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Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript frameworks

cerebral controller debugger firebase function-tree inferno javascript monorepo npm-module react state-management

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript frameworks




# Cerebral

A declarative state and side effects management solution for popular JavaScript frameworks

[![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url]
[![Build status][travis-image]][travis-url]
[![Coverage Status][coverage-image]][coverage-url]
[![bitHound Score][bithound-image]][bithound-url]
[![Commitizen friendly][commitizen-image]][commitizen-url]

## Maintainer needed

## Documentation

* [Current Cerebral (2.x and up)](
* [Previous Cerebral (1.x)](

## Contribute

The entire Cerebral codebase has been rewritten to encourage contributions. The code is cleaned up, commented and all code is in a "monorepo". That means you can run tests across projects and general management of the code is simplified a lot.

1. Clone the monorepo: `git clone`
2. In root: `npm install`

The packages are located under `packages` folder and there is **no need** to run `npm install` for each package.

### Using monorepo for your own apps

If you want to use Cerebral 2 directly from your cloned repo, you can create a symlinks for following
directories into the `node_modules` directory of your app:

* `packages/node_modules/cerebral`
* `packages/node_modules/function-tree`
* `packages/node_modules/@cerebral`

If your app and the cerebral monorepo are in the same folder you can do from inside your
app directory:

$ ln -s ../../cerebral/packages/node_modules/cerebral/ node_modules/
# ...

Just remember to unlink the package before installing it from npm:

$ unlink node_modules/cerebral
# ...

### Running demos

Go to the respective `packages/demos/some-demo-folder` and run `npm start`

### Testing

You can run all tests in all packages from root:

`npm test`

Or you can run tests for specific packages by going to package root and do the same:

`npm test`

### Changing the code

When you make a code change you should create a branch first. When the code is changed and backed up by a test you can commit it from **the root** using:

`npm run commit`

This will give you a guide to creating a commit message. Then you just push and create a pull request as normal on Github.

### Release process

* Review and merge PRs into `next` branch. It is safe to use "Update branch", the commit created by Github will not be part of `next` history
* If changes to `repo-cooker`, clean Travis NPM cache
* From command line:

$ git checkout next
$ git pull
$ npm install # make sure any new dependencies are installed
$ npm install --no-save repo-cooker # needed to test release, make sure you have latest
$ npm run release # and check release notes
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git merge --ff-only next
$ git push
