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Vika is a API-based SaaS database platform for users and developers, Java SDK for connecting vikadata Open API.

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Vika is a API-based SaaS database platform for users and developers, Java SDK for connecting vikadata Open API.




# Vikadata™ Java SDK (**)
Java Client Library for the Vika OpenAPI


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[Vika]( Java SDK

Vikadata™ Java API (**) provides a full featured and easy to consume Java
library for working with vikadata via the Vikadata OpenAPI.


## Usage

### Java Version Requirement

Java 8+ is required to use sdk. not support Java 8 below

## Getting Started

### Installation

* Maven




* Gradle

dependencies {
... ...

## **Usage Example**

vika java sdk is quite simple to use, you don't need to set api url, all you need is the
``Personal Api Key`` from your vika account settings page. Once you have that info it is as
simple as:

First, you need to set api credential which belong your personal api key.

ApiCredential credential = new ApiCredential("Your API Key");

Then, Init client instance

VikaApiClient vikaApiClient = new VikaApiClient(credential);

By default, the API client has been added for setting connect and read timeouts, you can also change:

// Set the connect timeout to 8 second and the read timeout to 9 seconds
VikaApiClient vikaApiClient = new VikaApiClient(credential)

As private deployment user, you can also change host url

VikaApiClient vikaApiClient = new VikaApiClient("http://ip:port", credential);

#### **Query Record**

Most simple usage for query record quickly

// Get 10 records on first page
List records = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheetId", 1, 10);

#### **Pager Resulting**

API client provides an easy way to use paging mechanism to page through lists of results from the Open API.
Below code are a couple of examples on how to use the Pager:

// Get a Pager instance that will page through the records with 100 record per page
Pager pager = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheet_id", 100);

// Iterate through the pages and print out the per record detail
while (pager.hasNext()) {
for (Record record : {
System.out.println(record.getRecordId() + " -: " + record.getFields());

you can also fetch all the items as a single list using a Pager instance:
// Get a Pager instance so we can load all the records into a single list, 100 record at a time:
Pager pager = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheet_id", 100);
List records = pager.all();

**Java 8 Stream Support**

also provide method that returns a Java 8 Stream.
// Pager as stream,support forEach、Group、Filter operation
Stream records = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecordsAsStream("datasheet_id");

// ex: extract record id to a list;

**Advance Query**

// build query condition
ApiQueryParam queryParam = new ApiQueryParam(1, 50)
.withSort("fieldName", Order.DESC).withSort("fieldName", Order.ASC)
// query return pager result
Pager pager = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().getRecords("datasheet_id", queryParam);

#### **Add Record**

Class ``RecordMap`` is a key-value structure like ``Map``, all thing you do is converting json to map, you can use convert util from sdk provide which is named ``JacksonConverter``, you also can use jackson api build json structure data, more detail please reference unit test.

you can add record through two difference way, `id` or `name`, default is `name` fieldKey.

using default fieldKey `name` example:
// Build Record Map by jackson api
ObjectNode fieldMap = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode()
// simple data
.put("fieldName", "string")
.put("number", 1234);
// sub tree node
.set("city", JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode().add("NewYork").add("Bejing"));
// put record map into fields key
ObjectNode fields = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().set("fields", fieldMap);
// only one record, warp record into array node
ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode().add(fields);
// convert json to Map List
List recordMaps = JacksonConverter.unmarshalToList(RecordMap.class, arrayNode);
// create record request
CreateRecordRequest recordRequest = new CreateRecordRequest()
// ok
List newRecords = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().addRecords("datasheet_id", recordRequest);

using fieldKey `id` example:
// Build Record Map by jackson api
ObjectNode fieldMap = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode()
// simple data
.put("fld_id", "string")
.put("fld_id", 1234);
// sub tree node
.set("fld_id", JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode().add("NewYork").add("Bejing"));
// put record map into fields key
ObjectNode fields = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().set("fields", fieldMap);
// only one record, warp record into array node
ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode().add(fields);
// convert json to Map List
List recordMaps = JacksonConverter.unmarshalToList(RecordMap.class, arrayNode);
// create record request
CreateRecordRequest recordRequest = new CreateRecordRequest()
// ok
List newRecords = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().addRecords("datasheet_id", recordRequest);

#### **Update Record**

update record also provide two difference way to modifying data, using fieldKey `id` or `name`, default is `name` fieldKey.

using default fieldKey `name` example:

