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Minimal dependency-free pan/zoom library

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Minimal dependency-free pan/zoom library





# tragopan

Minimal dependency-free pan/zoom library


const tragopan = new Tragopan({
viewport: document.querySelector('#viewport'),
content: document.querySelector('#content')


## Features

- Vanilla JavaScript
- Just ~200 source lines of code
- Minified gzip'd payload is about 1.6k
- Fast -- uses native browser scrolling for panning
- Focal zooming in/out based on mouse pointer position
- Options for panning with space-drag, zooming with scroll
- Made with :heart: at

## How it works

Tragopan uses native browser scrolling as its implementation for panning (left/right/up/down), and transform/scale for zooming (in/out). In our testing, we found that native scrolling was far more efficient than using transform for panning. As an extra bonus, if your DOM is structured so that your `viewport` element can be your document body, some browsers appear to do even more optimization for that special case.

## Methods

### new Tragopan(options)

Instantiate a pan/zoomable tragopan instance, given a viewport and a nested content element. Options include:

- `viewport`: reference to a top-level element which will contain content to be panned and zoomed
- `content`: a child element of the viewport
- `scaleIncrement`: percentage by which zooming in or out one click should change the scale (default `0.04`)
- `scrollZoom`: enable bare scrolling to zoom, rather than ctrl/option-scroll to zoom (default `false`)
- `spacePan`: enable panning via holding down the space bar (default `false`)
- `minScale`: minimum zoom scale factor (default `0.5`)
- `maxScale`: maximum zoom scale factor (default `4`)

### tragopan.configure(options)

Configure a tragopan instance with any options accepted by the constructor above.

### tragopan.pan(x, y)

Pan to the given x and y coordinates in content space.

### tragopan.zoom(scale[, focalPoint])

Zoom to the given scale, keeping the given focal point in-place on the screen. Focal point should be an object with x and y coordinates in content space. If focal point is ommitted, the center point of the viewport is used instead.

### tragopan.zoomIn([scaleIncrement])

Zoom in by the given `scaleIncrement` if provided, or else zoom in by the configured/default `scaleIncrement`.

### tragopan.zoomOut([scaleIncrement])

Zoom out by the given `scaleIncrement` if provided, or else zoom out by the configured/default `scaleIncrement`.


Pan to the center of the content

### tragopan.reset()

Pan to the center of the content

### tragopan.on(eventName, handlerFn)

Register an event handler to be called when some panning or zooming event occurs. See below for more info.

## Events

### panstart

Fired when a pan may be starting as a result of the user mousing-down on the viewport. A pan may or may not follow, with a click being a possible alternative conclusion.

### panmove

Fired when the content moves relative to the viewport, whether from a click-drag, from a call to `zoom()`, or from a native scroll mouse event.

### panend

Fired when a pan via click-drag ends with a mouse-up.

### panzoom

Fired when the scale changes, either from a call to `zoom()`, or from a native
ctrl/option-scroll mouse event.

### panchange

Fired when any event above occurs.