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DICOM image and overlay rendering pipeline for Node.js and browser using the dcmjs library

dicom medical-imaging

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DICOM image and overlay rendering pipeline for Node.js and browser using the dcmjs library




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# dcmjs-imaging
DICOM image and overlay rendering pipeline for Node.js and browser using Steve Pieper's [dcmjs][dcmjs-url] library.
This library was inspired by the rendering pipelines of [fo-dicom][fo-dicom-url] and [mdcm][mdcm-url].

### Note
**This effort is a work-in-progress and should not be used for production or clinical purposes.**

### Install
#### Node.js

npm install dcmjs-imaging

#### Browser

### Build

npm install
npm run build

### Build native decoders WebAssembly

cd wasm
[Emscripten SDK (emsdk)][emscripten-sdk-url] is required.

### Features
- Renders single and multi-frame datasets with optional adjustment of window/level and color palette.
- Decodes all major transfer syntaxes using a native WebAssembly module.
- Handles color and grayscale datasets, from 1 to 32 bits allocated, with signed, unsigned and float pixel values.
- Outputs RGBA pixel arrays, suitable for use with HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, or other imaging libraries.
- Provides a common bundle for both Node.js and browser.

### Supported Transfer Syntaxes
- Implicit VR Little Endian (1.2.840.10008.1.2)
- Explicit VR Little Endian (1.2.840.10008.1.2.1)
- Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian (1.2.840.10008.
- Explicit VR Big Endian (1.2.840.10008.1.2.2)
- RLE Lossless (1.2.840.10008.1.2.5)\*
- JPEG Baseline - Process 1 (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG Baseline - Processes 2 & 4 (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG Lossless, Nonhierarchical - Processes 14 (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG Lossless, Nonhierarchical, First-Order Prediction - Processes 14 [Selection Value 1] (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG-LS Lossy Image Compression - Near-Lossless (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG 2000 Image Compression - Lossless Only (1.2.840.10008.\*
- JPEG 2000 Image Compression (1.2.840.10008.\*
- High Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression - Lossless Only (1.2.840.10008.\*
- High Throughput JPEG 2000 with RPCL Options Image Compression - Lossless Only (1.2.840.10008.\*
- High Throughput JPEG 2000 Image Compression (1.2.840.10008.\*
\*: Syntax is decoded using the native decoders WebAssembly.

### Usage

#### Basic image rendering
// Import objects in Node.js
const dcmjsImaging = require('dcmjs-imaging');
const { DicomImage, NativePixelDecoder } = dcmjsImaging;

// Import objects in Browser
const { DicomImage, NativePixelDecoder } = window.dcmjsImaging;

// Optionally register native decoders WebAssembly.
// If native decoders are not registered, only
// uncompressed syntaxes would be able to be rendered.
await NativePixelDecoder.initializeAsync();

// Create an ArrayBuffer with the contents of the DICOM P10 byte stream.
const image = new DicomImage(arrayBuffer);

// Render image.
const renderingResult = image.render();

// Rendered pixels in an RGBA ArrayBuffer.
const renderedPixels = renderingResult.pixels;
// Rendered width.
const width = renderingResult.width;
// Rendered height.
const height = renderingResult.height;

#### Advanced image rendering
// Import objects in Node.js
const dcmjsImaging = require('dcmjs-imaging');
const { DicomImage, WindowLevel, NativePixelDecoder } = dcmjsImaging;
const { StandardColorPalette } = dcmjsImaging.constants;

// Import objects in Browser
const { DicomImage, WindowLevel, NativePixelDecoder } = window.dcmjsImaging;
const { StandardColorPalette } = window.dcmjsImaging.constants;

// Create native decoders WebAssembly initialization options.
const initOpts = {
// Optionally, provide the path or URL to WebAssembly module.
// If empty or undefined, the module is trying to be resolved
// within the same directory.
webAssemblyModulePathOrUrl: undefined,
// Optional flag to enable native decoder message logging.
// If not provided, the native decoder message logging is disabled.
logNativeDecodersMessages: false
// Optionally register native decoders WebAssembly.
// If native decoders are not registered, only
// uncompressed syntaxes would be able to be rendered.
await NativePixelDecoder.initializeAsync(initOpts);

// Create an ArrayBuffer with the contents of the DICOM P10 byte stream.
const image = new DicomImage(arrayBuffer);

// Create image rendering options.
const renderingOpts = {
// Optional frame index, in case of multiframe datasets.
// If not provided, the first frame is rendered.
frame: 0,
// Optional user-provided window/level.
// If not provided, the rendering pipeline calculates it
// from DICOM tag information or pixel values.
windowLevel: new WindowLevel(windowWidth, windowLevel),
// Optional flag to indicate whether overlays should be rendered.
// If not provided, the overlays are rendered.
renderOverlays: true,
// Optional flag to indicate whether histograms should be calculated.
// If not provided, the histograms are not calculated.
calculateHistograms: false,
// Optional standard color palette.
// If not provided, the grayscale palette is used.
colorPalette: StandardColorPalette.Grayscale

// Render image.
const renderingResult = image.render(renderingOpts);

// Rendered pixels in an RGBA ArrayBuffer.
const renderedPixels = renderingResult.pixels;
// Rendered frame index.
const frame = renderingResult.frame;
// Rendered width.
const width = renderingResult.width;
// Rendered height.
const height = renderingResult.height;
// Window/level used to render the pixels.
// In case of color images, windowLevel should not be present.
const windowLevel = renderingResult.windowLevel;
// Array of calculated per-channel histograms.
// In case calculateHistograms rendering option is false
// histograms should not be present.
const histograms = renderingResult.histograms;
// Color palette used to render the pixels.
// In case of color images, colorPalette should not be present.
const colorPalette = renderingResult.colorPalette;
Please check a live example [here][dcmjs-imaging-live-example-url].

### Related libraries
* [dcmjs-dimse][dcmjs-dimse-url] - DICOM DIMSE implementation for Node.js using dcmjs.
* [dcmjs-ecg][dcmjs-ecg-url] - DICOM electrocardiography (ECG) rendering for Node.js and browser using dcmjs.

### License
dcmjs-imaging is released under the MIT License.



[license-url]: LICENSE.txt


