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Automatically deploy and configure Template on Nifi

configuration deployment nifi

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JSON representation

Automatically deploy and configure Template on Nifi




# Deploy and configure Template on Nifi
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Update, Extract Nifi Configuration

Deploy, undeploy, connect template

## Which version

| version | version NIFI |
| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| - | 0.X |
| version 1.1.X [download it from Maven Central]( | 1.0.X : to test
1.1.X : OK, Build on api nifi 1.1.0 with [nifi-swagger-client]( 1.1.0.x
1.2.X : OK
1.3.X : OK
1.4.X : OK |
| version 1.5.X [download it from Maven Central]( | 1.5.X : OK, Build on api nifi 1.5.0 with [nifi-swagger-client]( 1.5.0.x|

## How to :

usage: java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Usage description
-b,--branch Target process group (must begin by root) : root > my group > my sub group (default : root)
-m,--mode mandatory, possible values : updateConfig/extractConfig/deployTemplate/undeploy
-c,--conf mandatory if mode in [updateConfig, extractConfig, deployTemplate] : configuration file
-n,--nifi mandatory : Nifi URL (ex : http://localhost:8080/nifi-api)

*For more options see Chapter [Advanced options](#advanced-options)*

Requirement : *You must have java 8 or higher installed on your machine*

## Step by Step : use in real life

### Prepare your nifi development

1 ) Create a template on nifi :

with this rule : each processor and each controller in a process group **must** have a unique name.


2) Download it

3) Extract a sample configuration with the command

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-dev:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>My Group>My Subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/config.json \
-mode extractConfig

### Deploy it on production

1a) undeploy the old version with the command

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>My group>My Subgroup" \
-m undeploy

1b) deploy the template with the command

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>My group>My Subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/my_template.xml \
-m deployTemplate

2) update the production configuration with the command

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>My group>My Subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/PROD_config.json \
-mode updateConfig

## What can I configure ?

Everything !

You can find all properties in your extraction file. Now just configure it with the production properties and update your production with the mode updateConfig.

Configuration is based on "name" properties, remember that each processor in a group **must** have a unique name.

It is also possible to create connections between process groups by adding a `connections` JSON element to the configuration. The shortest route between the two process groups will be selected, with output and input ports named according to the connection's name used automatically, and created if they do not already exist. Note that it is only possible to connect to input and output ports, so this functionality is typically best used by including an input or output port already wired in to the template that is named the same as the connection.

sample :
"processors": [
"name": "ExecuteSQL",
"config": {
"properties": {
"Database Connection Pooling Service": "85f67694-015d-1000-5071-8cd46e8b2e47",
"Max Wait Time": "5 seconds",
"dbf-normalize": "false",
"dbf-user-logical-types": null,
"dbf-default-precision": null,
"dbf-default-scale": null
"schedulingPeriod": "0 sec",
"schedulingStrategy": "TIMER_DRIVEN",
"executionNode": "ALL",
"penaltyDuration": "30 sec",
"yieldDuration": "1 sec",
"bulletinLevel": "WARN",
"runDurationMillis": 0,
"concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount": 1,
"comments": "",
"lossTolerant": false
"name": "PutFile",
"config": {
"properties": {
"Directory": "c:\\tmp",
"Conflict Resolution Strategy": "fail",
"Create Missing Directories": "true"
"schedulingPeriod": "0 sec",
"schedulingStrategy": "TIMER_DRIVEN",
"executionNode": "ALL",
"penaltyDuration": "30 sec",
"yieldDuration": "1 sec",
"bulletinLevel": "WARN",
"runDurationMillis": 0,
"concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount": 1,
"comments": "",
"lossTolerant": false
"controllerServices": [
"name": "DBCPConnectionPool",
"properties": {
"Database Connection URL": "localhost:8080",
"Database Driver Class Name": "org.test",
"Password": "********",
"Max Total Connections": "3"
"connections": [
"name": "front_end_1",
"source": "root > front_end > front_end_1",
"destination": "root > back_end > back_end_1"
"name": "testController"
### Sample usage

#### Sample extract configuration

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-dev:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/test2.json \
-mode extractConfig

#### Sample update configuration

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/test2.json \
-mode updateConfig

#### Sample deploy Template

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/my_template.xml \
-m deployTemplate

#### Sample undeploy

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-m undeploy

force mode actived

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-m undeploy
-timeout 600
-interval 10

#### Sample access via username/password

java -jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-user my_username \
-password my_password \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/test2.json \
-m updateConfig

#### Sample access via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation

java \ \
-jar nifi-deploy-config-1.1.15.jar \
-accessFromTicket \
-nifi http://ip-nifi-prod:8080/nifi-api \
-branch "root>my group>my subgroup" \
-conf /tmp/test2.json \
-m updateConfig

### Advanced Options

#### Pooling

-timeout allows specifying the polling timeout in second (defaut 120 seconds); negative values indicate no timeout
-interval allows specifying the polling interval in second (default 2 seconds)

#### Security

-password password for access via username/password, then user is mandatory
-user user name for access via username/password, then password is mandatory
-accessFromTicket Access via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation
-noVerifySsl turn off ssl verification certificat

For accessFromTicket option, if you want use access via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation ; You must configure system properties (see and to false. [Sample access via Kerberos ticket exchange / SPNEGO negotiation](#sample-access-via-kerberos-ticket-exchange--spnego-negotiation)

#### Timeout Api Client

-connectionTimeout configure api client connection timeout (default 10 seconds)
-readTimeout configure api client read timeout (default 10 seconds)
-writeTimeout configure api client write timeout (default 10 seconds)

#### Position

-placeWidth width of place for installing group (default 1935 : 430 * (4 + 1/2) = 4 pro line)
-startPosition starting position for the place for installing group, format x,y (default : 0,0)

#### Other

-f,--force turn on force mode : empty queue after timeout
-noStartProcessors turn off auto start of the processors after update of the config
-enableDebugMode turn on debugging mode of the underlying API library
-keepTemplate keep template after installation (default false)
## Note

#### About controller

By default, nifi-config uses the controller declared on the parent group that has the same name, if any then deletes the controller declaration on the child group, otherwise uses the controller of the group.

If you want to use a controller declared on parent group without updating it, just declare the controller with no property on json file :

"controllerServices": [
"name": "DBCPConnectionPool"

add version management that undeploys the old version automatically (with a version # in comment?)

All ideas are welcome.

# Troubleshooting

### Proxy

If you are behind a proxy, try adding these system properties on the command line:

``` -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128

See more at [](