// Build update record model
UpdateRecord record = new UpdateRecord()
// row record id from query result or add record result
// single-text type field cell
.withField("SingleText", "ABC")
// single-select type field cell,
// it can be set null or empty array if you want to clear field value: withField("Options", null)
.withField("Options", Arrays.asList("LL", "NN"));
// new Request model
UpdateRecordRequest updateRecordRequest = new UpdateRecordRequest()
// request send
List updateRecords = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().updateRecords("datasheet_id", updateRecordRequest);

using fieldKey `id` example:

// Build update record model
UpdateRecord record = new UpdateRecord()
// row record id from query result or add record result
// single-text type field cell
.withField("fld_id", "ABC")
// single-select type field cell,
// it can be set null or empty array if you want to clear field value: withField("Options", null)
.withField("fld_id", Arrays.asList("LL", "NN"));
// new Request model
UpdateRecordRequest updateRecordRequest = new UpdateRecordRequest()
// request send
List updateRecords = vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().updateRecords("datasheet_id", updateRecordRequest);

#### **Delete Record**

// DELETE one record only
vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().deleteRecord("datasheet_id", "recXXXXXX");

// DELETE many record
vikaApiClient.getRecordApi().deleteRecords("datasheet_id", Arrays.asList("recXXXXXX", "recXXXXXX"));

// Delete all records, may be slowly work if sheet have large records

#### **Upload Attachment**

sdk provide several way to upload attachment, You can choose the way to upload anything that suits you

// classPath resource on src/main/resource/test.txt
ResourceLoader classPathResource = new ClassPathResourceLoader("test.txt");
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", classPathResource);

// or url resource from web
ResourceLoader urlResource = new UrlResourceLoader(UrlUtil.url(""))
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", urlResource);

// or file resource
File file = new File("/Users/Document/test.txt");
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", new FileResourceLoader(file));

// or upload file type directly
File file = new File("/Users/Document/test.txt");
Attachment attachment = vikaApiClient.getAttachmentApi().upload("datasheet_id", file);

#### **Add Field**

You can create field by sdk. Firstly, we need to build the property required by the field. Secondly, Using `CreateFieldRequestBuilder` to creating a `CreateFieldRequest` object. Finally, submitting the request to the specified space and the specified datasheet. If creating the field successfully, we can get the new field's `id` and `name`.

> more detail about field type and property of field see official [API manual#create-field](

create single text field example:

// build the SingleText field's property
SingleTextFieldProperty singleTextFieldProperty = new SingleTextFieldProperty();
// create a CreateFieldRequest Object
CreateFieldRequest createFieldRequest = CreateFieldRequestBuilder
// request to create a field
CreateFieldResponse response = vikaApiClient.getFieldApi().addField("space_id", "datasheet_id", createFieldRequest);

create text field example:

// if field don't require property, we can skip the process that build the property
CreateFieldRequest createFieldRequest = CreateFieldRequestBuilder
// request to create a field
CreateFieldResponse createFieldRequest = vikaApiClient.getFieldApi().addField("space_id", "datasheet_id", createFieldRequest);

#### **Detele Field**

// we can use field_id to detele field
vikaApiClient.getFieldApi().deleteField("space_id", "datasheet_id", "field_id");

#### **Add Datasheet**

You can create a datasheet with the help of a `CreateDatasheetRequest` Object. If creating the datasheet successfully, we can get the new datasheet's `id`, `name` and the fields' `id`, `name`.

> more detail see official [API munual#create-datasheet](

// create a CreateDatasheetRequest Object
CreateDatasheetRequest createDatasheetRequest = new CreateDatasheetRequest();
// datasheet's name is required.
// add description to datasheet
// specify the folder where the datasheet is stored
// specify the datasheet's previous node

// datasheet's initial fields
SingleTextFieldProperty property = new SingleTextFieldProperty();
// a SingleText field
CreateFieldRequest singleSelectField = CreateFieldRequestBuilder
// a Text field
CreateFieldRequest textField = CreateFieldRequestBuilder
List> fields = new ArrayList<>();

// request to create a datasheet
CreateDatasheetResponse response = vikaApiClient.getDatasheetApi().addDatasheet("space_id", createDatasheetRequest);

## Reporting Issues

Vika java sdk project uses GitHub's integrated issue tracking system to record bugs and feature requests.
If you want to raise an issue, please follow the recommendations below:

* Before you log a bug, please search the [issue tracker][github_issues] to see if someone has already reported the problem.
* If the issue doesn't already exist, [create a new issue][github_issues_new].
* Please provide as much information as possible with the issue report, we like to know the version that you are using, as well as your Operating System and JVM version.
* If you need to paste code, or include a stack trace use Markdown escapes before and after your text.

## License
Open Source software released under the [MIT License](