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Chart.js plugin to calculate and draw statistical linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and polynomial regressions.

chart regressions

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Chart.js plugin to calculate and draw statistical linear, exponential, power, logarithmic, and polynomial regressions.




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# chartjs-plugin-regression
Chart.js plugin to calculate and draw statistical linear, exponential, power,
logarithmic, and polynomial regressions using chart datasets data.

The plugin, at the current version, uses the [regression](
npm package as its calculation engine.

### Important
- Only `bar`, `line`, and `scatter` chart types are supported.
- The plugin works just fine with [email protected], however that version may have some problems handling certain color configuration (not related with the plugin). No problems have been found with chart.js@^2.6.0.
- The plugin does not work with [email protected]

## Demo
For a better understanding of the capabilities of this plugin, please see this
[Live Demo](

## Download
The [compressed](
version includes the regression package.

## Installation

npm install --save chartjs-plugin-regression

## Usage

For a single chart, it needs to be listed in plugins section.

### Example:

new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
plugins: [
// This chart will use the plugin
data: {
datasets: [
// Configuration of the plugin per dataset (only will be drawn the datasets with this property)
regressions: {
type: 'linear',
line: { color: 'red', width: 3},

Also, it's possible to register the plugin for all the charts:


## Configuration

The plugin has three levels of configuration:

- global (for all the datasets in a chart)
- Per dataset
- Per section

There are common properties that the three levels share, and the priority of them are: section, dataset, and global.

### Common properties

Common to the three levels of configuration.

| Property | Description |
| type | Type of regression to be calculated. It can be 'copy', 'linear', 'exponential', 'power', 'polynomial', 'polynomial3', 'polynomial4', or 'logarithmic'. It also can be an array with a combination of these types, in which case the regression type with the best [_R²_]( will be drawn. |
| line | Line configuration for drawing the regression. It has the following properties: `{width, color, dash}` |
| calculation | Precision and polynomial order of the values returned by the regression calculations |
| extendPredictions | Previous sections predictions for the current section will be drawed as dashed lines |
| copy | Only if type=='copy'. Behavior of sections that copy other section's calculation |

Some considerations:

- `type`: polynomial3 and polynomial4 are pseudo-types added for convenience, they allow combinationss where the plugin will draw the regression with bigger R². Example:

type: ['polynomial', 'polynomial3', 'polynomial4'],
calculation: {order 2}

- `calculation` has the following properties:

| Property | Description |
| `precision` | Determines how many decimals will have the results (default: 2). |
| `order` | Only for `polynomial` regression type, i.e. `polynomial3` and `polynomial4` are not affected by this property. Example: _ax² + bx + c_ has order 2. |

- `copy` has the following properties:

| Property | Description |
| `overwriteData` | Possible values: 'none', 'all', 'empty', or 'last'. Default: 'none'. It determines how the dataset's data will be overwritten in this section (empty: Only zero, undefined, or null data will be overwriten). **Obs.** the plugin is only prepared to overwrite numerical data arrays, e.g. `[1,2,3,...]`, scatter charts use xy data arrays, e.g. `[{x:1,y:1}, {x:2,y:2},...]`, with them the behavior is undetermined. In these cases it's better use `overwriteData: 'none'`. |
| `minValue` | Minimum value that the predicted value can be written into the data. |
| `maxValue` | Maximum value that the predicted value can be written into the data. |

### Global

The global configuration affects all the regressions calculated for all the datasets in the chart. It contains all the common properties and the following properties:

| Property | Description |
| onCompleteCalculation | Callback called when the regressions for all the datasets in a chart have been calculated |


options: {
plugins: {
regressions: {
type: ['linear', 'polynomial'],
line: { color: 'blue', width: 3 },
onCompleteCalculation: function callback(chart){ ... }

### Per Dataset

It's possible to configure the regressions per dataset. The configuration will contain all the common properties and the following properties:

| Property | Description |
| sections | Array of sections of the data that shall be drawn. If not specified it's assumed `[{start:0,end:data.length-1}]` |


datasets: [
// Configuration of the plugin per dataset (only will be drawn the datasets with this property)
regressions: {
type: ['linear','exponential'],
line: { color: '#ff0', width: 3},
calculation: { precision: 5 },
sections: [{startIndex: 10, endIndex: 50}],

### Per Section

Each section can be configured independently using all the common properties and the following properties:

| Property | Description |
| startIndex | Start index on dataset's data. Default: 0 |
| endIndex | End index on dataset's data. Default: data.length-1 |
| label | Label that will be drawn in the top of the right border line. Default: xaxis' label |
| copy.fromSectionIndex | Copy the predictions calculated by other section (the one with index fromSectionIndex) |


datasets: [
// Configuration of the plugin per dataset (only will be drawn the datasets with this property)
regressions: {
line: { width: 3 },
calculation: { precision: 5 },
sections: [
type: ['linear','exponential'],
line: { color: 'red' },
startIndex: 10,
endIndex: 50
type: 'polynomial',
line: { color: 'green' },
startIndex: 50,
endIndex: 80,
calculation: { order: 4 }

## API

### .getDataset(chart, datasetIndex)

Returns the metadata associated to one dataset used internally by the plugin to work.

var meta = ChartRegressions.getDataset(chart, datasetIndex);

This object provides the following information:

| Property | Description |
| `sections` | array of sections for each dataset (it will contain at least 1 section) |
| `getXY(x, y)` | Returns the canvas coordinates {x,y} for the data point `x, y`. |
| `topY` | Minimum y coordinate in the canvas. |
| `bottomY` | Maximum y coordinate in the canvas. |

### .getSections(chart, datasetIndex)

Returns the sections with all the properties calculated (some with default values, or inherited from dataset's plugin configuration or the global configuration in options).

This object provides the following information:

| Property | Description |
| `type` | array of regression types used to calculate and draw the section. |
| `startIndex` | Index of the dataset's data. |
| `endIndex` | Index of the dataset's data. |
| `line` | Configuration used to draw the lines {color, width, dash}. |
| `result` | Regression calculation result (see [demo]( to see how to use this information. |

## Events

### onCompleteCalculation(chart)

The plugin provides one single event to inform when the calculation of all the regresions for a chart have been conmpleted.

This callback should be configured in the chart options.


options: {
plugins: {
regressions: {
onCompleteCalculation: function callback(chart){ ... }

## License
The project is released under the [ISC license](