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Automatically update Docker swarm services.

automation docker docker-swarm self-hosted shell updater

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Automatically update Docker swarm services.




# Gantry - Docker service updater

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[*Gantry*]( automatically updates selected docker swarm services to newer images with the same tag. It is inspired by but [enhanced Shepherd](docs/

## Usage

*Gantry* is released as a container [image]( You can create a docker service and run it on a swarm manager node.

docker service create \
--name gantry \
--mode replicated-job \
--constraint "node.role==manager" \
--mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \

Or with docker compose, see the [example](examples/

You can also run *Gantry* as a script directly on the host outside the container

*Gantry* is written to work with `busybox ash` (v1.35+) as well as `bash`.

## Configurations

You can configure the most behaviors of *Gantry* via environment variables.

### Common ones

| Environment Variable | Default |Description |
| GANTRY_LOG_LEVEL | INFO | Control how many logs generated by *Gantry*. Valid values are `NONE`, `ERROR`, `WARN`, `INFO`, `DEBUG` (case sensitive). |
| GANTRY_NODE_NAME | | Add node name to logs. If not set, *Gantry* will use the host name of the Docker Swarm's manager, which is read from either the Docker daemon socket of current node or `DOCKER_HOST`. |
| GANTRY_POST_RUN_CMD | | Command(s) to `eval` after each updating iteration. |
| GANTRY_PRE_RUN_CMD | | Command(s) to `eval` before each updating iteration. |
| GANTRY_SLEEP_SECONDS | 0 | Interval between two updates. Set it to 0 to run *Gantry* once and then exit. When this is a non-zero value, after an updating, *Gantry* will sleep until the next scheduled update. The actual sleep time is this value minus time spent on updating services. |
| TZ | | Set timezone for time in logs. |

*Gantry* bases on Docker command line, [environment variables]( for Docker command line also works for *Gantry*.

### To login to registries

| Environment Variable | Default | Description |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG_FILE | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIGS_FILE | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_HOST | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_HOST_FILE | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_FILE | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_USER | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |
| GANTRY_REGISTRY_USER_FILE | | See [Authentication](#authentication). |

### To select services

| Environment Variable | Default | Description |
| GANTRY_SERVICES_EXCLUDED | | A space separated list of services names that are excluded from updating. |
| GANTRY_SERVICES_EXCLUDED_FILTERS | | A space separated list of [filters](, e.g. `label=project=project-a`. Exclude services which match the given filters from updating. Note that multiple filters will be logical **ANDED**. |
| GANTRY_SERVICES_FILTERS | | A space separated list of [filters]( that are accepted by `docker service ls --filter` to select services to update, e.g. `label=project=project-a`. Note that multiple filters will be logical **ANDED**. |
| GANTRY_SERVICES_SELF | | This is optional. When running as a docker service, *Gantry* will try to find the service name of itself automatically, and update itself firstly. The manifest inspection will be always performed on the *Gantry* service to avoid an infinity loop of updating itself. This can be used to ask *Gantry* to update another service firstly. |

### To check if new images are available

| Environment Variable | Default | Description |
| GANTRY_MANIFEST_CMD | buildx | Valid values are `buildx`, `manifest`, and `none`.
Set which command for manifest inspection. Also see FAQ section [when to set `GANTRY_MANIFEST_CMD`](docs/

  • [`docker buildx imagetools inspect`](

  • [`docker manifest inspect`](

Set to `none` to skip checking the manifest. As a result of skipping, `docker service update` always runs. In case you add `--force` to `GANTRY_UPDATE_OPTIONS`, you also want to disable the inspection. |
| GANTRY_MANIFEST_OPTIONS | | [Options]( added to the `docker buildx imagetools inspect` or [options]( to `docker manifest inspect`, depending on `GANTRY_MANIFEST_CMD` value. |

