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React component to handle keyboard events :key:

key-event keyboard react react-component react-components reactjs reactjs-component reactjs-components

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React component to handle keyboard events :key:




# react-key-handler 🔑

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React component to handle keyboard events (such as `keyup`, `keydown` & `keypress`).

## Testimonials


“Happy to see that react-key-handler is SSR safe :+1:”

> [Veselin Todorov](, Chai.js core

## Table of Contents

1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Usage](#usage)
1. [Higher-order Components](#higher-order-components)
2. [Component](#component)
3. [Form key handling](#form-key-handling)
3. [Key event names](#key-event-names)
4. [`keyValue`, `code` and `keyCode`](#keyvalue-code-and-keycode)
5. [Development](#development)
1. [Setup](#setup)
2. [Getting started](#getting-started)
3. [Tests](#tests)
6. [Contributing](#contributing)
7. [License](#license)

## Installation

$ npm install react-key-handler --save

## Usage

You can use `react-key-handler` library in two flavours:

- [higher-order components](#higher-order-components)
- [component](#component)

### Higher-order Components

This library includes two similar higher-order components, but with a different puprose:

| Higher-order Component | Purpose |
| ---------------------- | ------------------- |
| `keyHandler` | Handles key changes |
| `keyToggleHandler` | Handles key toggles |

Both have the same API and will decorate the given component with a `keyValue`, `code`
and `keyCode` property.

Internally the `KeyHandler` component is used, for a full understanding be sure to
check out [the implementation](lib/key-handler.js).

import React from 'react';
import { keyHandler, KEYPRESS } from 'react-key-handler';

function Demo({ keyValue }) {
return (

{keyValue === 's' && (

  1. hello

  2. world



export default keyHandler({ keyEventName: KEYPRESS, keyValue: 's' })(Demo);

The prop types of the `KeyHandler` component are:

| Name | Type | Required | Default | |
| --------------- | ------ | ---------- | --------- | -------------------------------------- |
| keyEventName | string | no | `'keyup'` | `'keydown'`, `'keypress'` or `'keyup'` |
| keyValue | string | yes **\*** | | Any given [KeyboardEvent.key] |
| code | string | yes **\*** | | Any given [KeyboardEvent.code] |
| keyCode† | number | yes **\*** | | Any given [KeyboardEvent.keyCode] |

**\*** You should pass at least one of these props.

† _Note_ that the keyCode is frequently browser specific and has therefore be set as
deprecated, see [MDN for details](


### Component

import React from 'react';
import KeyHandler, { KEYPRESS } from 'react-key-handler';

export default class Demo extends React.Component {
state = { showMenu: false };

render() {
const { showMenu } = this.state;

return (

{showMenu && (

  1. hello

  2. world



toggleMenu = (event) => {

this.setState({ showMenu: !this.state.showMenu });

The prop types of the `KeyHandler` component are:

| Name | Type | Required | Default | |
| --------------- | -------- | ---------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| keyEventName | string | no | `'keyup'` | `'keydown'`, `'keypress'` or `'keyup'` |
| keyValue | string | yes **\*** | | Any given [KeyboardEvent.key] |
| code | string | yes **\*** | | Any given [KeyboardEvent.code] |
| keyCode† | number | yes **\*** | | Any given [KeyboardEvent.keyCode] |
| onKeyHandle | function | yes | | Function that is called when they key is handled |

**\*** You should pass at least one of these props.

† _Note_ that the keyCode is frequently browser specific and has therefore be set as
deprecated, see [MDN for details](


### Form key handling

This library does not handle key events for form elements such as `` and ``.

React does a fine job supporting these already via [keyboard events](


## Key event names

TODO: explain the differences between the different key events.

## `keyValue`, `code` and `keyCode`

The three available key events are

- `keyValue` This corresponds to the true value. This is the value of the key pressed
by the user while taking into considerations the state of modifier keys
such as the `shiftKey` as well as the keyboard locale/layout
- `code` This corresponds to the physical key on the keyboard (as opposed to the
character generated by pressing the key). In other words, this property
returns a value which isn't altered by keyboard layout or the state of
the modifier keys. The value is a string specific to the key, e.g. 'Digit0'
- `keyCode` This is similar to code but numeric and also _deprecated_.

We recommend you to use the new Web standard [KeyboardEvent.key] or the [KeyboardEvent.code]
over the deprecated [KeyboardEvent.keyCode].

Note that in **React** `key` is a reserved property, and thus we use `keyValue` when referring
to the `key` property.

**Browser support:**

There's no need to worry about browser support because internally we normalize
deprecated HTML5 `keyValue` values and translate from legacy `keyCode` values,
similar to how React does this for their `SyntheticKeyboardEvent`.

**More information:**

[W3C Working Draft].

## Development

### Setup

$ git clone
$ cd react-key-handler
$ npm install

### Getting started

To start the server:

$ npm demo

This starts a development server, which will automatically rebuild the demo app as you change files and supports hot module replacement for fast development:

$ open http://localhost:1234

### Tests

To run all tests:

$ npm test

Or you can run the linters, unit tests and check for type errors individually:

$ npm run test:lint
$ npm run test:unit
$ npm run test:flow

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a
safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere
to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

## License

< The MIT License >
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[w3c working draft]: