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This repo contains a list of helpful Flutter related questions you can use to interview potential candidates.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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This repo contains a list of helpful Flutter related questions you can use to interview potential candidates.




Awesome Flutter

# Flutter Interview Questions

This file contains a number of Flutter interview questions.

**Note:** Keep in mind that many of these questions are open-ended and could lead to interesting discussions.

Title: Flutter Interview Questions

* What is the difference between a `StatelessWidget` and a `StatefulWidget` in Flutter?
* Explain the Stateful Widget Lifecycle?
* When do you use the `WidgetsBindingObserver`?
* What is Flutter tree shaking?
* What is a `Spacer` widget?
* What is the difference between hot restart and hot reload?
* What is an `InheritedWidget`? List some examples.
* Why is the `build()` method on `State` and not `StatefulWidget`s?
* What is a pubspec file in Dart?
* How is Flutter native?
* What is a `Navigator` and what are `Routes` in Flutter?
* What is a `PageRoute`?
* Explain `async`, `await` and `Future`s.
* How can you update a `ListView` dynamically?
* What is a `Stream`?
* What are keys in Flutter and when should you use it?
* What are `GlobalKeys`?
* When should you use `mainAxisAlignment` and `crossAxisAlignment`?
* When can you use `double.INFINITY`?
* What is `Ticker`, `Tween` and `AnimatedBuilder`?
* What is ephemeral state?
* What is an `AspectRatio` widget used for?
* How would you access `StatefulWidget` properties from its State?
* Is there a suggested limit to the number of `FloatingActionButton`s a screen can have? Give a reason(s) for your answer
* Mention two or more operations that would require you to use or return a Future.
* What is the purpose of a `SafeArea`?
* When to use a `mainAxisSize`?
* SizedBox VS Container?
* List the Visibility widgets in flutter and the differences?
* Can we use Color and `Decoration` property simultaneously in the Container? Explain
* Inorder for the CrossAxisAlignment.baseline to work what is another property that we need to set?
* when should we use a `resizeToAvoidBottomInset`?
* What is the difference between 'as','show' and 'hide' in an import statement?
* What is the importance of a `TextEditingController`?
* Why do we use a `Reverse` property in a Listview?
* Difference between a `Modal` and `Persistent` BottomSheet with an example?
* How is an Inherited Widget different from a Provider?
* What is an `UnmodifiableListView`?
* Difference between these operators "?? and ?."
* What is the purpose of `ModalRoute.of()`?
* Difference between a `Navigator.pushNamed` and `Navigator.pushReplacementNamed`?
* Difference between a `Single Instance` and `Scoped Instance` ?

Title: Animation Interview Questions

* What is a `vsync`?
* When does the animation reach `completed` or `dismissed` status?
* Difference between `AnimationController and Animation?
* When to use a `SingleTickerProviderStateMixin` and `TickerProviderStateMixin`?
* Define a `TweenAnimation` ?
* State the importance of a `Ticker` ?
* Why do we need a `mixins` ?

Title: FireStore Interview Questions

* Difference between getDocuments() vs snapshots()?

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## Contributors:

This project is currently maintained by:

- [@whatsupcoders](

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