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Presentation and materials for The Graph developers taking their first space-walk 🧑‍🚀

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Presentation and materials for The Graph developers taking their first space-walk 🧑‍🚀




Welcome to thegraph-hacker-kit 👋

License: MIT

Twitter: pi0neerpat

Twitter: dan13ram

> Presentation and materials for The Graph developers taking their first space-walk 🧑‍🚀

Are you ready to learn how to write subgraphs? Start the countdown.

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#### 2...

#### 1...

## Launch! 👉 [click here]( 🌍🚀 🌠🧑‍🚀🌙

## Authors

Pi0neerpat and dan13ram are experienced subgraph developers and are mercenaries in The Raid Guild, a web3 consultancy and services DAO. They've worked on subgraph projects for clients such as Superfluid, xDai Omnibridge, NFTX, and rDAI.

👤 **pi0neerpat**

From creating subgraphs, consuming them in dapps, and even running a Graph Protocol Indexer, pi0neerpat is a jack-of-all-trades in web3. He strives for excellence in both technical writing and guided-instruction, and is always open to questions from his students.

- Website:
- Twitter: [@pi0neerpat](
- GitHub: [@pi0neerpat](

👤 **dan13ram**

- Website:
- Twitter: [@dan13ram](
- GitHub: [@dan13ram](

## ⚔️ Hire Us • ⚔️

## Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

## Contents

- 🧑‍🚀 Subgraph Developer Bootcamp 🥾
- Recorded Live Workshop, including Q+A
- A feeling of "I can do this"

## Objectives

You will:

- Gain skills and confidence needed to write subgraphs, and need only a limited amount of support from peers
- Initialize a local graph-node environment
- Deploy subgraphs and write tests
- Know where to find information, and how to ask for help

## Prerequisites - REQUIRED (1 Hour)

In order to be prepared for this course you **MUST already understand the basics of graphql**. Luckily some very hard-working people put together an excellent interactive tutorial for you!

Spend at _least 1 hour_ doing the tutorial and skimming the docs:

- Graphql Tutorial:
- Making Graph Queries:

Software installation requirement - have these already installed:

- [docker](
- [docker-compose](
- [yarn](

## Additional resources:

- Run a Graph Indexer using Docker [pi0neerpat/indexer-docker-compose](
- Helper functions to quickly manipulate events [protofire/subgraph-toolkit](

## Known issues:

- Whenever possible, rely on the generated schema to map your event types, as importing external libraries might [be]( [difficult]( This is due to the [AssemblyScript]( compiler used by TheGraph. If you rely on any external functions, make sure to extend it's default [TypeScript configuration](

## From the Authors:

- - Web3 consultancy and services organization. Hire us!
- - Easy interfaces for any smart contract
- - No-loss giving for charity
- - Defi primitive for recurring payments and novel token features

## Thank You!

The workshop and these materials were made possible thanks to a grant from The Graph Protocol.


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