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Flutter on Windows, MacOS and Linux - based on Flutter Embedding, Go and GLFW.

cross-platform desktop flutter glfw go golang hover linux macos ui windows

Last synced: 19 days ago
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Flutter on Windows, MacOS and Linux - based on Flutter Embedding, Go and GLFW.




# go-flutter - A package that brings Flutter to the desktop

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## Purpose

[Flutter]( allows you to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase.

This [unofficial]( project brings Flutter to the desktop through the power of [Go]( and [GLFW](

The flutter engine itself doesn't know how to deal with desktop platforms _(eg handling mouse/keyboard input)_. Instead, it exposes an abstraction layer for whatever platform to implement. This project implements the [Flutter's Embedding API]( using a single code base that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. For rendering, [**GLFW**]( fits the job because it provides the right abstractions over the OpenGL's Buffer/Mouse/Keyboard for each platform.

The choice of [Golang]( comes from the fact that it has the same tooling on every platform. Plus Golang is a great language because it keeps everything simple and readable, which makes it easy to build cross-platform plugins.

Screenshot of the Stocks demo app on macOS

## Getting started

The best way to get started is to install [hover](, the official go-flutter tool to set up, build and run Flutter apps on the desktop, including hot-reload.

Read the [hover tutorial]( to run your app on the desktop, or start with [one of our example apps](

If you want more in-depth information about go-flutter, read the [wiki](

## Supported features

- Linux :penguin:
- MacOS :apple:
- Windows :checkered_flag:
- [**Hot Reload**](
- Plugin system
- BinaryMessageCodec, BinaryMessageChannel
- StandardMessageCodec, JSONMessageCodec
- StandardMethodCodec, **MethodChannel**
- Plugin detection for [supported plugins](
- Importable as Go library into custom projects
- UTF-8 Text input
- Clipboard copy & paste
- Window title and icon
- Standard keyboard shortcuts
- ctrl-c ctrl-v ctrl-x ctrl-a
- Home End shift-Home shift-End
- Left ctrl-Left ctrl-shift-Left
- Right ctrl-Right ctrl-shift-Right
- Backspace ctrl-Backspace Delete
- Mouse-over/hovering
- Mouse-buttons
- RawKeyboard events
- Distribution format (windows-msi, mac-dmg, linux-appimage, and more)
- Cross-compiling using docker :whale:

Are you missing a feature? [Open an issue!](

## Examples

A separate repository contains example Flutter apps that also run on the desktop. Go to []( to give them a try.

## Plugins

Some popular plugins are already implemented over at [](
If you have implemented a plugin that you would like to share, feel free to open a PR on the plugins repository!

For a detailed tutorial on how to create a plugin, read the [wiki](

## Version compatibility

### Flutter version

Flutter itself is a relatively young project. Its framework and engine are updated often. The go-flutter project tries to stay compatible with the [beta channel]( of Flutter.

### Go version

Updating Go is simple and Go [seldomly has backwards-incompatible changes]( This project remains compatible with the [latest Go stable release](

### GLFW version

This project uses go-gl/glfw for GLFW v3.3.

## License

[BSD 3-Clause License](LICENSE)