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Chart.js Venn and Euler Diagrams

chartjs chartjs-plugin euler euler-diagram set-theory venn-diagram venndiagram

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Chart.js Venn and Euler Diagrams




# Chart.js Venn and Euler Diagram Chart

[![NPM Package][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Github Actions][github-actions-image]][github-actions-url]

Chart.js module for charting venn diagrams with up to five sets. Adding new chart type: `venn` and `euler`.

![Sports Venn Diagram](

![five sets](

## Related Plugins

Check out also my other chart.js plugins:

- [chartjs-chart-boxplot]( for rendering boxplots and violin plots
- [chartjs-chart-error-bars]( for rendering errors bars to bars and line charts
- [chartjs-chart-geo]( for rendering map, bubble maps, and choropleth charts
- [chartjs-chart-graph]( for rendering graphs, trees, and networks
- [chartjs-chart-pcp]( for rendering parallel coordinate plots
- [chartjs-chart-wordcloud]( for rendering word clouds
- [chartjs-plugin-hierarchical]( for rendering hierarchical categorical axes which can be expanded and collapsed

## Install

npm install --save chart.js chartjs-chart-venn

## Usage

see [Examples](

or at this [![Open in CodePen][codepen]](

## Venn Diagram

### Data Structure

const config = {
type: 'venn',
data: ChartVenn.extractSets(
{ label: 'Soccer', values: ['alex', 'casey', 'drew', 'hunter'] },
{ label: 'Tennis', values: ['casey', 'drew', 'jade'] },
{ label: 'Volleyball', values: ['drew', 'glen', 'jade'] },
label: 'Sports',
options: {},

Alternative data structure

const config = {
type: 'venn',
data: {
labels: [
'Soccer ∩ Tennis',
'Soccer ∩ Volleyball',
'Tennis ∩ Volleyball',
'Soccer ∩ Tennis ∩ Volleyball',
datasets: [
label: 'Sports',
data: [
{ sets: ['Soccer'], value: 2 },
{ sets: ['Tennis'], value: 0 },
{ sets: ['Volleyball'], value: 1 },
{ sets: ['Soccer', 'Tennis'], value: 1 },
{ sets: ['Soccer', 'Volleyball'], value: 0 },
{ sets: ['Tennis', 'Volleyball'], value: 1 },
{ sets: ['Soccer', 'Tennis', 'Volleyball'], value: 1 },
options: {},

### Styling of elements

`ArcSlice` elements have the basic `backgroundColor`, `borderColor`, and `borderWidth` properties similar to a regular rectangle.

### Styling of labels

The `x` scale _ticks_ options are used to configure the _set value_ labels within the intersections.
The `y` scale _ticks_ options are used to configure the _set label_ labels next ot the set circles.
Changing the tick display options (e.g. `scales.x.ticks.display = false`) will disable the set value labels.
Similarly, its font spec and color are used to the styling of the labels.

## Euler Diagram

Euler diagrams are relaxed proportional venn diagrams such that the area of the circles and overlap try to fit the overlapping value.
It is a relaxed in a way that is just approximates the proportions using a numerical optimization process.
Moreover, only one and two set overlaps are used for the computation.
The library uses [venn.js]( in the background.

### Data Structure

const config = {
type: 'euler',
data: ChartVenn.extractSets(
{ label: 'A', values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] },
{ label: 'B', values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] },
{ label: 'C', values: [1, 11, 12, 4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] },
label: 'Sets',
options: {},

### Styling of elements

see Venn Diagram

## ESM and Tree Shaking

The ESM build of the library supports tree shaking thus having no side effects. As a consequence the chart.js library won't be automatically manipulated nor new controllers automatically registered. One has to manually import and register them.

Variant A:

import { Chart, LinearScale } from 'chart.js';
import { VennDiagramController, ArcSlice } from 'chartjs-chart-venn';

Chart.register(VennDiagramController, ArcSlice, LinearScale);

new Chart(ctx, {
data: [...],

Variant B:

import { VennDiagramChart } from 'chartjs-chart-venn';

new VennDiagramChart(ctx, {
data: [...],

## Development Environment

npm i -g yarn
yarn install
yarn sdks vscode

### Common commands

yarn compile
yarn test
yarn lint
yarn fix
yarn build
yarn docs
