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This plugin adds `TypeScript` support to `eslint-plugin-import`

eslint eslint-import-plugin eslint-import-resolver eslint-plugin-import typescript

Last synced: 21 days ago
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This plugin adds `TypeScript` support to `eslint-plugin-import`




# eslint-import-resolver-typescript

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This plugin adds [`TypeScript`][] support to [`eslint-plugin-import`][] (Or maybe you want to try [`eslint-plugin-i`][] for faster speed)

This means you can:

- `import`/`require` files with extension `.cts`/`.mts`/`.ts`/`.tsx`/`.d.cts`/`.d.mts`/`.d.ts`
- Use [`paths`]( defined in `tsconfig.json`
- Prefer resolving `@types/*` definitions over plain `.js`/`.jsx`
- Multiple tsconfigs support just like normal
- `imports/exports` fields support in `package.json`

## TOC

- [Notice](#notice)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Options from `enhanced-resolve`](#options-from-enhanced-resolve)
- [`conditionNames`](#conditionnames)
- [`extensions`](#extensions)
- [`extensionAlias`](#extensionalias)
- [`mainFields`](#mainfields)
- [Other options](#other-options)
- [Default options](#default-options)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
- [Backers](#backers)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [License](#license)

## Notice

After version 2.0.0, `.d.ts` will take higher priority then normal `.js`/`.jsx` files on resolving `node_modules` packages in favor of `@types/*` definitions or its own definition.

If you're facing some problems on rules `import/default` or `import/named` from [`eslint-plugin-import`][], do not post any issue here, because they are just working exactly as [expected]( on our sides, take [import-js/eslint-plugin-import#1525]( as reference or post a new issue to [`eslint-plugin-import`][] instead.

## Installation

# npm
npm i -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript

# pnpm
pnpm i -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript

# yarn
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-import-resolver-typescript

**Important when using `eslint-plugin-i` and `npm`**: Use `npm i -D eslint-plugin-import@eslint-plugin-i@latest eslint-import-resolver-typescript`, or you will end up with both `eslint-plugin-import` and `eslint-plugin-i` in your node_modules.

## Configuration

Add the following to your `.eslintrc` config:

"plugins": ["import"],
"rules": {
// turn on errors for missing imports
"import/no-unresolved": "error"
"settings": {
"import/parsers": {
"@typescript-eslint/parser": [".ts", ".tsx"]
"import/resolver": {
"typescript": {
"alwaysTryTypes": true, // always try to resolve types under `@types` directory even it doesn't contain any source code, like `@types/unist`

// Choose from one of the "project" configs below or omit to use /tsconfig.json by default

// use /path/to/folder/tsconfig.json
"project": "path/to/folder",

// Multiple tsconfigs (Useful for monorepos)

// use a glob pattern
"project": "packages/*/tsconfig.json",

// use an array
"project": [

// use an array of glob patterns
"project": [

## Options from [`enhanced-resolve`][]

### `conditionNames`



// APF:


### `extensions`


// `.mts`, `.cts`, `.d.mts`, `.d.cts`, `.mjs`, `.cjs` are not included because `.cjs` and `.mjs` must be used explicitly

### `extensionAlias`


".js": [
// `.tsx` can also be compiled as `.js`
".jsx": [".tsx", ".d.ts", ".jsx"],
".cjs": [".cts", ".d.cts", ".cjs"],
".mjs": [".mts", ".d.mts", ".mjs"]

### `mainFields`



// APF:



### Other options

You can pass through other options of [`enhanced-resolve`][] directly

### Default options

You can reuse `defaultConditionNames`, `defaultExtensions`, `defaultExtensionAlias` and `defaultMainFields` by `require/import` them directly

## Contributing

- Make sure your change is covered by a test import.
- Make sure that `yarn test` passes without a failure.
- Make sure that `yarn lint` passes without conflicts.
- Make sure your code changes match our [type-coverage]( settings: `yarn type-coverage`.

We have [GitHub Actions]( which will run the above commands on your PRs.

If either fails, we won't be able to merge your PR until it's fixed.

## Sponsors

| 1stG | RxTS | UnTS |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [![1stG Open Collective backers and sponsors](]( | [![RxTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](]( | [![UnTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](]( |

## Backers

| 1stG | RxTS | UnTS |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [![1stG Open Collective backers and sponsors](]( | [![RxTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](]( | [![UnTS Open Collective backers and sponsors](]( |

## Changelog

Detailed changes for each release are documented in [](./

## License

