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(old/unmaintained) A hackathon project written with @alyssarosenzweig. Inspired by code written by @kach and me.

Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation

(old/unmaintained) A hackathon project written with @alyssarosenzweig. Inspired by code written by @kach and me.




_ __ ___ __ _ _ __| | _______ __
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '__| |/ / _ \ \ / /
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markov-complete adds Markov chain text completion to GNU Readline, Vim, and


To install markov-complete, run:

$ make libs
$ sudo make install-libs
$ make
$ sudo make install

A Vim plugin will be installed in /etc/vimrc/plugin. WeeChat will be installed
in /usr/local/bin/ with new default keybindings for markov-complete. You may
need to regenerate ~/.weechat/weechat.conf. You can also add the bindings
manually under the [key] section of your weechat.conf. See weechat/keys.conf.

To patch readline once you've completed the above steps, run:

$ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/

Programs which dynamically link to readline will now use the patched version.

Generating the chain

You will need a "markov-chain" file in order to receive suggestions. Once
you've installed markov-complete, run (from this directory):

$ cd markov/markov
$ cp corpus-text
$ cat corpus-text | ./
$ ./ chain.json > markov-chain
$ sudo cp markov-chain /usr/local/share/

You can also set the environment variable MARKOV_CHAIN to specify a different
chain to use.


Once you've typed a few words in a program that uses markov-complete, press
` (backtick) to autocomplete the next word. Press Ctrl+o to cycle through
Markov suggestions. Ctrl+Shift+` will enter a normal backtick.

You can use `rlwrap` to enable markov-complete with any program that runs in
canonical mode (as opposed to raw mode).

System requirements

markov-complete has been tested on Debian stretch (9.0). It may work on other
systems (possibly with some minor modifications).


* gcc
* g++
* make
* cmake
* libncurses5-dev
* libcurl4-openssl-dev
* zlib1g-dev
* libgcrypt20-dev
* vim-nox