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HLayer——easyuse、no-dependence web layer

dialog hlayer layer layers

Last synced: 9 days ago
JSON representation

HLayer——easyuse、no-dependence web layer











# Hlayer


## Install

install with npm

npm install hlayer

install width yarn

yarn add hlayer

## Import

// ES6
import hlayer from 'hlayer',
import 'hlayer/dist/hlayer.css'

or link as a `script` and `link` in an html file.



or with require.js
define(['hlayer'], function(hlayer){
// your code
## How to use

Hlayer include a global variable 'hlayer', and this variable include all APIS.

Just like this, you can use function 'msg'

hlayer.msg({text: 'message'})

Every function include many params, you can see API

## API

### 1.msg

The simplest alert.

The params:

contentBg: String // the background color of content, default #fff
contentColor: strgin // the font color of content, defulat #000
animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
icon: Number // the icon type, include 1-8, default false
text: String // the content
width: String // layer width, default auto
height: String // layer height, default '50px'
time: Number // time of show, default 2000, if 'false', the layer can't close auto

### 2.alert

The alert with title and buttons.

The params:

contentBg: String // the background color of content, default #fff
contentColor: strgin // the font color of content, defulat #000
animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
icon: Number // the icon type, include 1-8, default false
text: String // the content
width: String // layer width, default '260px'
height: String // layer height, default '148px'
time: Number // time of show, default 2000, if 'false', the layer can't close auto
mainBg: String // background color of title
mainColor: String // font color of title
title: String // title Content
closeBtn: Bollean // need close button or not, default true
move: Bollean // can drag layer or not, default true
confirmBtn: Bollean // need confirm button or not, default true
confirmCb: Function // the callback of confirm button
cancelBtn: Function // need cancel buttton or not, default false
btn: Array // the Btns you need
btnCb: Array // the callbacks of btns

### 3.loading

The loading alert.

The params:

animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
time: Number // time of show, default 2000,
loadingType: Number // include 1-4, default 1
loadingColor: String // the color, default #169FE6

### 4.iframe

The params:

animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
width: String // layer width, default '700px'
height: String // layer height, default '500px'
time: Number // time of show, default false,
mainBg: String // background color of title, default #169FE6
mainColor: String // font color of title, default #fff
title: String // title Content
closeBtn: Bollean // need close button or not, default true
move: Bollean // can drag layer or not, default true
url: String // website url

### 5.form

The params:

contentBg: String // the background color of content, default #fff
contentColor: strgin // the font color of content, defulat #000
animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
text: String // the content
width: String // layer width, default '260px'
height: String // layer height, default '148px'
time: Number // time of show, default false
mainBg: String // background color of title
mainColor: String // font color of title
title: String // title Content
closeBtn: Bollean // need close button or not, default true
move: Bollean // can drag layer or not, default true
confirmBtn: Bollean // need confirm button or not, default true
confirmCb: Function // the callback of confirm button
cancelBtn: Function // need cancel buttton or not, default false
btn: Array // the Btns you need
btnCb: Array // the callbacks of btns
formType: Number // include 1-5 default 1
options: Object // only use when formType is 4 or 5, like {name:'sex', inputs: ['male', 'female']}
allowEmpty: Bollean // can be empty, defult true



use like slider alert

The params:

animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
autoPlay: Bollean // play auto, default false
playTime: Number // default 5000
photos: Array // like [{img: '1.jpg', text: 'hello'}, {img: '2.jpg', text: 'world'}]


tips alert

The params:

contentBg: String // the background color of content, default #fff
contentColor: strgin // the font color of content, defulat #000
animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: String // only use 'left', 'top', 'right', 'left'
icon: Number // the icon type, include 1-8, default false
text: String // the content
width: String // layer width, default auto
height: String // layer height, default '40px'
time: Number // time of show, default 2000, if 'false', the layer can't close auto


music alert

The params:

contentBg: String // the background color of content, default #fff
contentColor: strgin // the font color of content, defulat #000
animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
time: Number // time of show, default false
mainBg: String // background color of title
mainColor: String // font color of title
title: String // title Content
closeBtn: Bollean // need close button or not, default true
move: Bollean // can drag layer or not, default true
photos: String // img of music
url: String // music url
autoPlay: Bollean // default true


music alert

The params:

contentBg: String // the background color of content, default #fff
contentColor: strgin // the font color of content, defulat #000
animateType: Number // the animation type, include 1-9, default 1
position: Number or 'random' // the position type, include 0-6, default 0
shadow: Bollean // shadow or not, default true
resize: Bollean // resize position with window resized, default true
time: Number // time of show, default false
mainBg: String // background color of title
mainColor: String // font color of title
title: String // title Content
closeBtn: Bollean // need close button or not, default true
move: Bollean // can drag layer or not, default true
photos: String // img of music
url: String // music url
autoPlay: Bollean // default true


use this like

```js{type: 'msg', //other msg params})

### 11.remove

remove the layer

you can use to remove a layer

var layer1 = hlayer.msg();

you can use to remove many layers

var layer1 = hlayer.msg();
var layer2 = hlayer.msg();
hlayer.remove(layer1, layer2)

you can use to close all layers
