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Ionic 3.9.2 App with WordPress and WooCommerce integration

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Ionic 3.9.2 App with WordPress and WooCommerce integration




# wpIonic

## This project has not been maintained or updated in a while, it's probably best not to use it.

*Completely rewritten and updated for Ionic 3.9.2 Feb 2018*

A demo mobile app that uses the Ionic Framework, and integrates with WordPress through the WP-API.


- Gets posts through WP-API v2
- WordPress login - needs SB App Integration plugin
- WooCommerce REST API v2 integration
- Stripe payments
- Pull to refresh
- Infinite scroll
- Lots more

## Demo

## How to setup

Blog post and tutorial here:

- Install Ionic CLI tools
- Clone this repository, and run npm install
- Open providers/configure/configure.ts and enter your WordPress site url
- If using WooCommerce, enter your auth key in configure.ts as described
- To use Stripe payments, add your publishable key in app.module.ts
- Install the SB App Integration plugin
- run ionic serve to see it in your browser

## WooCommerce

This app uses basic authentication over SSL to pull products from the WooCommerce REST API.

To use the WooCommerce module, you must create a REST API key in WooCommerce:

In the app, go to providers/configure/configure.ts and change the Authorization header. This is a base64 encoded string of your consumer key and secret. You can generate these using btoa(key:secret), but keep in mind these are discoverable in your app files even in a signed native app package.

Example getting your auth header

consumer key: ck_7af7efdb4ef8708b5f8d5ccdacbd1d8e8ce0f8d5
consumer secret: cs_8777f8b0de8435162162daf22f7e6944ab2bec40

Visit an online base64 encoder and enter your key and secret separated by a semi-colon:


Click encode. Copy the encoded string that looks like this:


Visit providers/configure/configure.ts and change the return string in getAuth to:

return 'Basic Y2tfN2FmN2VmZGI0ZWY4NzA4YjVmOGQ1Y2NkYWNiZDFkOGU4Y2UwZjhkNTpjc184Nzc3ZjhiMGRlODQzNTE2MjE2MmRhZjIyZjdlNjk0NGFiMmJlYzQw';

Included features:

- WP-API v2 and WooCommerce REST API v2 integration
- Product list
- Single product pages
- Add to cart
- Cart modal
- Basic multi-step checkout
- Stripe payments