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Package for working with hypernetworks in PyTorch.

deep-learning hypernet hypernets hypernetwork hypernetworks neural-network python pytorch torch

Last synced: 16 days ago
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Package for working with hypernetworks in PyTorch.




# Hypernetworks for PyTorch

[This package]( contains utilities that make it easy to work with [hypernetworks]( in [PyTorch](

## Installation

You can either install the latest package version via

python3 -m pip install hypnettorch

or, you directly install the current sources

python3 -m pip install git+

#### Installation for developers

If you actively develop the package, it is easiest to install it in `development mode`, such that all changes that are done to source files are directly visible when you use the package.

Clone the repository to a location of your choice

git clone

and move inside the cloned repo

cd ./hypnettorch

Now, you can simply **install** the package in `editable` mode, which will ensure that you can easily update the package sources (cf. [development mode](

pip3 install --editable . --user

Since the package was installed in `editable` mode, you can always update the sources simply by pulling the most recent code

git pull

You can **uninstall** the package at any point by running `python3 develop -u`.

## Usage

The basic functionalities of the package are quite intuitive and easy to use, e.g.,

import torch
from hypnettorch.mnets import MLP
from hypnettorch.hnets import HMLP
mnet = MLP(n_in=8, n_out=1, no_weights=True) # Create MLP with 8 inputs and 1 output.
hnet = HMLP(mnet.param_shapes) # Create hypernetwork for the above MLP.
weights = hnet.forward(cond_id=0) # Generate the weights of network `mnet`.
inputs = torch.rand(32, 8) # Random inputs.
mnet.forward(inputs, weights=weights) # Compute predictions using the generated weights.

There are several [tutorials]( Check out the [getting started]( tutorial when working with ``hypnettorch`` for the first time.

You may also checkout the [examples]( For instance, how to use hypernetworks for continual learning.

## Documentation

The documentation can be found [here](

#### Note for developers

The documentation can be build using

python3 build_sphinx

and opened via the file [index.html](docs/html/index.html).

## Citation

When using this package in your research project, please consider citing one of our papers for which this package has been developed.

title={Posterior Meta-Replay for Continual Learning},
author={Christian Henning and Maria R. Cervera and Francesco D'Angelo and Johannes von Oswald and Regina Traber and Benjamin Ehret and Seijin Kobayashi and Benjamin F. Grewe and João Sacramento},
booktitle={Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

title={Continual Learning in Recurrent Neural Networks},
author={Benjamin Ehret and Christian Henning and Maria R. Cervera and Alexander Meulemans and Johannes von Oswald and Benjamin F. Grewe},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},

title={Continual learning with hypernetworks},
author={Johannes von Oswald and Christian Henning and Benjamin F. Grewe and Jo{\~a}o Sacramento},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},