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A simple `preact-cli` template for auth0

auth0 preact preact-cli

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A simple `preact-cli` template for auth0




# preact-auth0-template

## Documentation
- This is a simple `preact-cli` template for [auth0]( Live demo is available [here](
- [For Preact]( General information about how to work with Preact, not specific to this template

## Usage

``` bash
$ npm install -g preact-cli
$ preact create dramloc/preact-auth0-template my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Development server runs on port `8080`. If the default port is already in use on your machine it will start the development server on a random port.

## Commands

- `npm run start`: Runs `serve` or `dev`, depending on `NODE_ENV` value. Defaults to `dev server`

- `npm run dev`: Run a development, HMR server

- `npm run serve`: Run a production-like server

- `npm run build`: Production-ready build

- `npm run lint`: Pass JavaScript files using ESLint

- `npm run test`: Run Jest and [`preact-render-spy`]( for your tests

### How to Test

The `default` template provides a basic test setup with Jest and [`preact-render-spy`]( You are free to change preact-render-spy with any other assertion library. The advantage of it is that it supports a similiar terminology and feature set as the Enzyme library for testing React applications.

You can run all additional Jest CLI commands with the `npm run test` command as described in the [Jest docs]( For example, running jest in watch mode would be :

- `npm run test -- --watch` instead of `jest --watch `

## Configuring auth0

- Make sure `http://localhost:8080/callback` is an allowed callback URL for your auth0 client.
- Edit `preact.config.js` and update `process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN` and `process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID` with your auth0 information.