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A native macOS KeePass client

autotype kdbx keepass macos macpass objective-c password password-manager

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A native macOS KeePass client




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# MacPass

There are a lot of iOS KeePass tools around but a distinct lack of a good native macOS version.
KeePass can be used via Mono on macOS but lacks vital functionality and feels sluggish and simply out of place.

MacPass is an attempt to create a native macOS port of KeePass on a solid open source foundation with a vibrant community pushing it further to become the best KeePass client for macOS.

## Download

All pre-built releases can be found at [Github](

An unsigned build of the current continuous tag can be found here: [Continuous Build](

Due to the nature of the build it might be unstable, however this version contains all the latest changes and bug fixes!

## How to Contribute

If you want to contribute by fixing a bug, adding a feature or improving localization you're awesome!

## How to Build

* Fetch the source of MacPass
git clone --recursive
* Install [Carthage](
* Install all Dependencies
cd MacPass
carthage bootstrap --platform macOS
After that you can build and run in Xcode. The following command will build and make the application available through Spotlight. If you run into signing issues take a look at [Issue #92]( Since Sparkle is disabled only on the CI build and in Debug mode, you have to explicitly disable it in Release. Otherwise warnings on unsecure updates will appear.

xcodebuild -scheme MacPass -target MacPass -configuration Release CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO NO_SPARKLE=NO_SPARKLE

## Help

Some questions might be answered in the [FAQ](

Another place to look is the IRC channel [#macpass](irc:// on [](irc://

Or follow the Twitter account [@MacPassApp](

## System Requirement

MacPass 0.7 requires macOS 10.10 Yosemite or later.
Earlier versions of MacPass require macOS 10.8 Mountain Lion or later.

## Status

The Status can be found on the dedicated [Wiki page](

## What does it look like?


More Screenshots in the [Wiki](

## Alternatives

[KeePassX]( and its fork [KeePassXC]( Qt based cross plattform port.

[KyPass Companion]( Native macOS client.

[KeeWeb]( Electron based cross plattform port. Since it's browser based you can pretty much run it anywhere.

## License

MacPass, a KeePass compatible Password Manager for OS X
Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Michael Starke (HicknHack Software GmbH) and all [MacPass contributors](

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .

## App Store

Due to being licensed under GPLv3 it's not possible to publish a version of MacPass on the App Store.
For further details, take a look at the [explanation]( of the Free Software Foundation.

## Contributions

The following list might not be complete, please refer to [merged Pull Requests](✓&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+is%3Amerged) on GitHub for more details. Please open an issue if you think someone is missing from this list!

### Art

[Iiro Jäppinen]( MacPass icon

[Thom Williams]( Document icons

[Joanna Olsen]( Database Icons

### Contributors

[ad](mailto:[email protected]),
[Alessandro Vinciguerra](mailto:[email protected]),
[Alex Borisov](mailto:[email protected]),
[Alex Seeholzer](mailto:[email protected]),
[amd](mailto:[email protected]),
[Andrew Schleifer](mailto:[email protected]),
[AntoineCa](mailto:[email protected]),
[Anton Glezman](mailto:[email protected]),
[Benjamin Steinwender](mailto:[email protected]),
[binarious](mailto:[email protected]),
[Can Rau](mailto:[email protected]),
[Carlos Filipe Simões](mailto:[email protected]),
[Chester Liu](mailto:[email protected]),
[Chhom Seng](mailto:[email protected]),
[Christoph Leimbrock](mailto:[email protected]),
[Cory Hutchison](mailto:[email protected]),
[César Arratia](mailto:[email protected]),
[Daniele Polencic](mailto:[email protected]),
[darnel](mailto:[email protected]),
[Deiwin Sarjas](mailto:[email protected]),
[Deniz Türkoglu](mailto:[email protected]),
[Dennis Bolio](mailto:[email protected]),
[Dylan Smith](mailto:[email protected]),
[eiermaaaan](mailto:[email protected]),
[Erwann Mest](mailto:[email protected]),
[Filipe Farinha](mailto:[email protected]),
[floriangouy](mailto:[email protected]),
[Francesco Servida](mailto:[email protected]),
[Frank Enderle](mailto:[email protected]),
[Frank Kooij](mailto:[email protected]),
[Gaétan Ryckeboer](mailto:[email protected]),
[Geigi](mailto:[email protected]),
[George Snow](mailto:[email protected]),
[Henri de Jong](mailto:[email protected]),
[James Hurst](mailto:[email protected]),
[Jannick Hemelhof](mailto:[email protected]),
[Jefftree](mailto:[email protected]),
[Jellyfrog](mailto:[email protected]),
[Jesse Reppin](mailto:[email protected]),
[Joanna Olsen](mailto:[email protected]),
[Josh Halstead](mailto:[email protected]),
[Kurt](mailto:[email protected]),
[Laurent Cozic](mailto:[email protected]),
[Lenucksi](mailto:[email protected]),
[Leonardo Faoro](mailto:[email protected]),
[Liam Anderson](mailto:[email protected]),
[m0yP](mailto:[email protected]),
[Maarten Terpstra](mailto:[email protected]),
[Mario Sangiorgio](mailto:[email protected]),
[MBibal](mailto:[email protected]),
[Michael Belz](mailto:[email protected]),
[MichaelKo](mailto:[email protected]),
[Michal Jaglewicz](mailto:[email protected]),
[Moises Perez](mailto:[email protected]),
[mrdoggy](mailto:[email protected]),
[Nathan Landis](mailto:[email protected]),
[Nathaniel Madura](mailto:[email protected]),
[neuroine](mailto:[email protected]),
[Oleksandr Yakubchyk](mailto:[email protected]),
[Patrik Thunström](mailto:[email protected]),
[rdoering](mailto:[email protected]),
[remi6397](mailto:[email protected]),
[Roman Verchikov](mailto:[email protected]),
[Ryan Rogers](mailto:[email protected]),
[Sitsofe Wheeler](mailto:[email protected]),
[Stephen Taylor](mailto:[email protected]),
[thesoundofom](mailto:[email protected]),
[Thom](mailto:[email protected]),
[Thorsten Jacoby](mailto:[email protected]),
[Veit-Hendrik Schlenker](mailto:[email protected]),
[Volcyy](mailto:[email protected]),
[Yonatan Mittlefehldt](mailto:[email protected]),
[Zero King](mailto:[email protected]),
[Zhao Peng](mailto:[email protected])

## Copyright

This Project is based upon the following work:

[KeePassKit]( Copyright 2012 HicknHack Software GmbH. All rights reserved.
[HNHUi]( Copyright 2012 HicknHack Software GmbH. All rights reserved.
[MiniKeePass]( Copyright 2011 Jason Rush and John Flanagan. All rights reserved.
[KeePass Database Library]( Copyright 2010 Qiang Yu. All rights reserved.
[PXSourceList]( Copyright 2011, Alex Rozanski. All rights reserved.
[KSPasswordField]( Copyright 2012 Mike Abdullah, Karelia Software. All rights reserved.
[DDHotKey]( Copyright [Dave DeLong]( All rights reserved.
[Sparkle]( Copyright 2006 Andy Matuschak
[TransformerKit]( Licensed under MIT license. Copyright 2012 [Mattt Thompson]( All rights reserved
[MJGFoundation]( Licensed under BSD 2-Clause License. Copyright 2011 [Matt Galloway]( All rights reserved.
[ShortcutRecorder]( Copyright 2006—2013 all [Shortcut Recorder contributors](
[NSBundle Codesignature Check]( Copyright 2014 [Jedda Wignall]( All rights reserved.

See submodules for additional Licenses

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