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WordPress plugin to create custom post types and taxonomies using JSON, YAML or PHP files

json json-configuration php wordpress wordpress-plugin yaml

Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation

WordPress plugin to create custom post types and taxonomies using JSON, YAML or PHP files




# Models

Models is a WordPress plugin allowing you to create custom post types and taxonomies using JSON, YAML or PHP files.

**[You can now set post types and taxonomies using Intervention 2.x.x.](**

## Installation

#### Composer:

Recommended methods:

[Roots Bedrock](
$ composer require soberwp/models:1.1.0
**Models** is a mu-plugin so it doesn't have to be activated.

[Roots Sage](
$ composer require soberwp/models:1.1.0-p

#### Manual:

* Download the [zip file](
* Unzip to your sites plugin folder
* Activate via WordPress

#### Requirements:

* [PHP]( >= 5.6.x

## Setup

By default, create folder `models/` within the active theme directory.

If you are a [Roots Sage]( the default folder is `app/models/`

Alternatively, you can define a custom path using the filter below within your themes `functions.php` file:

add_filter('sober/models/path', function () {
return get_stylesheet_directory() . '/your-custom-folder';

That's it, now go ahead and add `model-name.json` files, in the folder or subfolders to begin creating your models. Use [Unravel]( to automatically move the config files outside of your theme path for better separation of concerns.

## Usage

The data structure follows a similar data structure to WordPress taxonomies and post types arrays, so if an config option is missing from the examples below, follow the developer's reference and place it within `"config": {}`

If values are not specified, defaults are the same as WordPress defaults.

Additionally, if the [Extended CPTs]( library is available, Models will use it when registering your post types and taxonomies instead allowing extended functionality within your Models.

Extracted examples presented below are in JSON format.

### Post Types

Create a custom post type.

#### Required:

* [post-type-required.json](.github/json/post-type-required.json)
* [post-type-required.php](.github/php/post-type-required.php)
* [post-type-required.yaml](.github/yaml/post-type-required.yaml)

"type": "post-type",
"name": "book"

#### Basic:

* [post-type-basic.json](.github/json/post-type-basic.json)
* [post-type-basic.php](.github/php/post-type-basic.php)
* [post-type-basic.yaml](.github/yaml/post-type-basic.yaml)

"type": "cpt",
"name": "book",
"supports": [
"title", "editor", "thumbnail"
"labels": {
"has_one": "Book",
"has_many": "Books",
"text_domain": "sage"

In the above example, `"labels": {}` are redundant because `"Book"` and `"Books"` would have been generated from `"name"`.

#### Multiple:

* [post-type-multiple.json](.github/json/post-type-multiple.json)
* [post-type-multiple.php](.github/php/post-type-multiple.php)
* [post-type-multiple.yaml](.github/yaml/post-type-multiple.yaml)

"type": "cpt",
"name": "book",
"supports": [
"title", "editor", "thumbnail"
"type": "cpt",
"name": "album",
"supports": [
"title", "editor", "comments"

#### All Fields:

* [post-type-all.json](.github/json/post-type-all.json)
* [post-type-all.php](.github/php/post-type-all.php)
* [post-type-all.yaml](.github/yaml/post-type-all.yaml)

#### Post Type Tips:

* `"active": false` stops the post type from being created. Default is set to `true`.
* `"type": "post-type"` also accepts a shorthand `"type": "cpt"`;

### Taxonomies

Create a custom taxonomy.

#### Required:

* [taxonomy-required.json](.github/json/taxonomy-required.json)
* [taxonomy-required.php](.github/php/taxonomy-required.php)
* [taxonomy-required.yaml](.github/yaml/taxonomy-required.yaml)

"type": "taxonomy",
"name": "genre"

#### Basic:

* [taxonomy-basic.json](.github/json/taxonomy-basic.json)
* [taxonomy-basic.php](.github/php/taxonomy-basic.php)
* [taxonomy-basic.yaml](.github/yaml/taxonomy-basic.yaml)

"type": "tax",
"name": "genre",
"links": [
"post", "book"
"labels": {
"has_one": "Book Genre",
"has_many": "Book Genres",
"text_domain": "sage"

`"links": (string|array)` assigns the taxonomy to post types. Defaults to `"links": "post"`

#### Multiple:

* [taxonomy-multiple.json](.github/json/taxonomy-multiple.json)
* [taxonomy-multiple.php](.github/php/taxonomy-multiple.php)
* [taxonomy-multiple.yaml](.github/yaml/taxonomy-multiple.yaml)

"type": "category",
"name": "genre",
"links": "book"
"type": "tag",
"name": "author",
"links": "book"

`"type": "category"` and `"type": "tag"` shorthands are explained below under Tips.

#### All Fields:

* [taxonomy-all.json](.github/json/taxonomy-all.json)
* [taxonomy-all.php](.github/php/taxonomy-all.php)
* [taxonomy-all.yaml](.github/yaml/taxonomy-all.yaml)

#### Taxonomy Tips:

* `"active": false` stops the taxonomy from being created. Default is set to `true`.
* `"type": "taxonomy"` also accepts shorthands;
* `"type": "tax"`
* `"type": "category"` or `"type": "cat"` creates a category taxonomy.
* `"type": "tag"` creates a tag taxonomy.

## Support

* Follow [@withjacoby]( on Twitter
* Buy me a beer or pay my rent, [](

## Updates

#### Composer:

* Change the composer.json version to ^1.0.4**
* Check []( for any breaking changes before updating.

$ composer update

#### WordPress:

Includes support for [github-updater]( to keep track on updates through the WordPress backend.
* Download [github-updater](
* Clone [github-updater]( to your sites plugins/ folder
* Activate via WordPress