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Reminders CLI app in Go

Last synced: 9 days ago
JSON representation

Reminders CLI app in Go




# Reminders CLI app

## Overview

In this project we'll build a **multi component CLI application**
which consists of mainly 3 parts: a `CLI client`, a `backend API` server
and a `notifier service`.

The CLI client will take the input from command line
and pass it to the backend API through its HTTP client.

The backend API server is an **HTTP server** which
has all the needed endpoints for **CRUD operations** on reminders.
It also has 2 background running workers: **background saver**
& **background notifier**. Correspondingly saving the in-memory
data to the disk and notifying un-completed reminders.

The backend API server also communicates with the notifier service
through its own HTTP client.

Speaking of the database layer, we'll be creating our own **file database storage**
with some optimized mechanism for this type of application.

Ta-dah 🥳 🚀

## Medium article 📖

- [Reminders CLI in Go](

## YouTube tutorials 🎥

- [Reminders CLI in Go #1 - Project setup & bare bones]( - [[Download Code]](
- [Reminders CLI in Go #2 - Notifier Service]( - [[Download Code]](
- [Reminders CLI in Go #3 - CLI Basics]( - [[Download Code]](
- [Reminders CLI in Go #4 - Command Switch - Part 1]( - [[Download Code]](
- [Reminders CLI in Go #5 - Command Switch - Part 2]( - [[Download Code]](

## Requirements 🤓

- [Go](
- [Node.js](

In this tutorial we'll be writing a little bit of [Node.js](
aka the `Notifier Service` because it's the fastest
cross platform OS notification system available for us.

We'll also be using [Yarn]( package manager for this application.

And that's all on the JavaScript (Node.js) side.
The rest is pure `Go code` also **without** any **third party packages**
meaning we'll write absolutely everything from scratch.

## Components 🧩

- **CLI Client**
- **HTTP client** for communicating with the Backend API
- **Backend API**
- **HTTP client** for communicating with the Notifier service
- **Notifier** service
- Background **Saver worker**
- Background **Notifier worker**
- JSON file **Database** (`db.json`)
- **Database config** file (`.db.config.json`)

## CLI Client

#### Features

- `create` a reminder
- `edit` a reminder
- `fetch` a list of reminders
- `delete` a list of reminders

***Note:*** Only works if Backend API is up & running

## Backend API

#### Features

- Does CRUD operations with incoming data from CLI client
- Runs Background Saver worker, which saves in-memory data
- Runs Background Notifier worker, which notifies un-completed reminders
- It can work without the Notifier service, and will keep
retrying unsent notifications until Notifier service is up
- On backend API shutdown all the in-memory data is saved

#### Endpoints

- `GET /health` - responds with 200 when server is up & running
- `POST /reminders/create` - creates a new reminder and saves it to DB
- `PUT /reminders/edit` - updates a reminder and saves it to DB (if duration is updated, notification is resent)
- `POST /reminders/fetch` - fetches a list of reminders from DB
- `DELETE /reminders/delete` - deletes a list of reminders from DB

## Background Saver

#### Features

- Saves in-memory reminders to the disk (`db.json`)
- Saves db config to the disk (`.db.config.json`)

## Background Notifier

#### Features

- Pushes un-completed reminders to the Notifier service

## Notifier Service

#### Features

- Sends OS notifications

#### Endpoints

- `GET /health` - responds with 200 when server is up & running
- `POST /notify` - sends OS notification and retry response

## File DB

#### Features

- Records are saved inside `db.json` file
- Has a db config file (`.db.config.json`)
- Has an auto increment ID generator

## Installation ⚙

Before running any command or trying to compile the programs
make sure you first have all the needed dependencies installed:

- [Golang](
- [GoLint](
- [Node.js](
- [Node.js Ubuntu](
- [Yarn](
- [GitBash - WINDOWS ONLY](
- [Cygwin - WINDOWS ONLY](
- [Make](

###### Configure `make` (WINDOWS ONLY):

***Note:*** Make sure you have [GitBash]( installed
before proceeding.

1. Download the [Make](

2. Extract the contents form the zip

3. Place the `bin/make.exe` inside `C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin`

4. If you're using **Goland** update your SHELL
`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `S` `-->` `Tools` `-->` `Terminal` `-->` `Shell Path` `-->` `"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i`

5. Restart Goland IDE

For more info refer to [GitBash - CygWin](


## Run 🎮

#### `make` commands

# builds client & server binaries, formats & lints the code

# builds the client binary
make client

# builds the server binary
make server

# formats the entire code base
make fmt

# lints the entire code base
make lint

# checks the entire code base for code issues
make vet

#### `server` flags

# display a helpful message of all available flags for the server binary
./bin/server --help

# runs the backend http server on the specified address
# --backend flag needs to be provided to ./bin/client if address != :8080
./bin/server --addr=":9090"

# runs the http backend server with a different path to the database
./bin/server --db="/path/to/db.json"

# runs the http backend server with a different path to the database config
./bin/server --db-cfg="/path/to/.db.config.json"

# runs the http backend server with a different notifier service url
./bin/server --notifier="http://localhost:8989"

#### `client` commands & flags

# displays a helpful message about all the commands and flags available
./bin/client --help

# runs CLI client with a different backend api url
./bin/client --backend="http://localhost:7777"

# creates a new reminder which will be notified after 3 minutes
./bin/client create --title="Some title" --message="Some msg!" --duration=3m

# edits the reminder with id: 13
# note: if the duration is edited, the reminder gets notified again
./bin/client edit --id=13 --title="Another title" --message="Another msg!"

# fetches a list of reminders with the following ids
./bin/client fetch --id=1 --id=3 --id=6

# deleted the reminders with the following ids
./bin/client delete --id=2 --id=4


***Note:*** Before using `./bin/client` binary,
make sure to have `/bin/server` and `notifier/notifier.js` up & running

**1st terminal**
node notfier/notifier.js

**2nd terminal**

**3rd terminal**
./bin/client ...

## Resources 💎

- [Handler](

## Feedback 🐧

[SteveHook TypeForm](

## Community 💬

[SteveHook Discord](


**Enjoy** 🚀🚀🚀