### To add options to services update

| Environment Variable | Default | Description |
| GANTRY_ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE | true | Set to `true` to enable rollback when updating fails. Set to `false` to disable the rollback. |
| GANTRY_ROLLBACK_OPTIONS | | [Options]( added to the `docker service update --rollback` command. |
| GANTRY_UPDATE_JOBS | false | Set to `true` to update replicated-job or global-job. Set to `false` to disable updating jobs. |
| GANTRY_UPDATE_NUM_WORKERS | 1 | The maximum number of updates that can run in parallel. |
| GANTRY_UPDATE_OPTIONS | | [Options]( added to the `docker service update` command. |
| GANTRY_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS | 300 | Error out if updating of a single service takes longer than the given time. |

### After updating

| Environment Variable | Default | Description |
| GANTRY_CLEANUP_IMAGES | true | Set to `true` to clean up the updated images. Set to `false` to disable the cleanup. Before cleaning up, *Gantry* will try to remove any *exited* and *dead* containers that are using the images. |
| GANTRY_CLEANUP_IMAGES_OPTIONS | | [Options]( added to the `docker service create` command to create a global job for images removal. You can use this to add a label to the service or the containers. |
| GANTRY_NOTIFICATION_APPRISE_URL | | Enable notifications on service update with [apprise]( This must point to the notification endpoint (e.g. `http://apprise:8000/notify`) |
| GANTRY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE | | Add an additional message to the notification title. |

## Authentication

If you only need to login to a single registry, you can use the environment variables `GANTRY_REGISTRY_USER`, `GANTRY_REGISTRY_PASSWORD`, `GANTRY_REGISTRY_HOST` and `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG` to provide the authentication information. You may also use the `*_FILE` variants to pass the information through files. The files can be added to the service via [docker secret]( `GANTRY_REGISTRY_HOST` and `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG` are optional. Use `GANTRY_REGISTRY_HOST` when you are not using Docker Hub. Use `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG` when you want to enable authentication for only selected services.

If the images of services are hosted on multiple registries that are required authentication, you should provide a configuration file to the *Gantry* and set `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIGS_FILE` correspondingly. You can use [docker secret]( to provision the configuration file. The configuration file must be in the following format:

* Each line should contain 4 columns, which are either `` or `` separated. The columns are

> * config name: an identifier for the account.
> * host: the registry to authenticate against, e.g.
> * user: the user name to authenticate as.
> * password: the password to authenticate with.
* Lines starting with `#` are comments.
* Empty lines, comment lines and invalid lines are ignored.

You need to tell *Gantry* to use a named config rather than the default one when updating a particular service. The named configurations are set via either `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG`, `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIG_FILE` or `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIGS_FILE`. This can be done by adding the following label to the service `gantry.auth.config=`. *Gantry* creates [Docker configuration files]( and adds `--config ` to the Docker command line for the corresponding services.

> NOTE: You also want to manually add `--with-registry-auth` to `GANTRY_UPDATE_OPTIONS` and `GANTRY_ROLLBACK_OPTIONS` when you enable authentication.

> NOTE: You can use `GANTRY_REGISTRY_CONFIGS_FILE` together with other authentication environment variables.

> NOTE: *Gantry* uses `GANTRY_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` and `GANTRY_REGISTRY_USER` to obtain Docker Hub rate when `GANTRY_REGISTRY_HOST` is empty or ``. You can also use their `_FILE` variants. If either password or user is empty, *Gantry* reads the Docker Hub rate for anonymous users.

## FAQ


[Migrate from *Shepherd*](docs/

## Development

*Gantry* is written to work with `busybox ash` (v1.35+), thus it could run easily in an alpine-based container without additional packages installed. One exception is that the notification feature requires `curl`. *Gantry* is also tested in `bash`.

[shellcheck]( will run on push to enforce the best practices of writing shell scripts. Some checks are disabled thanks to `busybox ash` supports more features than POSIX `sh`. You can find the list of disabled checks in [.shellcheckrc](.shellcheckrc).

To run `shellcheck` locally:
shellcheck src/*.sh tests/*.sh

The [tests](./tests/ [folder](./tests) contains end-to-end tests, which cover the majority of the configuration options.

## Contacts

If you have any problems or questions, please contact me through a [GitHub issue](