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A simple SSO for NGINX, written in Lua

authentication-portal ldap lua nginx-module sso yunohost

Last synced: 21 days ago
JSON representation

A simple SSO for NGINX, written in Lua





A simple LDAP SSO for NGINX, written in Lua.

Translation status


- [Please report issues to the YunoHost bugtracker](


- `nginx-extras` from Debian wheezy-backports
- `lua-json`
- `lua-ldap`
- `lua-filesystem`
- `lua-socket`
- `lua-rex-pcre`


- "OpenResty" flavored NGINX:
- `lua-ldap`
- `lua-filesystem`
- `lua-socket`
- `lua-rex-pcre`


* Fetch the repository

git clone /etc/ssowat

NGINX configuration

* Add SSOwat's NGINX configuration (`http{}` scope)

nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssowat.conf


lua_shared_dict cache 10m;
init_by_lua_file /etc/ssowat/init.lua;
access_by_lua_file /etc/ssowat/access.lua;


You can also put the `access_by_lua_file` directive in a `server{}` scope if you want to protect only a vhost.

SSOwat configuration

mv /etc/ssowat/conf.json.example /etc/ssowat/conf.json
nano /etc/ssowat/conf.json

If you use YunoHost, you may want to edit the `/etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent` file, since the `/etc/ssowat/conf.json` will often be overwritten.

## Available parameters

Only the `portal_domain` SSOwat configuration parameters is required, but it is recommended to know the others to fully understand what you can do with it.


### portal_domain

Domain of the authentication portal. It has to be a domain, IP addresses will not work with SSOwat (**Required**).


### portal_path

URI of the authentication portal (**default**: `/ssowat/`). This path **must** end with “`/`”.


### portal_port

Web port of the authentication portal (**default**: `443` for `https`, `80` for `http`).


### portal_scheme

Whether authentication should use secure connection or not (**default**: `https`).


### domains

List of handled domains (**default**: similar to `portal_domain`).


### ldap_host

LDAP server hostname (**default**: `localhost`).


### ldap_group

LDAP group to search in (**default**: `ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org`).


### ldap_identifier

LDAP user identifier (**default**: `uid`).


### ldap_attributes

User's attributes to fetch from LDAP (**default**: `["uid", "givenname", "sn", "cn", "homedirectory", "mail", "maildrop"]`).


### ldap_enforce_crypt

Let SSOwat re-encrypt weakly-encrypted LDAP passwords into the safer sha-512 (crypt) (**default**: `true`).


### allow_mail_authentication

Whether users can authenticate with their mail address (**default**: `true`).


### login_arg

URI argument to use for cross-domain authentication (**default**: `sso_login`).


### additional_headers

Array of additionnal HTTP headers to set once user is authenticated (**default**: `{ "Remote-User": "uid" }`).


### session_timeout

The session expiracy time limit in seconds, since the last connection (**default**: `86400` / one day).


### session_max_timeout

The session expiracy time limit in seconds (**default**: `604800` / one week).


### redirected_urls

Array of URLs and/or URIs to redirect and their redirect URI/URL (**example**: `{ "/": "" }`).


### redirected_regex

Array of regular expressions to be matched against URLs **and** URIs and their redirect URI/URL (**example**: `{ "$": "" }`).


### default_language

Language code used by default in views (**default**: `en`).


### permissions

The list of permissions depicted as follows:

"myapp.main": {
"auth_header": true,
"label": "MyApp",
"public": true,
"show_tile": true,
"uris": [
"users": [
"myapp.admin": {
"auth_header": true,
"label": "MyApp (admin)",
"public": false,
"show_tile": false,
"uris": [
"users": [
"myapp.api": {
"auth_header": false,
"label": "MyApp (api)",
"public": true,
"show_tile": false,
"uris": [
"users": []

#### auth_header

Does the SSO add an authentication header that allows certain apps to connect automatically? (**True by default**)

#### label

A user-friendly name displayed in the portal and in the administration panel to manage permission. (**By convention it is of the form: Name of the app (specificity of this permission)**)

#### public

Can a person who is not connected to the SSO have access to this authorization?

#### show_tile

Display or not the tile in the user portal.

#### uris

A list of url attatched to this permission, a regex url start with `re:`.

#### users

A list of users which is allowed to access to this permission. If `public`.