimate SpaceX experience in a variety of platforms. A single experience, from a single codebase.

From the start, SpaceX GO! has been developed to be light-weight, fast and easy to use. It takes all the data from the open-source r/SpaceX REST API, which can be found [here](

This project has been built using the [Flutter]( framework, which allows to build an app for mobile, desktop & web, from a single codebase.

## Features

- **Launch tracking & details**: detailed list of past & upcoming launches.
- **Notifications support**: be notify before the rocket leaves the launch pad.
- **Vehicle catalogue**: read about all rockets, capsules & ships SpaceX has develop over the years.
- **Ships tracker**: tells position, speed & status of all active ships used by SpaceX.
- **Tesla Roadster tracker**: orbit, speed & distance of the Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster.
- **Core & capsules details**: more information about each core & capsules launched.
- **Company details**: general company details & achievements.

## Download & install

First, clone the repository with the 'clone' command, or just download the zip.

$ git clone [email protected]:jesusrp98/spacex-go.git

Then, download either Android Studio or Visual Studio Code, with their respective [Flutter editor plugins]( For more information about Flutter installation procedure, check the [official install guide](

Install dependencies from pubspec.yaml by running `flutter packages get` from the project root (see [using packages documentation]( for details and how to do this in the editor).

There you go, you can now open & edit the project. Enjoy!

## Built with

- [Flutter]( - Beautiful native apps in record time.
- [Android Studio]( - Tools for building apps on every type of Android device.
- [Visual Studio Code]( - Code editing. Redefined.

## Authors

- **Jesús Rodríguez** - lead developer: [GitHub](, [Twitter]( & [Reddit](
- **Matias de Andrea** - UI/UX designer: [GitHub](, [Twitter]( & [Behance](
- **/u/OuterSpaceCitizen** - Portuguese translations.
- **loopsun** - Simplified Chinese translations.
- **Charlie Merland** - French translations.
- **Tommi Avery** - Italian translations.
- **Fatur Rahman S** - Indonesian translations: [GitHub](
- **Patrick Kilter** - German translations: [GitHub](

## Contributing

If you want to take the time to make this project better, please read the [contributing guides]( first. Then, you can open an new [issue](, of a [pull request](

## License

This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 License - see the []( file for details.