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A plugin for JetBrains Resharper that colorizes the tooltip and parameter information.

resharper resharper-plugin tooltip

Last synced: 22 days ago
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A plugin for JetBrains Resharper that colorizes the tooltip and parameter information.




![Logo]( "Logo") ReSharper.EnhancedTooltip

What's ReSharper.EnhancedTooltip?
It's a plugin for [JetBrains ReSharper]( that enhances the tooltip and parameter information popup.

- Colorizes tooltips and parameter information popups for C#.
- Displays icons for identifiers and issues in the tooltip.
- Uses the colors and font configured in Visual Studio.
- Can optionally display more documentation (return type, remarks).
- Can optionally display base type and implemented interfaces in the tooltip.
- Can optionally display full attribute information in the tooltip.
- Everything is configurable.

Visual Studio 2017, 2019 and 2022 are supported.
ReSharper 2022.1 must be installed.
(Note: older versions are still available for previous ReSharper versions).

Install the plugin using the built-in Extension Manager from the ReSharper menu.

Tooltip Highlighting
The tooltip that appears on mouse over is now syntax highlighted. Note that only the tooltips provided by ReSharper are currently colored.
![Tooltip Highlighting]( "Tooltip Highlighting")

Parameter Info Highlighting
The parameter information popup is now syntax highlighted.
The colors used for the types are either the ones having a name starting by _ReSharper_ if _Color identifiers_ is used, or the Visual Studio ones starting with _User Types_ otherwise.
![Parameter Info Highlighting]( "Parameter Info Highlighting")

Enhanced Tooltip provides many options to configure the display as you like.
The options page is located at ReSharper → Options → Environment → IntelliSense → Enhanced Tooltip.
![Options Page]( "Options Page")

Current Limitations
- Colors only work in C# files. The standard tooltip and parameter information popup are used in other file types.
- The parameter information popup isn't highlighted for calls using named parameters.

Licensed under [Apache License 2.0](